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in cases which under ordinary circumstances require surgical treatment.”

It may be worth while also to consider the following:

Bosanquet believes that tumor-formation may be ascribed to the breaking loose of certain cells from their nervous control. It is well established that glandular activity, and probably the nutriment of many other forms of cells, are under the control of the nervous system. Should this control be lost, it is conceivable that, instead of atrophy, excessive growth may result, limited in extent only by the amount of nutriment supplied the cells.

My own observation in a number of cases confirms the growing conviction that the scope of psycho-therapy is not limited to neuroses.

Prof. James thinks that the dividing line between troubles classified as "nervous" and those known as "organic," is an arbitrary one, as the nerves control the entire economy. Hence on the whole he is "inclined to think that the healing action, like the morbid one, springs from the plane of the normally unconscious mind.'

Psycho-Therapeutics in Its
Purity Not Suited to All.

There is a large body of people in every community whose intellectual senses are so dull and whose powers of reasoning are so deficient that they can comprehend the action of naught but the gross and materialistic. The only way to reach their minds and produce an effect is through their physical senses. concept of energy that transcends the physical, and that is by far the most potential, is out of


their power. Such people must be given faith props. They cannot walk without crutches. They can be healed only through the intervention of media, such as drugs, instruments, applications, etc. This difference was clearly exemplified in the blind man whose sight was restored by the Great Physician and the Centurion whose servant was healed. In the first instance Jesus applied wet clay and required the man to go and wash in the pool, while in the other he merely spoke the healing word.

To my mind it is as legitimate to exhibit the drug in such cases of mental dullness, or to resort to any artifice with a view to impressing, as it is to administer a stimulant to one in a state of physical depression. We can in no case add to the potential energy of the patient; we can only stir into renewed activity the powers that he already possesses.

It is among the ignorant that we are oftenest put to our wits ends to fix upon the most effectual course. Speak to such a one of esoteric power, or even undertake to secure the co-operation of his mental energies in the curative effort, and the attempt would be regarded as an offense. Subterfuge is in such cases a legitimate resource.

At the same time one who accepts the tenets pertaining to mental medicine need not despair of ultimate triumph of the truth even among the ignorant. But in order to succeed he will have to study pedagogy in the hard school of experience. The mission of the medical man embraces the teaching of a knowledge of both the prevention and the cure of disease.

It must then be understood that the ultimate aim in all cases should be to bring one's clientele



to a point of development where curative measures will rarely be required.

This means, surely enough, a curtailment of business and a great reduction in the relative number of medical practitioners. It means for many a dwindling practice and a necessity for change of avocation. At the same time it means an ushering in of a Millennial Dawn. The idea may be Utopian, and yet, from the present trend of events, we are justified in looking for a consummation so devoutly to be desired by humanity.

Inasmuch as such a result cannot be expected in our day, we must face the problem of cure as it now presents. All treatment, to effect the best purpose, must therefore at present be of a mixed type. We require all possible aid from the action of laws operating on the physical plane.

SURGERY AND DRUGS AND MASSAGE AND ELECTRICITY AND A HUNDRED OTHER ELEMENTS MUST ENTER INTO OUR METHODS, BUT THEY SHOULD NOT, AS IN THE PAST, CONSTITUTE OUR ONLY MEANS OF CURE. We should enlist the valuable aid of the forces resident on the planes above, which truly in great measure give the forces of the physical plane their power.

Above all else, and by means of every measure employed, we should endeavor to awaken our patients to a realization of the unlimited powers residing within themselves.

Irrational Claims of Certain
Advocates of Esoteric Methods.

The most egregious error of those who advocate psychic healing is found in their fanatical claims of the all-efficiency of their measures and their attitude of defiance of

well-recognized rules for sanitary living. They often frantically fly in the face of the Almighty and question the good effect of many well-determined natural laws.

This is a characteristic of faith not guided by reason. The eternal laws never conflict and we should seek to work through them and not against them. But enthusiasts are apt to be carried off their feet by startling truths. "If mind is superior to matter," say they, "we should ignore the laws which are supposed to govern it and thereby bring it into perfect subjection," evidently forgetting that we live on three planes the spiritual, the mental and the physical. The laws of the superior planes do exercise a tremendous influence over the lower plane, but the control is not absolute and unequivocal. Each plane has its laws and even the admittedly superior cannot be said to usurp all authority.




FIGURE 8. The Three Planes of Life.

Interaction Between

Mind and Body.

"It is all a matter of mind," says Eugene Sandow. "If you concentrate your mind upon a single muscle or set of muscles for three minutes each day and say: 'Do this,' and make them respond to contraction, there will be immediate noticeable improvement. The whole secret of my system lies in the knowledge of hu



man anatomy-in knowing just where one is weak, and going straight to work bringing that particular part up to the standard of one's best feature. As a chain is as strong only as its weakest link, so is the body as strong only as its weakest member. There is nothing that will make a man strong save his own concentration of thought."

In this same connection I am constrained to quote from Prof. James concerning the interaction of mind and body. He says:

"All mental states, no matter what their character as regards utility, should be followed by bodily activity of some sort, for all states of mind are motor in consequences. The immediate condition of a state of consciousness is an activity of some sort in the cerebral hemispheres."





FIGURE 9. The Planes of Life with Lines of Communication.

Is Psycho-Therapy Effectual?

Doctors have fallen into

a way of casting doubt on the claims made by mental healers. "Imaginary ailments!” “ Wrong diagnosis!" "Not yet cured!" Self-deceived! "Wait and see!" "I knew a case in which they failed!" These are some of the greetings that we have been accustomed to give to reports of alleged cures. Are mental cures never wrought? Do we not know many cases wherein a cure has been apparently made? Are we absolutely sure that our methods have been often curative?

I mention no particular cult, as I am fully convinced that the basic principle of cure is the

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