Puslapio vaizdai

We are glad to learn from the C. M. Intelligencer that a new mission is to be established in Western Kwang-tung, the extreme southwest of China-the chief station be

daughter of the Rev. F. F. Gough, of Ningpo, will proceed to China, after twelve months' training at the Home and Colonial Institution. A grant of £150 has been made to the Society for Promoting Christian Education in consideration of services rendered to the C.M.S. Mission at Hongkong by Miss Johnston.


Right Rev. C. M. Williams, D.D., Bishop of the American Episcopal Church, Tokio, arrived here on a visit from Japan by the str. Hiroshima Maru, on the 19th October. came by invitation to act on behalf of Bishop Schereschewsky, who is absent through illness. On October 28th (Feast of S. Simon and S. Jude) an ordination service was held at Our Saviour's Church, Hongkew, when Deacon Graves was admitted to Priest's Orders and Mr. H. Sowerby to that of Deacon. On Sunday, the Theological Department of St. October 30th, four graduates of John's College were admitted to Deacon's Orders. Besides these, Bishop Williams also held several

Per str. Genkai Maru, on October | This was done to honor the supposed author. We are happy to be informed the translator is Mrs. J. L. Edkins, from whom we hope to receive further contributions to our pages.

4th, Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Hobart, of the American Methodist Mission, Peking.

Per str. Hiroshima Maru, on October 19th, Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Nevius, Chefoo (returned), Rev. D. C. and Mrs. McCoy and five children, Peking (returned); Rev. J. N. and Mrs. Hayes, Rev. A. E. Abbey, Rev. O. H. and Mrs. Chapin, Missing at Hoihow. Miss Ellen Gough, L. Farnham, and Miss F. Strong, American Presbyterian Mission; Dr. J. B. and Mrs. Taylor and Rev. G. B. Smyth, Am. Methodist Episcopal, Mission, Foochow; Miss A. Harris, A.B.C.F.M. Mission, Foochow.

EN ROUTE.--From Europe: Rev. A.
and Mrs. Moule and four children,
Rev. A. R. Fuller, and Rev. R. C.
Shaw, Church Mission. Rev. W. R.
and Mrs. Lambuth, M.D. and child,
Southern Methodist Mission. From
United States: Rev. J. and Mrs.
Butler and two children, Rev. W. S.
and Mrs. Holt and three children,
Rev. G. Reid, Rev. Mills, Am. Presby-
terian Mission. Rev. H. C. DuBose,
Southern Presbyterian Mission. Miss
Burnett and Miss Kirby, of the
Woman's Union Mission.

DEPARTURES.-Per brq. Obed Baxter,
for New York, on September 17th,
Rev. A. R. Morris, of the Episcopal
Mission, Japan.

Per str. Teucer, for London, on
October 10th, Rev. and Mrs. W. S.

Tomlinson, of the English Wesleyan
Mission, Wuchang.

SHANGHAI. Our readers will have
noticed that wrong titles were added
to the name of the contributor of
the third article-"The Origin of
the Loess"-in the last number.

confirmation services.

At the regular Fall Meeting of the American Presbyterian Mission, Shanghai, Revs. Abbey, Chapin and Hayes were received from the U.S.A.; and Chü Choh-san, a licentiate of Presbytery, was ordained to the

Gospel ministry. Also the second | Hall-one east, one south, and one Presbyterian Church of Shanghai, west, one road being assigned to organized at the Presbyterian Mis- each mission. A native Church, not sion Press, and consisting of seventeen members and three elders, was received by Presbytery, Rev. Bao Tzih-dzæ to act as Stated Supply.

Miss L. Bainbridge, niece of the author of "Around the World Tour of Christian Missions" arrived here by the Hiroshima Maru, on the 19th October, in company with Dr. and Mrs. Nevius on a visit. She proceeded with them to Chefoo, on the 28th October.

