Puslapio vaizdai

Receive each other, God fpeak this Amen!

All. Amen!

K. Henry, Prepare we for our marriage; on which day, My Lord of Burgundy, we'll take your oath And all the Peers, for furety of our leagues. Then fhall I fwear to Kate, and you to me,

And may our oaths well kept and profp'rous be! [Exeunt,
Enter Chorus.

Cho. Thus far with rough and all-unable pen
Our bending author hath purfu'd the ftory,
In little room confining mighty men,

Mangling by starts the full courfe of their glory.
Small time, but in that small most greatly liv'd
This ftar of England. Fortune made his fword;
By which the world's beft garden he atchiev'd,
And of it left his fon imperial Lord.

Henry the Sixth, in infant bands crown'd King
Of France and England, did this King fucceed:
Whose state fo many had the managing,

That they loft France, and made his England bleed: Which oft our stage hath fhown; and for their fake, In your fair minds let this acceptance take.

The End of the THIRD VOLUME.




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