Notices of Recent Publications. The Ely Volume; or The contributions of our Foreign Missions to Science and Human well-being. By Thomas Laurie, D.D. Boston: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1881. THE collocation of the words the best style of the Boston press, Missions and Science will surprise and illustrated with a large number many readers as much as it did of illustrations. one who was connected with a It will interest some of our the investigations and contributions of missionaries. They have patiently collected and truthfully transmitted much exact and valuable geographical knowledge, and all without money and without price, though it would have cost millions to secure it in any other way." scientific journal to whom Mr. Ely spoke about the debt of science to our missionaries, when he replied, "I was not aware that missionaries had ever done anything for science." The author in his Introduction states the origin of this volume thus: "This volume had its origin in the same devotion to the kingdom of Christ that leads some to found lectureships for the better elucidation and defense of the truth. The late Hon. Alfred B. Ely inherited his father's love for the missionary work. He felt that the amount of scientific information given by it to the world was greatly underestimated, and, therefore, made provision for the publication of this volume, to show what the missionaries of the American Board had done, especially for geography, philology and archæology, not overlooking any contribution they had made to the advancement of human well-being. He hoped thus to interest some in the great work, through its incidental results, who had not learned to love it for its own sake." The volume which has been prepared for this purpose is a large 8vo. of 532 pages. It is printed in "Carl readers, who have not yet seen the volume, to quote the testimony of some learned men to the value of the contributions made to different sciences by missionaries. Ritter, the prince of geographers, confesses he could not have written his Magnum Opus, the Erdkunde, without the aid of material collected and transmitted by missionaries. "The Missionary Herald" he says "is the repository to which the reader must look to find the most valuable documents that have ever been sent out by any society, and where a rich store of scientific, historical, and antiquarian details may be seen." Mr. L. H. Morgan, in the preface to Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. XVII, says: "No class of men have earned a higher reputation as scholars or philanthropists than our missionaries. Their contributions to history, ethnology, philology, geography and religious literature form their enduring monument." Mr. G. M. Powell, of the Oriental Topographical Corps, in a paper read before the American Institute, 1874, says: "Probably no source of knowledge in this department has been so vast, varied and prolific as One writer says: "Missions enable the German in his study to compare more than two hundred languages; the unpronounceable polysyllables used by John Elliot, the monosyllables of China, the lordly Sanscrit and its modern associates, the smooth languages of the South Seas, the musical dialects of Africa, and the harsh gutturals of our own Indians." This volume is taken up with details showing how much the missionaries of only one Societythe American Board of Bostonhave done. The matters presented are arranged in separate chapters under their appropriate heads as Geography, Geology, Meteoralogy, Natural Science, Archæology, Philology, Ethnography, Bible Translations, General Literature, Contributions to History, Education, Natural Regeneration and Philanthropy. The volume is furnished with a full Index. We can not copy more from its pages-but refer all our readers, who are interested in the matters of which it treats, to the volume itself. Plain Questions and Straight-forward Answers about the Opium Trade. By the Rev. Griffith John. London Missionary Society, Hankow China. London: 1882. THE discussion on the Opium | at the present time in view of the Trade continues with increasing in- actual facts of the case?" We terest and earnestness. Mr. John quote a paragraph from page 10:writes like one who has strong "Opium the cause of the War. Yet convictions on the subject and the this war, of which we are now speakcourage to declare them. We com- ing, will always be regarded, and mend this pamphlet to the considera- justly regarded, as an opium war, tion of those who have been reading and as such wholly indefensible. the Lectures by Mr. Breriton and In spite of the sincere desire of the the recent statements of Sir Ruther- Chinese to put an end to the traffic ford Alcock. The five questions in opium, the East India company which Mr. John answers are these: did everything in its power to foster viz., "Is England responsible for it. The English Government never the introduction of the opium vice did a thing to discourage the cultiinto China? (2) Has opium been vation of the poppy in India, or to forced by England upon the Chinese? check the contraband trade in (3) Is opium-smoking in China as China. When Captain Elliot was injurious as it has been represented? appealed to, as Superintendent of (4) Are the Chinese sincere in the Foreign trade, the Chinese their desire to put down the traffic? authorities were told that the trade (5) What is the duty of England | did not come under his cognizance, matter, and protect the people from a terrible evil. In reply to one of Captain Elliot's dispatches, Lord Palmerston had said:- "No protection can be afforded to enable British subjects to violate the laws of the country to which they trade. Any loss, therefore, which such persons may suffer in consequence of the more effectual execution of the Chinese laws on this subject, must be borne by the parties who have brought the loss upon themselves by their own acts. A sound and that Her majesty was not supposed to know anything about it. The principal opium dealers were residing in Canton under the protection of the British flag, and yet the Superintendent declared his inability to deal with them. The evil was fairly brought before the British Government by it representative in China, but no notice was taken of it, and nothing was done to suppress it, or even control or mitigate it. What was the Chinese Government to do, in the circum. stances, but to take the matter into principle was thus enunciated by their own hands, and make a final Lord Palmerston; but the moment effort to put the trade down? The it was called into play the British Chinese had a right to seize the Government violated it in the opium and destroy it. While no grossest and most flagrant manone would attempt to justify many ner." The author gives the history of Lin's proceedings, his whole of the introduction and progress of conduct shows that he had but one the trade and the consequences object in view-namely the delivery thereof. Our readers who can of the opium and extinction of the procure the pamplet, or as it was illicit trade. Surely the Chinese originally published in the "NonGovernment has a right to execute conformist," will find it very interthe laws of the country on this esting reading even for the dog-days. The Opium Trade and Sir Rutherford Alcock. By B. Fossett Lock. Of Lincolns Inn, Barrister-at-Law. London: 1882. THIS is a reprint in pamphlet form drug, seriously demoralizing and of an article which appeared in the enervating to the population of " Contemporary Review." There China, 'a source of impoverishare some who would rather read a ment and ruin to families.' 