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Weep, willow, weep o'er the stream that wanders, Yet never retraces its course;

Weep, willow, weep for the twilight of lovers

And all that are racked in a world run astray

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oft, felted pads, Kallikrates came out of the For a moment, framed in the oak doorway, he is orange coat raised by apprehension. The narck lunes of his yellow eyes expanded as, laden picion, he surveyed the noonday emptiness of the e flickering shadows thrown by the log fire; he to the ticking of the clock, to the regular snore the old collie, who lay before the hearth. His ewy body was banded as an arc, animate with fear; he waited for that something to happen nstinct and experience told him, must ever be against in the homes of men. But the silence found; the intensity receded from the watered his eyes. Kallikrates understood that the constill prevailed, that men were eating. Content, ted, gave a few casual licks to the thick, silky s left thigh.

a new thought entered his mind; he paused, thigh

pink tongue edging as the petal of a peony the ntness of his nose. Immensely watchful, conf encircling perils, Kallikrates crept along the the corridor found the study door open. leant

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