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The way it performs, and the comfort of its riding and driving, will tell you conclusively that it richly merits its high rank among fine cars. The flow of power from the Chalmers Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan Chalmers Motor Company of Canada, Limited, Windsor, Ontario Na letter to ST. NICHOLAS One father says: "the back numbers to ST. NICHOLAS of ST. NICHOLAS were received, and were greeted with delight by the youngster. He says he has only one disappointment in ST. NICHOLAS that it does n't come once a week. For several days after one comes he goes into a sort of trance and abandons all else. Marvelous how it 'gets' him!" Yes, it does "get" them. This boy of the Far West, who spends his summers in the Grand Cañon country-who practically lives on horseback and in the open, finds ST. NICHOLAS even more fascinating than "exploring," fishing, and hunting. No matter whether your boy is of the city, the country, the small town, ST. 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L CENTURION PUBLISHERS, INC. 353 Fourth Avenue, New York City C. 3-22 Enclosed find $10.00, for which send me THE AMERICAN GOLFER, THE SPORT PICTORIAL, for one year (26 issues); and the 5-volume Memorial Edition, boxed and express paid. Magazine and Books may, if desired, be sent to separate addresses. Name... Address.. Postage in Canada 50 cents; foreign countries, $1.00. L RANE Sanitation Equipment, made for all sanitation requirements of bathroom, kitchen, pantry and laundry, so combines the attributes of beauty, convenience and durability that it is a source of permanent satisfaction. "Crane Throughout" is a policy which you will find it safe and pleasant to apply to the complete Plumbing, Sanitation and Heating Equipment of your home. The nearest Crane Exhibit Room, Branch or Office is ready to serve you. CRANE CO. 836 S. MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO VALVES-PIPE FITTINGS SANITARY FIXTURES CRANE EXHIBIT ROOMS 23 W. 44TH ST. 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