And with prefented nakedness out-face 2 [Exit. Changes again to the Earl of Glo'fter's Caftle. Enter Lear, Fool, and Gentleman. Lear. "TIS ftrange that they should fo depart from home, Gent. As I learn'd, The night before there was no purpose in them Of this remove. Kent. Hail to thee, noble master. Lear. Ha, mak'ft thou fhame thy paftime? Kent. No, my Lord. Fool. Ha, ha, he wears cruel garters; horfes are ty'd by the heads, dogs and bears by th' neck, monkeys by th' loins, and men by th' legs; when a man is over-lufty at legs, then he wears wooden nether stocks. Lear. What's he, that hath fo much thy place miftook, To fet thee here? Kent. It is both he and fhe, Your fon and daughter. Lear. No. Kent. Yes. Lear. No, I fay. 2 Turlygood? Kent. Kent. 'But I fay, yea. Lear. By Jupiter, I swear no. Lear. They durft not do't. They could not, would not do't; 'tis worfe than murther, Kent. My Lord, when at their home I did commend your Highness' letters to them, Deliver'd letters, fpight of intermiffion Which prefently they read: on those contents The leifure of their anfwer; gave me cold looks; [way. Fool. Winter's not gone yet, if the wild geefe fly that Fathers that wear rags Do make their children blind, But fathers that bear bags Shall fee their children kind. Fortune, that arrant whore, Ne'er turns the key to th' poor. But for all this thou fhalt have as many dolours from (a) A quibble intended between dolours and dollars. 3 I fay, thy thy dear daughters, as thou canst tell in a year. Lear. Oh, how this mother fwells up tow'rd Hysterica paffio, down, thou climbing forrow, Thy element's below; where is this daughter? Kent. With the Earl, Sir, here within. Lear. Follow me not, ftay here. Gent. Made you no more offence But what you speak of? Kent. None; my heart! [Exit. How chance the King comes with so small a number? Fool. An thou hadst been fet i' th' Stocks for that ftion, thou'dft well deferv'd it. Kent. Why, fool? que Fool. We'll fet thee to fchool to an Ant, to teach thee there's no lab'ring i' th' winter. All that follow their nofes are led by their eyes, but blind men; and there's not a nose among twenty but can smell him that's stinking let go thy hold when a great wheel runs down a hill, left it break thy neck with following; but the great one that goes upward, let it draw thee after. When a wife man gives thee better counsel, give me mine again; I would have none but knaves follow it, fince a fool gives it. That Sir which serves for gain, Will pack when it begins to rain, And I will tarry, the fool will stay, The knave turns fool that runs away, Kent. Where learn'd you this, fool? SCENE Lear. Deny to speak with me? they're fick, they're weary, They have travell'd all the night? meer fetches, The images of revolt and flying off. Bring me a better answer Glo. My dear Lord, You know the fiery quality of the Duke, In his own course. Lear. Vengeance! plague! death! confufion! Fiery? what fiery quality? why, Glofter, I'd fpeak with th' Duke of Cornwall, and his wife. Glo. Well, my good Lord, I have inform'd them so. Lear. Inform'd them? doft thou understand me, man? Glo. Ay, my good Lord. [father Lear. The King would fpeak with Cornwall, the dear Whereto our health is bound; we're not our felves, And am fall'n out with my more heady will, To take the indifpos'd and fickly fit, For the found man. - Death on my ftate! but wherefore Should he fit here? this act ''perfuadeth` me, That this remotion of the Duke and her Is practice only. Give me my fervant forth; Go, tell the Duke and's wife, I'd fpeak with them: Glo. I would have all well betwixt you. 5 per wades [Exit. Lear Lear. O me, my heart! my rifing heart! but down. Fool. Cry to it, nuncle, as the cockney did to the Eels, when he put them i' th' Pafty alive; he wrapt 'em o' th' coxcombs with a stick, and cry'd down, wantons, down; 'Twas his brother, that in pure kindness to his horfe buttered his hay. Enter Cornwall, Regan, Glo'fter, and Servants. Lear. Good morrow to you both! Corn. Hail to your Grace! [Kent is fet at liberty. Reg. I am glad to fee your Highness. [To Kent. Lear. Regan, I think you are, I know what reason I can scarce speak to thee, thou'lt not believe Than fhe to fcan her duty. Lear. How is that? Reg. I cannot think my fifter in the least Lear. My curfes on her! Reg. O Sir, you are old, Nature in you ftands on the very verge That |