HANGCHOW. Rev. J. L. Stuart has kindly favored us with the following account of the tract distribution among the scholars at the late Triennial Examination: --- "For several months the missionaries of Hangchow have been looking forward to the Triennial Examination as an opportunity to distribute tracts among the scholars. We considered the tract Teh-hwei-shih-men, prepared by Mr. John for such occasions, as the most suitable for our purpose, and took steps to procure ten thousand copies of it, thinking that that would be about the number of scholars in attendance. On Monday, the 25th September, the native distributers to the number of thirty, together with the foreign missionaries, met to ask for God's blessing on the work. At that meeting the natives expressed the opinion that, for prudential reasons, the missionaries should not engage in the distribution, and we acquiesced in this opinion and left the work entirely to them. The work naturally divided into three parts, according to the three great roads leading from the

represented by a missionary, also took part in the work. We found no difficulty in renting rooms near the Hall for depositing our tracts in. On Tuesday, September 26th, the distributers were at their posts by ten A.M., but the first batch of scholars did not come out until 1 P.M. There were about one thonsand in this batch, and then the gates were closed until 3 P.M., when another company came out. Many of us went on the streets and had the satisfaction of seeing our workers handing the tracts to the scholars as they passed along. The distributers had to keep at their work all that night-though they could relieve one another and thus obtain some rest and until about 6 A.M., on Wednesday, when the supply of tracts gave out. The scholars still remaining in the hall were estimated at about two thousand in number and they continued to come out during that day and also the next. We have heard that the actual number present during the examination was more than twelve thousand by three or four hundred. We regret that our tracts fell so far short of the number required. But we have reason to rejoice over many other features of the work. So far as we know only two tracts were rejected on account of the doctrine they taught. One man on learning that he had received a Christian tract tore it up as he went along; the second cast his away and it was picked up and handed to another. Some declined the tracts for various other reasons aside from doctrinal,

the distributers of heathen tracts | fine our labours to the close of the being also on the ground. A great examinations or to the midnight hour, when the students were finally leaving the Hall. We were at work among them from the first, as they were assembling for examination, and were to be met with in the streets, at the book stalls and other places. Then again, when they were coming out of the Hall and entering it the second and third time. In every instance we were well treated, and our hearts were filled with thankfulness for the opportunities thus enjoyed for circulating the Scriptures and other religious books among so many of the literati of the Empire. Not a few also attended the public preaching carried on by the road side for the benefit of the passers by.

many expressed thanks on receiving a copy. Some expressed surprise that men should be out in the night distributing. The work was hindered to some extent by little boys who begged the tracts of the scholars and even snatched them from their hands. The boys seemed to have an ambition to get as many as possible. We were greatly favored in the weather, the day was bright and clear and so was the night. On the whole, we have every reason to be thankful that so much success attended the effort to put a tract in the hands of every scholar. May the Lord bless the tracts to the eternal good of those who received them."

We regret to learn that the Rev. R. Shann, Ningpo, and Rev. C. B. Nash, Hangchow, of the Church Mission, have to return to England under medical certificate. In both cases the physicians forbid any thought of return to China. The local Conference has, we learn, written home strongly urging the despatch of new men to take the place of those suddenly called away.

NANKING. The following is from the Rev. Mr. Muirhead. - "Much interest seems to have been taken this year, on the part of the missionaries, in the Triennial Examinations. It seems that from north to south a large amount of work has been done at those places which are accessible to missionary effort. Speaking simply of Nanking, I have much pleasure in testifying to the work that was carried on, and the cordial reception we met with at the hands of the students. We did not con

Dr. Stubbert and Mrs. A. Whiting returned to their station in October accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Hayes, and Rev. Abbey, who have just arrived from America. Nanking can no longer be said to be neglected, and we hope in our next No. to give some interesting facts as to what is being done in this important city.


PEKING.-A friend writes us:"Monday evening, the 18th of September the missionaries in Peking met to organize a North-China Religious Tract Society. Several missionaries from Tientsin were also present. The discussion was enthusiastic and harmonious which looks well for the success of the enterprise. A committee consisting of the senior member of each mission represented were appointed to draw up a constitution and bye-laws, and will report as soon as possible." At the adjourned meeting the Committee appointed to draw up a con- M.D. She purposes to remain in

stitution and bye-laws submitted their report which was adopted. It was decided to appoint an Executive Committee of twenty-five and a publication committee of five, the former to be chosen from all the missionaries laboring in the various provinces around, each mission having at least one representative. This Committee elects the publication committee.

The American Bible Society have now a representative in Peking in the person of Mr. Bagnell, for some years in the service of the American Methodist Mission, Kiukiang.


Canton for some months to observe the working of Dr. Kerr's hospital, after which she will probably proceed to Nanking.


