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The Index for Volume CIII, November, 1921, to April, 1922, inclusive, will be sent free of charge, on request.

THE CENTURY MAGAZINE; Published monthly; 50 cents a copy, $5.00 a year in the United States, $5.60 in Canada, and in all other countries (postage included). Publication and circulation office, Concord, N. H. Editorial and advertising offices, 353 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscriptions may be forwarded to either of the above offices. Pacific Coast office, 327 Van Nuys Building, Los Angeles, California. W. Morgan Shuster, President; Don M. Parker, Secretary; George L. Wheelock, Treasurer; James Abbott, Assistant Treasurer. Board of Trustees: George H. Hasen, Chairman; George Inness, Jr.; W. Morgan Shuster. The Century Co. and its editors receive manuscripts and art material, submitted for publication, only on the understanding that they shall not be responsible for loss or injury thereto while in their possession or in transit. All material herein published under copyright, 1922, by The Century Co. Title registered in the U. S. Patent Office. Entered as second-class matter August 18, 1920, at the U. S. post-office, Concord, N. H., under the act of March 3, 1879; entered also at the Post Office Department, Ottawa, Canada. Printed in U.S.A.

In the


by Thomas Hardy

A notable new poem, significantly decorated by Rockwell Kent.


by Bertrand Russell

A paper that will provoke antagonism as well as assent.


by James Branch Cabell A fascinating story told with Mr. Cabell's verbal witchery and ironic humor.

IMPRESSIONS OF BOLSHEVIK RUSSIA by James H. Goodrich A paper of first-hand impression by the former Governor of Indiana.


by Fitzhugh Green

A series of vigorous and realistic interpretations of Eskimo life. Decorations by John J. A. Murphy.


by Sheldon Cheney

Is this queer adventure in the arts legitimate insurgency or laughable insanity? Illustrated by many amusing examples of dadaistic art.

And other important features

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Through the publication of "Messer Marco Polo" and "Wisdom Buildeth Her House," Donn Byrne ("The Wind Bloweth") is already well. known to readers of THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. "Messer Marco Polo” is one of the most successful serials the magazine has recently published, and in book form it has had a notable success, having gone into its fourth printing, and with the prospect of many additional printings ahead. Mr. Byrne's full name is Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne, but he prefers the use of Donn Byrne without the hyphen, and signs all of his writings in that way. Mr. Byrne was born in New York of a Northof-Ireland family. His father, a well known Irish architect, had come to this country for a brief stay to superintend a building of which he was the designer. So it happened that at the age of three Brian Oswald Donn-Byrne was taken back to Ireland to grow up on the family estate, where Gaelic was more spoken than English, and where he might absorb all the fanciful romantic lore of Ireland. He received his degree from University College, Dublin (where he was a college boxing champion, by the way), and later studied at the Sorbonne in Paris and at Leipsic University. In 1911 he came to America, and after an apprenticeship at editorial work, made a notable success

as a writer of short stories. His first published volume was called "Stories without Women." This was followed by two novels, "The Stranger's Banquet" and "The Foolish Matrons," and last fall by "Messer Marco Polo." Since completing "Messer Marco Polo," more than a year ago, Mr. Byrne has been engaged upon this new novel, "The Wind Bloweth.' Into it has gone much from his own rich storehouse of Irish folk-lore and the warmth and beauty of imagination which is his Irish heritage. His own dedication of the book is found in the "Informal Talks" section of The Centurion.

George Bellows, whose drawings illustrate "The Wind Bloweth," is one of America's most notable artists. He has entered with extraordinary sympathy and understanding into the spirit of Mr. Byrne's novel, and the result, we believe, is one of those happy combinations of writer and artist which magazines strive to attain and seldom achieve.

Ernest H. Gruening ("Haiti under American Occupation") is managing editor of "The Nation." He went to Haiti for "The Nation," and as a representative of the Haiti-Santo Domingo Independence Society. He was present at the hearings held by the senatorial investigation commission. He also made firsthand investigations for himself. He writes, "I have been intensely interested in the Haitian-Dominican problem because I considered that our action down there contravened our most fundamental American ideals and principles, and I want to do all in my power to rectify the situation." He adds, as corrections to his article, that George Sylvain, the Haitian poet, was honored by the French Government, not by the French Academy, and that the national dance is the meringue, not the mareingue.

Alma and Paul Ellerbe ("Some People Say They are Married") first appeared in THE CENTURY MAGAZINE in 1917 with a short story called "The Citizen Paper." Alma Martin Estabrook had published a novel, "The Rule of Three," and short stories and novelettes in most of the American magazines before she married the chief examiner of the Denver Naturalization District and became the first half of the firm of Alma and Paul Ellerbe. The story in THE CENTURY MAGAZINE was "the firm's articles of incorporation, as it were," writes Mr. Ellerbe, "for it was the first result of the partnership." In 1918 Mr. and Mrs. Ellerbe spent the summer in a Ford car going from one Chautauqua tent to another, covering a total of ninety-one Middle Western towns in ninety-one consecutive days, at

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One of the 250,000 who provide Bell Service.


At Your Service

Imagine a bird's-eye view of the United States. Imagine it crisscrossed with telephone wires or underground cables connecting every city, town and hamlet. Imagine these wires reaching nearly 14,000,000 destinations-in city homes and offices and in 2,500,000 farmhouses.

Imagine all this and your vision is still short of the truth regarding the Bell System. A telephone at your elbow, a wire circuit to your farthest neighbor. Apparatus which embodies the latest developments of an army of trained scientists. The picture is still incomplete.








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In every center of population is a telephone exchange and an organization of skilled workers to give life to the nation-wide facilities of communication. Every circuit must be tested; every inch of wire watched and kept in repair; every switchboard operated day and night.

But that is not all. There is the new construction to meet the increasing needs of the telephone-using public. Every day, from one end of the country to the other, thousands of crews of linemen and cablemen, and installers of every kind of telephone equipment, carry on this work with the continued growth of the nation.




One Policy, One System, Universal Service, and all directed toward Better Service

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