do halt, I have the wars for my colour, and my pension shall seem the more reasonable: a good wit will make use of any thing; I will turn diseases to commodity. [Exeunt. VI. SCENE Archbishop of York's Palace. Enter Archbishop of York, Haftings, Thomas Mowbray (Earl Marshal) and Lord Bardolph. York.Hus have you heard our caufe, and know our means: Now, my most noble friends, I pray you all, How in our means we should advance our felves, Haft. Our prefent mufters grow upon the file great Northumberland, whofe bofom burns With an incensed fire of injuries. Bard. The queftion then, Lord Haftings, ftandeth thus Whether our present five and twenty thousand May hold up head without Northumberland? Haft. With him we may. Bard. Ay marry, there's the point: It was young Hot-fpur's cafe at Shrewsbury. Bard. Bard. It was, my Lord, who lin'd himself with hope, Eating the air on promife of fupply, Flatt'ring himself with project of a power Much smaller than the fmalleft of his thoughts; And fo, with great imagination, Proper to madmen, led his pow'rs to death, Haft. But, by your leave, it never yet did hurt That frofts will bite them. When we mean to build, To build at all? much more, in this great work, The plot of fituation, and the model; Question furveyors, know our own estate, Ufing the names of men inftead of men: Like one that draws the model of a house, Beyond his pow'r to build it; who, half through, Haft. Grant that our hopes, yet likely of fair birth, Should 6 at leaft, Should be ftill-born; and that we now poffeft I think we are a body ftrong enough, Ev'n as we are, to equal with the King. Bard, What, is the King but five and twenty thoufand? Haft. To us no more; nay, not fo much, Lord Bar·· For his divifions, as the times do brawl, Are in three heads; one pow'r against the French, And one against Glendower; perforce a third In three divided; and his coffers found [dolph. York. That he should draw his fev'ral ftrengths together, And come against us in full puiffance, Need not be dreaded. Haft. If he fhould do fo, He leaves his back unarm'd, the French and Welsh Bard. Who is it like fhould lead his forces hither? I have no certain notice. York. Let us on: And publish the occafion of our arms. The commonwealth is fick of their own choice; An habitation giddy and unfure Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart. And And howl'ft to find it. What truft is in these times? Cry'st now; O Earth, yield us that King again, ACT II. SCENE I. A Street in London. Enter Hoftefs, with two Officers, Fang and Snare. HOSTESS.. MR. Fang, have you enter'd the action? Fang. It is enter'd. Hoft. Where's your yeoman? is he a lufty yeo man? Will he ftand to it? Fang. Sirrah, where's Snare? Hoft. Ay, ay, good Mr. Snare. Snare. Here, here. Fang. Snare, we must arreft Sir John Falstaff. Hoft. Ay, good Mr. Snare, I have enter'd him and all. Snare. It may chance coft fome of us our lives: he will ftab. Hoft. Alas-the-day, take heed of him; he stab'd me in mine own house, and that most beaftly; he cares not what mischief he doth, if his weapon be out. He will foin like any devil, he will fpare neither man, woman, nor child. Fang. If I can clofe with him, I care not for his thrust, Bb4 Hoft. Hoft. No, nor I neither; I'll be at your elbow. Fang. If I but fift him once; if he come but within my a vice. Hoft. I am undone by his going; I warrant you he is an infinitive thing upon my fcore. Good Mr. Fang, hold him fure; good Mr. Snare, let him not 'fcape. He comes continually to Pie-corner, faving your manhoods, to buy a faddle: and he is indited to dinner to the Lubbar's head in Lombard-freet to Mr. Smooth's the Silkman. I pray ye, fince my action is enter'd, and my cafe fo openly known to the world, let him be brought in to his anfwer, A hundred mark is a long loan, for a poor lone woman to bear; and I have born, and born, and born: and have been fub'd off, and fub'd off, from this day to that day, that it is a fhame to be thought on. There is no honesty in fuch dealing, unless a woman fhould be made an Ais and a beaft, to bear every knave's wrong. Enter Falstaff, Bardolph, and the Boy. Yonder he comes, and that arrant malmfey-nose knave, Bardolph with him. Do your offices, do your offices: Mr. Fang and Mr. Snare, do me, do me, do me your offices. Fal. How now? whofe mare's dead? what's the mat ter? Fang. Sir John, I arreft you at the fuit of Mrs. Quickly. Fal. Away, varlets; draw, Bardolph: cut me off the villain's head: throw the quean in the kennel. Hoft. Throw me in the kennel? I'll throw thee in the kennel. Wilt thou? wilt thou? thou baftardly rogue. Murder, murder! O thou b hony-fuckle villain, wilt thou kill God's officers and the King's? O thou hony-feed rogue, thou art a hony-feed, a manqueller, and a womanqueller. Fal. Keep them off, Bardolph. b Fang. Pope. (a) Vice, or grafp, a metaphor taken from a fmith's vice. (b) She means to fay, homicidal villain, and homicide rogue. Theob. 7 one, ... old edit. Theob. emend. |