HONOLULU. - We regret to learn that Dr. D. B. McCartee (formerly of the American Presbyterian Mission, Ningpo), will not be able to carry on his Christian labors-to which we referred in our last No.among the Chinese on these islands. He writes to a friend as follows :"The 'Missionary Party' have been put out of power, and the king and legislature seem given over to work iniquity. So, notwithstanding the fine climate and beautiful scenery,

CANTON. - The American Presbyterian Mission have been strength- I preferred to leave the Hawaiians ened by the arrival of Miss Niles, to work out their own destiny."

Notices of Recent Publications.

Revue de L'Extrême-Orient. Paris, Ernest Leroux, Editeur, 1882.
It is only the first number of the
first volume, for January of this
year, which has fallen under our eye.
The name of M. Henri Cordier, its
dictor, is a guarantee for enter-
prise and efficiency in the conduct
of this new periodical. The an
nouncement. "To our Readers,"
intimates that the objects are the
religion, geography, history, arts and
sciences, language and literature,
jurisprudence, manners and cus-
toms of Eastern Asia, which it says
comprehends China, Japan, Indo-
China, and Malaysia. The field is
certainly sufficiently large and vari-
ous and interesting. But it remains
to be seen, whether, in addition to
all the numerous publications de-

voted in whole or in part to these
lands, there is a niche for yet au-
other. A first number of a periodical
is seldom, or never, its best, so that
ít is hardly fair to judge of this
new Review from the only number
before us. We can however say,
that without there being anything
of supreme interest in the several
articles, they on the whole promise
well for the future. Without enu-
merating all the subjects, we may
note a short sketch of the life of
the late Archimandrite Palladius,
which furnishes many facts not
gathered together elsewhere. "The
Ethnography of the After-Han dy-
nasty," by A. Wylie, Esq., is one of
the many evidences we find scatter-

ed through several periodicals, that one wishing to keep up with the

this honored student, though no longer with us in China, has by no means ceased from his wonted enthusiasm in Siniatic studies. "The European Press in China" by the director, is of especial interest to us. It is an exhaustive summary of all the periodicals which have been, or which are, published in China, with many facts of interest and value regarding each. "The Bibliography of the year 1881," by the dirctor and the managing editor, conjointly, is very valuable to any

rushing stream. It enumerates 114 works and articles, and classifies them under their appropriate heads. The impetus of late given to geographical studies, and the rapidly increasing political importance of the events taking place in this Orient, is seen, as much in the growing Western literature regarding these lands, as in anything else. We are no longer a mere cipher on the margin of European thought, but rather one of the rapidly increasing factors in the world's problem. L. H. G.

Asia, with Ethnological Appendix. By Augustus H. Keane, M.A.I., Edited by Sir Richard Temple Bart., G.C.S.I., D.C.L. London: Edward Stanford, 1882.

Solos, Man-tze, and other aboriginal tribes of South West China, and says that "any theorizing on their possible origin and affinities would

THIS is one of several volumes which constitute "Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel," of which those on Australia, Africa, Central and South America and West India, be premature." Some of their lan

have already been published. This volume on Asia is the latest and most complete compendium available in the English language. It is based, as are the other volumes, on Hellwald's 'Die Erde und Ihre Völker,' but the names of Keane and Temple assure us of large additions of fact, and of increased accuracy. The maps, prepared expressly for this work, add largely to its value. No student of the physical or political geography of this continent, can afford to overlook this new contribution. Its arrangement of subjects is very systematic and exhaustive, and the very full Index adds indefinitely to its value. The Appendix on the Ethnology and Philology of the Asiatic Races, is a peculiarly valuable summary. The concluding paragraph of this essay refers to the

guages, Mr. Keane thinks, approach the Mongolic, others the Caucasic type, while they mainly belong to the isolating order. Alluding to Capt. Gill's report of a large Mantze nation in Szechuen whose speech is Aryan, he well says, "Should this statement be verified, it will rank as perhaps the most surprising discovery made in recent times in the field of ethnology." We shall look with interest for the results of the studies of the missionaries who are now pressing into those remote and interesting regions.

The estimated population of China proper in 1880, is put down at 350,000,000, and of all other races in the Empire at 49,100,000, making a total of 399,100,000.*

* These figures are quite too large. Both nationalities are too high.-Ed. C. R.

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