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HE following tables drawn from the above-mentioned List may prove
of interest to some. Though the List is not without errors it is
sufficiently correct to furnish a fair basis for these comparative tables.

In estimating the number of "laborers" I have made some deduction from the total numbers as some of the wives of missionaries are occupied with their domestic affairs exclusively and cannot be justly put down as missionary laborers. Of course the number deducted is only a rough guess.


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As to the Ratio of Missionary laborers to population China has the greatest destitution, while Japan is the best supplied of the three countries.

+ It will be noticed that the English have a larger proportion of unmarried men as compared with the Americans in China; 49 to 14 or 7 to 2, while the latter have a larger proportion of unmarried women, 60 to 23, or a ratio of 3 to 2 about. As far as the men are concerned this is at least partly due to the fact that some of the English societies allow their men to marry only after they have been two or three years on the mission field. This however will not probably accounst for all of the disproportion.

The proportion of unmarried women to married is, among the American in China, 60 p.c. in Japan, about 65 p.c. while among the English, they amount to 25 p.c. only.

As to countries, in China the number of single ladies is equal to 35 p.c. of the married, in Japan to 56 p.c. and in Siam to 45 p.c.



Missionary News.

Births, Marriages & Deaths.


AT Sawtow, on June 29th, the wife of Mr. WM. PATON, teacher, English Presbyterian Mission, of a daughter. AT Hongkong, on July 4th, the wife of Rev. G. MORGENROTH, Basel Mission, of a daughter.

AT Hongkong, on July 10th, the wife of Rev. G. REUSCH, Basel Mission, of a daughter.

AT Ningpo, on July 26th, the wife of

the Rev. F. GALPIN, United Methodist Free Church, of a son.

AT Wuchang, on July 29th, the wife of Mr. H. SOWERBY, American Episcopal Mission, of a son.

AT Hongkong, on August 10th, the wife of Rev. P. KAMMERER, Basel Mission, of a daughter.

Ar Hankow, on August 17th, the wife of Rev. T. BRYSON, London Mission, Wuchang, of a son.

AT Kiukiang, on August 20th, the wife of Rev. M. C. WILCOX, American Methodist Episcopal Mission, of a daughter.


AT Kiukiang, on August 27th, the beloved wife of Rev. M. C. WILCOX, Am. Methodist Episcopal Mission.

ARRIVALS.—Per str. Peking and Tokio Maru on August 31st, Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Worley, Kiukiang; Rev. T. H. and Mrs. Worley, Yangchow; Rev. G.W. and Mrs. Woodall, Chinkiang; in connexion with the Am. Methodist Episcopal Mission.

DEPARTURES.-Per P. and O. str. Kaisar I-Hind, for London, on July 1st, Rev. C. J. Corfe and Mr. W. H. Topp, of the S.P.G. Mission, Chefoo. Per str. Nagoya Maru, for United States, on July 27th, Mrs. Griffith John, of the London Mission.

Per str. Hiroshima Maru for Europe, viâ America, on August 4th, Messrs. James Cameron and George Nicoll, both of the Inland Mission.

Per str. Glaucus for London, on August 12th, Mr. E. Pearse and Miss M. Kerr, of Inland Mission.

SHANGHAI.-These "Twenty-four Questions on the Religious Condition of China" were presented to the Shanghai Missionary Conference by the distinguished Lecturer of Boston, U.S.A., Mr. Joseph Cook, requesting written answers, which he might use publicly. We print them in the Recorder that our readers may see on what subjects intelligent students seek information. pages of the Recorder are open to articles on all those subjects except the one presented in question third. We will be glad to receive and publish communications on any of these subjects, and we will, if it is desired, send a printed copy of such papers to Mr. Cook :—



1. As to what points are missionaries

in China generally agreed, and as to what are they disagreed, concerning the evils of the Opium Trade and the remedies

for them?

2. What opinion do the missionaries in China hold as to the probable future of Chinese Emigration and as to the Anti Chinese agitation in California and Aus tralia?

