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Gail Hamilton exhibits a singular intellectual versatility, nimbly bounding from an exuberant and almost rollicking play of humor to the most serious and impressive appeals. Her gayety at times is as frisky and droll as that of the harlequin of the comic drama; while in the graver, but perhaps not really more earnest passages of the work, the language often rises to a calm eloquence in which reason is too predominant for the display of passion.-N. Y. Tribune.

WOMAN'S WORTH AND WORTHLESSNESS: the Complement to "a New Atmosphere." 12mo, Cloth, $1 50.

LITTLE FOLK LIFE. A Book for Girls. 16mo, Cloth, 90 cents. TWELVE MILES FROM A LEMON. 12m0, Cloth, $1 50.

Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.

HARPER & BROTHERS will send either of the above works by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by

In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.




WHEN Sydney Smith declared merrily that his living in Yorkshire was so far out of the way, that it was actually twelve miles from a lemon, all the world laughed. But the world little knows--the great, self-indulgent world, that dearly loves comfort and ease and pleasure, coolness in August and warmth in November—what it is to live twelve miles from a lemon. A lemon means ice and a market, all good things in their season, and all men eager to wait upon you.

You have been staying in Lemon, let us say, for months, preying upon your betters. You have become thoroughly demoralized by the delights of the lilies, toiling not, nor spinning, and taking no thought for the morrow. But the whirligig of time has brought about its revenges. Your betters, finding no other way to disembarrass themselves of you, have shut up their city house and gone, and you must go too, and take thought for the morrow, or be stranded on a desert island. As you are borne rapidly homeward you try to return once more to practical life, and make an intense mental effort

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