some books for use and are at a loss | Germany. Chapter x. Histories of how to select them. This volume France. Chapter xi. Histories of gives all desirable information in Russia and Poland. Chapter xii. regard to Histories. The book con- Histories of the Smaller Nationali tains fourteen chapters. Each chap ter is restricted to a distinct class. Chapter ii. Universal Histories. Chapter iii. Histories of Antiquity. Chapter iv. Histories of Greece. Chapter v. Histories of Rome. Chapter vi. Histories of the Middle Age. Chapter vii. History of Modern Times. Chapter viii. Histories of Italy. Chapter ix. Histories of ties of Europe. Chapter xiii Histories of England. xiv. Histories of the United States. This table of contents shows to every one how extensive is the list of books which are noticed. We warmly commend this book to all who feel the need of such a Manual. The size is 8 vo., 660 pp., catalogue price $2.50. The China Review: for September and October. 1882. THIS number of this well-established periodical comes to us full freighted. The place of honor is given to an account of the origin of Yuh Wang Shang-ti; translated by the late Rev. Dyer Ball, A.M., M.D., and annotated by Mr. J. Dyer Ball. The translation is from Chinese histories. It will serve to give the readers an idea of the vagueness of all Chinese accounts of their divinities. The annotations are a valuable part of the article. The second article, on the Sacred Books of China, by Mr. Thos. W. Kingsmill, is a notice of Dr. Legge's Translation of the Yî King. The writer of this Paper does not seek to present a clear statement of the work done by Dr. Legge, and the value of his translations and of his Introduction; but to make known wherein he differs in opinion in regard to the Yî King itself. Wherein Mr. Kingsmill differs from Prof. Dr. Legge most students will prefer to agree with the latter. The third Paper, by the Rev. E. K. Eichler, is an interesting notice of Chinese literature which is designated Kuen She Wen. This number only gives up the first part of the Paper. All readers will wait with interest for the conclusion of it. The next Paper is an account of "The fall of the Ts'in Dynasty and the Rise of that of the Han," by Rev. Ch. Piton. This is interesting to the students of Chinese History. Mr. Parker contributes an important chapter to the history of the dialects of China in noticing "The Dialect of Eastern Szch'uen." Mr. Parker has at various times given similar notices of the Peking, Hankow, Canton, Foochow and the Hakka. He has thus furnished sinologists with the means of comparing these several dialects. The rest of this interesting number of the Review is made up of the usual Notices of Books, and Notes and Queries. Outlines of General History. In easy wen-li. Illustrated with thirteen large double-page mounted and colored maps. And in addition an English Index. By D. Z. Sheffield. Shanghai. 1882 THIS is a very valuable compilation | great convenience to all who may of ancient and modern History, intended specially as a class book for schools; but it will be very interesting to all educated Chinese. It is printed with very legible type, on good paper, and well stitched. There are 345 leaves, contained in five volumes. The maps are put up in a separate volume so as to be conveniently used with each separate volume as they may be needed. The Index in English is a very wish to refer to any particular matter or person at any time. We have great pleasure in commending the work to all who are engaged in teaching Chinese Pupils, to Chinese students and the assistants and native pastors in all the Missions. The headings of the chapters show that some notice of all nations both ancient and modern is found in their pages. A List of all the Chinese characters contained in Dr. Williams' Syllabic Dictionary with the concise meaning in English. By of P. Poletti. Tientsin: 1882. This List is an evidence of the diligence of Mr. Poletti in writing it out. But it needs to be printed other way to be very Or this List of characters and The Prodigal Son. The Sower. The Leaven. The Barren Fig Tree. Parables with Chinese Illustrations. By Rev. W. Scarborough. Hankow. THESE are sheet tracts, printed on good thick paper The illustrations are in Chinese style as to persons, dress and scenes. They are very desirable for fastening up in public places, as they are in large legible type and on strong paper. The illustrations are good and well calculated to arrest attention and to help the readers to understand the parables. Supplies of these sheet tracts can be obtained from the Secretary of the Hankow Tract Society. True Happiness. The Snare. The Lighthouse. Trusting Heaven. The Sower. Rum and Opium, The Prodigal Son. Brotherly Love. Tracts of the Chinese Religious Tract Society-No. 6 to 18. THESE are eight leaflets illustrated, ❘tion in visiting from house to house. some with foreign and some with Each leaflet contains a plain statenational designs. They are small, six ment of the Gospel of Christ. These inches by ten, for easy distribution. They are sold 1000 copies for 50 cts, are to be had of the Secretary of and are very useful as an introduc- the Society in Shanghai. Illustrated Calendars for 1883. Giving the Sabbaths for the year. is on yellow paper and has a good map of the world and the figures representing the eclipse of the THERE are three styles in white 地理志晷 THIS school geography has been ❘tions on the subject treated of in prepared by Rev. L. D. Chapin, of the chapter. It is printed on good the American Board Mission, at strong paper and well stitched so Tung-chow. It was printed at the as to be used as a class book. We Press of the same Mission in Peking. It is in quarto, with maps. commend it to the notice of all those Each chapter is followed by ques-engaged in teaching. The Early Days of Christianity. By F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. &c. Cassell Patter, Galpin and Co. London: 1882. 2 Vols 8vo. Or this very interesting work, just received, the author says "I complete in these volumes the work which has absorbed such leisure as could be spared from many and onerous duties during the last twelve years. My object has been to furnish | English readers with a companion, partly historical, and partly expository, to the whole of the New Testament." These who have read the previous works on The Life of Christ, and The Life of Paul, will easily understand how the author's plan has been executed. The same glow and literary finish and the same defects which characterize those preceding works, are found in this. There is perhaps less unity in this last of the series, there being no one central figure round which to group the whole. While Peter, James, Jude, and John, are the principal personages, Nero comes near being the central figure. No other volume in the English language so vividly pictures the rise and fall and intimate connection with the Christian cause of that 680711 terrible "Anti-Christ." The first chapters of the first volume, and those in the second volume in exposition of the Revelation by St. John, are in the author's best style, and cannot readily pass from the mind of the reader. Dr Farrar adopts the rapidly prevailing theory that the main subject of the Revelation was the Fall of Jerusalem; and whether one accepts the interpretation or not, it is but just to say, that this view has not before been presented to the popular mind with anything like the same strength and interest. We observe that, in more than one note, he refers with interest to Dr. Warren's Parousia, tho' he would give to Christ's Second Coming a wider scope than is there allowed. A study of the Early Days of Christianity must benefit every missionary's mind and heart. One rises from it with new confidence and enthusiasm. Dr. Farrar has obtruded his peculiar views on eschatalogy in but a few passages-so few that the general reader would hardly notice them. L.H.G |