3. In the Chinese Classics, and in the ritual of the State Religion of China, what is the meaning of the designation Shang Ti? As judged by the prayers publicly stitial services at Peking, is his State worused by the Emperor of China at the solship monotheistic?

4. What are the chief objections made

by the best educated among the Chinese to the acceptance of Christianity?

5. What are the chief hindrances to its acceptance by the uneducated among the Chinese ?

6. In Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, what are the most powerful working forces, when these systems of belief and practice operate independently of each other?

7. What are the most powerful working forces of these systems when they act in combination and mixture in the eclectic belief of the average individual or community in China? Is the worship ancestors the most efficient religion of China at the present day?

8. What are the most mischievous forms of inherited unbelief among the Chinese?

9. What are the most mischievous forms of imported unbelief?

10. What has been the religious and philosophical attitude of the foreign teachers who have been invited to China to

give instruction in the modern sciences? 11. What is the average religious effect of the best education now obtainable in the highest native seats of learning in China?

12. What is the usual effect of liberal education in America or Europe upon the religious and political opinions of Chinese

students ?

13. What books opposed to evangelical Christianity and a theistic philosophy are the most read by the educated Chinese ? 14. What books defending Christianity are the most useful in China?

15. By what aspects of Christian truth are the most conversions made ?

16. Is it advisable that a series of graded educational institutions, open to all classes and preparing students for taking university degrees or their equivalent, should be organized in China, as such a series has been in India, in connection with missionary effort?

17. How far ought the study of the English language to be pushed in China under the direct or indirect agency of missionary organization?

18. What systems of self help have been found the most efficient among the

native churches of China?

19. What ought to be the standard of admission to full communion in the native churches?

20. What is the duty of missionaries in vindicating the treaty rights of native

Christians in China?

21. Ought the native churches of China

to be united ecclesiastically and made inde. pendent of foreign churches and societies?

22. What are the worst evils in the condition of women in China? What is being done for their removal and what more ought to be done?

23. What hindrances does the progress of Christianity in China experience on account of merely nominal Christianity, or infidelity or immorality in the lives of European and American residents ?

24. What mistakes do the churches and average public sentiment in the West make as to the religions and political condition of China?

Rev. E. W. Elliott, B.A., has been appointed to Foochow, and Rev. A. R. Fuller to Shaou-hing, by the C.M.S., and are looked for at an early date. The Rev. Dr. Nevius, Rev. D. C. McCoy and Rev. J. Butler, of the Presbyterian Mission, were to leave San Francisco by the August or September mailsteamer for China; this Mission hope also to be reinforced by some three or four fresh members. Rev. G. B. Smyth and J. L. Taylor, M.D., are en route for the Am. Methodist Episcopal Mission, Foochow; and we hear that several other Missions are promised reinforcements. Altogether the outlook for the near future is very cheering.

By the Annual Report for 1881 of the Agency of the American Bible Society for China, only just received, we learn that during that year their Chinese publications uumbered in all 4,020 Bibles, 91,099 Portions, making a total of


10,338,358 pages. The figures for distribution were 393 Bibles, 13,031 Testaments, and 99,171 Portions, or a total of 105,595. More than. half the entire circulation was effected through the Colporteur Service which reports 121 months' of labor, 40 months by Foreign Colporteurs, and 81 by Native. By the Foreign Colporteurs 40,167 volumes were sold, and by the Native 15,740,—ɛ total of 55,740 volumes.