2. The barrister on this question than a Chinese authorities, who are a patermissionary. Mr. Lock gives his nal government, sincerely desire reasons for receiving the testimony to check in every way, and, if posof Sir R. Alcock as given in 1871, sible, abolish the consumption of rather than the testimony given in the seductive drug. 3. They are 1881. At the former period Sir R. foiled in their efforts to do so by Alcock held sentiments, which Mr. the action of the British GovernLock says "may be stated as fol- ment, which has forced the trade lows: 1. Opium is a dangerous upon them. In 1881 Sir R. Alcock We expressed an entirely different | changing his statements. opinion of each one of these points." commend the discussion to all who Mr. Lock goes over each point in are interested in this subject as succession showing that Sir R. it now engages the public attenAlcock had no just grounds for tion. The China Review. May-June. Hongkong: 1882. THIS number completes Vol. X. of But the most striking paper in this valuable publication. Each succeeding volume is better than the preceding. The article of most interest to general readers in this number is the continuation of the account of Mr.E H. Parker's journey in Szch'uan Province. It gives a great deal of information about that part of China. "The Cases in Chinese Criminal Law" will interest those who are investigating the intricacies of Chinese law. Mr. O. F. von Mollendorff contributes some valuable suggestions for perfecting the compilations of Chinese Bibliography. this number of the Review is the one by "Scutica," in which he criticises the defects and inaccuracies of the Translation of the Rev. E. Faber's "Mind of Mencius," from German into English by Rev. A. B, Hutchinson. The writer appears to write with an animus which is not all due to a literary taste or an impartial judgment of the work done. But we refer any who wish to know of the inaccuracies of the translation to this paper. We wish every success to the future volumes of the China Review, Report of Christian Literature in China; with a Catalogue of Publications. By J. Murdock, LL.D., Indian Agent of the Religious Tract Society. Shanghai: 1882. THE Author of this pamphlet of some officers. This pamphlet contains a portion of his observations. The short prefatory note reads as follows." The Report was originally prepared for the Committee of the Religious Tract Society. It is circulated in China, that the suggestions offered may be examined by those who are most competent to weigh them and by whom they must be mainly carried out, so far as approved." A very casual examination of its contents shows that the name on the title page does not convey a very adequate idea of the 56 pages has been the agent for the London Religious Tract Society in India for nearly forty years, seeking to promote the circulation of the publications of that Society, both in English and in the various languages of that populous country. At the Society's request he came to China, on his way to Great Britain, that he might collect information in regard to the preparation, publication, and circulation of tracts in China which would be useful to the Society when communicated to its Book shops, Colportage and Periodicals."-V. Organizations. Under this head the Author refers to "the present organization" for printing and circulating tracts and then suggests "Proposed Arrangements, subjects treated of. The matters | tories, Sales in Preaching Halls and presented for consideration in this very useful pamphlet are arranged under some ten heads. The first contains Introductory Remarks on "Missions in China, The Press as a Missionary Agency, The Chinese Language, Publication work in and Examining Committees and Wen-li and Colloquial, the Term General Committees."-VI. Is in Question, Use of the Roman Cha- reference to the encouragement of racter, and Roman Catholic Publi- Native effort, and discusses the importance of having "Native members of Committees and of Native Authorship, Native Contributions and Tract Distribution." This summany does not exhaust all cations."-II. Protestant Publications existing or required. In this chapter a referenee is made to the following items; viz.: "Catalogues, Pastor's Library, Christian Family Library, Child's Library, Tracts, the subjects referred to by the Periodicals, Popular Literature, Author in his survey of the subject. special effort for the Literati, Anti- We give this number in detail to opium Movement, School Books, show to our readers the wide range Illustrations, and Wall Pictures." - of subjects referred to. We comIII. Printing. In this chapter the mend the pamphlet to the consiauthor presents some views in regard deration of all. Many of these to Block Printing, Type Printing, subjects might be profitably disChinese Paper, cost of Printing, cussed in the pages of the Recorder. Wrappers and Binding. - IV. Circu- We invite missionaries to send lation. The points referred to are contributions to its pages that "Sale or gratuitous circulation. will be profitable to helping all Prices, Circulation of Catalogues, to do the best things in the best Establishment of central Deposi- / ways. The Eleventh Annual Report of the Foochow Medical Missionary Hospital in connection with the A.B.C.F.M. Mission, under the care of Henry T. Whitney, M.D. 1882. THIS Report is drawn up with great | Asylum, refers to the fact of a care and shows the Institution to be smaller attendance at the asylum in a very prosperous condition. than in some previous years. But Dr. Whitney carries on these bene- in the same connection he makes a volent labors in the spirit and with statement which fully accounts for the same success as did his lamented this diminished attendance at the predecessor Dr. Osgood. We refer Foochow Asylum. He states that all interested in the details of such some five native opium Asylums medical work to the Report. Dr. had been opened by men who had Whitney, in his report of the Opium been formerly connected with the |