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suggestion. When applied to self it is autosuggestion. Suggestion is given through (1) one or more of the five senses or through (2) the mere power of concentrated thought. Distance is supposed to be no bar to thought suggestion.

Fifth: That the subjective mind, not being able to carry on inductive reasoning, but being capable of superb deductive action, is peculiarly susceptible to impressions, and by proper management can be made an obedient servant.

Sixth: That all disease has its origin in the mind, the subjective taking its cue from its environment, from the fears, the constitutional bent, the impressions received from other minds, misinterpreted sensations, etc.

Seventh: That prevention of disease consists in keeping the subjective mind under the power of wholesome suggestion; and that the cure of disease consists in the use of suggestions running counter to disease and the establishment of subconscious thoughts of health, inculcated by conscious volition.


These are the basic principles of all methods of psychic cure, though not always acknowledged or understood by those who practice them. systematic adaptation of them to medical practice is what I hope herein to accomplish.

"You can no more filter your mind into purity than you can compress it into calmness; you must keep it pure if you would have it pure, and throw no stone into it if you would have it quiet."-Ruskin.

New Methods in Detail.

"If any scientific society is worthy of encouragement and support it should surely be this. If there is any object worthy the patient and continued attention of humanity, it is surely these great and pressing problems of whence, what and whither, that have occupied the attention of Prophet and Philosopher since time was. The discovery of a new star, or of a marking on Mars, or of a new element, or of a new extinct animal or plant, is interesting: surely the discovery of a new human faculty is interesting, too. Already the discovery of telepathy' constitutes the firstfruits of this society's work, and it has laid the way open to the discovery of much more. Its aim is nothing less than the investigation and better comprehension of human facu ty, human personality and human destiny."-Sir Oliver Lodge, Pres. of the Psychic Research Society. Presidential address Jan. 30th last.

"The evidence that the brain cortex regulates absorption, secretion, vascular tension and the anabolic and katabolic process in the cells of the tissues may now be regarded as complete. Sores in many melancholics will not heal. Gland and lung tissue in idiots and dements are unable to resist the attacks of the tubercle bacillus, so that twothirds of our idiots and one-third of our dements die of tubercular diseases."-Prof. Clouston.

"A great many so-called illnesses are probably the result of boredom-that is, lack of some mental stimulus sufficiently strong to overcome the frequent disquieting symptoms to which humanity is heir and which undoubtedly can often be converted into bona fide ailments by mental suggestion. This is certainly true of three-fourths of my lady's indispositions, which disappear as if by magic under the skillful and tactful physician who combines a knowledge of the world with the skill of an Esculapius."-N. Y. Tribune.



Duality of Mind.

In claiming for man a dual mind it matters little whether the duality be regarded in the sense of separate minds or merely as separate departments or phases of mind. So far as

the brain and nervous system are concerned it is not assumed, by any one competent to hold an opinion, that there is an exact division, though it appears to be probable that the cerebrum is the particular part of the brain which has most to do with conscious life and thought. That conscious action utilizes every part of the brain and nervous system is quite probable. I suppose it may be justly added that consciousness itself is in a measure dependent on the integrity of certain parts usually regarded as belonging to the unconscious.

"Certain mental feelings seem connected with different parts of the body-love with the heart and melancholy with the liver, while to arrive at the highest point of mental insight there has always been a tendency to direct the thoughts to the pit of the stomach, or just above the navel; here lies the great solar plexus, the chief center of the sympathetic system. Many feelings are connected with this region, and we speak of a sickening story, sickening thoughts, etc. The Bible. speaks of bowels of mercies,' straitened in your own bowels,' etc."-Schofield.

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The new methods, it will be understood, reject the suggestion offered by some, that mind

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