We are glad to hear that the Anti-opium Memorial has met with a considerable degree of success. A large number of signatures have

gone forward, principally English, | to take up the matter. Cannot such

owing to an idea on the part of American brethren that they can hardly be expected to sign an address to the British House of Commons. This, however, has been happily overruled by the statement of Sir Thomas Wade, who, when asked on the subject, replied there could be no objection whatever to their signing such a Memorial and he would inform the British Government that he had said so. It is a common thing at home for persons of various nationalities to address other Governments than their own. In the case of the Missionaries in India, they have united to the number of upwards of three hundred in signing an Anti-opium Memorial similar to the one now under consideration in China. If indeed such a Memorial can have any good effect, or even if it simply represents the combined opinion of Missionaries here on the subject, it may well be taken in hand, and obtain as many signaturas as possible. There can be no divison of sentiment among them at least in regard to the evils of opium, as used in China, and so the address in question may be expected to go forward sustained by the sympathies of one and all. We venture to suggest here there ought to be a combination on the part of the Missionaries in China, such as exists in Japan and eles where, on the principles of the Evangelical Alliance. There are many topics which might well be considered by such an association, and while good would be done and evils corrected by it, the whole is neglected, from there being no Agency of the kind

a movement be organised amongst us? Might not an association be at once formed, having Shanghai, perhaps, as its head quarters, with its wide spreading branches in other parts? Were this to be done a general review of Missionary work might be issued from time to time. in connection with it for circulation at home and abroad, and current evils around us might be taken up and represented with power and effect, that are at present allowed to run riot and inflict tremendous mischief. We shall be glad to receive any communications on the subject.

TIENTSIN.-The Mission Hospital at Lao-ling, the property of the Methodist New Connexion Mission, and under the charge of Dr. Stenhouse, was, on the 9th August, totally destroyed by fire. The disaster was caused through the accidental ignition of a cask of spirits of wine, and all medicines, instruments and furniture completely destroyed. Dr. Stenhouse barely escaped with his life; but we regret to hear he received several burns more or less severe during the conflagration.


FOOCHOW.-We have been favored with the following under the heading "Euthanasia in China":"The unusual interest prevailing at present in all Christian lands on the subject of the sufferings of animals induces the writer to give the following account of a peculiar custom prevailing throughout a large portion of the Fuhkien province. Beginning at a village about thirty miles above Foochow and extending

west along the Min, a distance of at least one hundred miles, the people practice drowning instead of the ordinary mode of killing pork. I was interested to find that the desire to reduce suffering is at the bottom of this custom. The custom of tieing the animal's snout, which I have often noticed, shows the susceptibility of the Chinese to pity for even the lower order of beings. But this custom of drowning seems to be an attempt to avoid this means of rendering the heartrending screaming impossible which, however much we may dislike to hear we nevertheless know to be a boon in extreme suffering. And it is significant that while both the above

customs are known to the Chinese

they as a people, like ourselves, prefer giving the animal doomed to suffer free scope to get all the amelioration possible through the exciting process of intense screaming. The people of this region along the Min abhor the "white pork" of Foochow. The writer would inquire whether anything of the kind has been observed in other parts of the country.


[blocks in formation]

and Thung Ichun tshai in Chonglok have not come to a satisfactory settlement yet. In Yun-on the mandarin refuses to stamp a deed of sale of a house which the owner, a Christian, had sold to the congregation for the purpose of using it as a chapel, and the mandarin of Chonglok refuses to sanction the building of a place of worship on ground that belong, to a Christian.


NORTH FORMOSA.-An Educational Establishment for Chinese youths was opened at Tamsni on July 26th, in the presence of a large assembly of foreigners and natives. The building has been erected with funds subscribed by the home friends of Rev. Geo. Mackay, of the Canadian Presbyterian Mission. embraces an auditory in the central front which is airy and well-lighted, flanked on either side by studies and sleeping apartments capable of accommodating twenty-four stu dents. It as proposed the give the students a general course rather than a religious training only.


HONOLULU.-Dr. D. B. McCartee, for many years a member of the American Presbyterian Presbyterian Mission, Ningpo, writes from Honolulu as follows:-"We have come to take up our residence, for a while at least, on these islands. The Chinese here are very numerous and many of them married to native women. Their houses are comfortable and neat, and in some cases they have handsome villas. There are many Christian Chinese here, mostly Hakkas, from the Basel Mission. One of them has given several hundred dollars toward paying for the Church which has lately been built."

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