world is ready with the insult, the scoff, the ridicule, and all the weapons of a stupid and ignorant enmity. There is a blindness blinder than the mole's; there is a deafness deafer than the adder's: it is the blindness, the deafness of literary bigotry!"- Henry Reed. "It is a maxim to which Lamb often gave utterance that the genial effect of praise or admiration is robbed of its music, and untuned, by founding it upon some blame or harsh disparagement of a kindred object. If blame be right and called for, then utter it boldly; but do not poison the gracious charities of intellectual love and reverence, when settling upon grand objects, by forcing the mind into a remembrance of something that cannot be comprehended within the same genial feelings."- De Quincey. Parenthetical Phrases, “To my mind,—though I am native here, Shakespeare. "Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, Acting the law we live by without fear; And because right is right, to follow right, Were wisdom in the scorn of consequence."— Tennyson. "Every want, not of a low kind, physical as well as moral, which the human breast feels, and which brutes do not feel and cannot feel, raises man by so much in the scale of existence, and is a clear proof and a direct instance of the favor of God toward his so much favored human offspring. If man had been so made as to desire nothing, he would have wanted almost everything worth possessing."-Webster. Contrasted Sentences. "Mine honor is my life; both grow in one; Take honor from me, and my life is done.”- Shakespeare. "Through the shadow of the globe we sweep into the younger day: Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay."-Tennyson. "I have no expectation that any man will read history aright who thinks that what was done in a remote age, by men whose names have resounded far, has any deeper sense than what he is doing to-day."-R. W. Emerson. "Art is never Art till it is more than Art: the Finite exists only as the body of the Infinite: the man of genius must first know the Infinite, unless he wishes to become not a poet, but a maker of idols."- Kingsley. "Who is the greater?' says the German moralist; the wise man who lifts himself above the storms of time, and from aloof looks down upon them, and yet takes no part therein, or he who from the height of quiet and repose throws himself boldly into the battle-tumult of the world? Glorious is it, when the eagle through the beating tempest flies into the bright blue heaven upward; but far more glorious, when, poising in the blue sky over the black storm-abyss, he plunges downward to his aerie on the cliff, where cower his unfledged brood, and tremble.'"- Longfellow. Concessions. "There is no such thing as forgetting possible to the mind; a thousand accidents may and will interpose a veil between our present consciousness and the secret inscriptions on the mind. Accidents of the same sort will also rend away this veil; but alike, whether veiled or unveiled, the inscription remains forever.". De Quincey. "I cannot think that any man, though he may make himself a marvellously clever disputant, ever could tower upwards into a very great philosopher, unless he should begin or should end with Christianity. "My faith is, that, though a great man may, by a rare possibility, be an infidel, an intellect of the highest order must build on Christianity. A very clever architect may choose to show his power by building with insufficient materials, but the supreme architect must require the very best; because the perfection of the forms cannot be shown but in the perfection of the matter."— Ibid. "We are wrong always, when we think too much Be verily bitter as self-sacrifice, We're no less selfish. If we sleep on rocks Or roses, sleeping past the hour of noon We 're lazy." Mrs. Browning. Exclamatory Sentences. "Think that To-day shall never dawn again!"— Dante. Ne'er deems to waste the strength He deigns impart!" "All our less Would grow to more, and this our Earth to Heaven, The things that are our own-as they were given ! "What's hallowed ground! 'Tis what gives birth And your high priesthood shall make earth All hallow'd ground!"- Thomas Campbell. "Work is Worship! He that understands this well, understanus the Prophecy of the whole Future; the last Evangel, which has inIcluded all others. Its cathedral, the Dome of Immensity, — hast thou seen it? coped with the star-galaxies; paved with the green mosaic of land and ocean; and for altar, verily, the Star throne of the Eternal. Its litany and psalmody the noble acts, the heroic work and suffering, and true heart utterance of all the Valiant of the Sons of men. Its choir-music, the ancient Winds and Oceans, and deep-toned, inarticulate, but most speaking voices of Destiny and History-supernal ever as of old. Between two great silences: 'Stars silent rest o'er us, Between which two great Silences, do not all human Noises, in the naturalest time, most preternaturally march and roll?"— Carlyle. Exclamations in the Form of Interrogative Sentences begin 66 ning with a Pronoun or Adverb. Why should I be sad, or lorn of hope? Why ever make man's good distinct from God? Robert Browning. "What is to be thought of her? What is to be thought of the poor shepherd girl from the hills and forests of Lorraine, who rose suddenly out of the quiet, out of the safety, out of the religious inspiration of deep pastoral solitudes, to a station in the van of armies, and to the more perilous station at the right hand of kings? The poor maiden drank not herself from that cup of rest which she had secured for France. No! her voice was then silent. No! for her fect were dust. "Pure, innocent, noble-hearted girl! When the thunders of universal France, as even yet may happen, shall proclaim the grandeur of her who gave up all for her country, thy ear will have been deaf for five centuries. To suffer and to do, that was thy portion in this life to do,- never for thyself, always for others; to suffer,never in the persons of generous champions, always in thy own, that was thy destiny; and not for a moment was it hidden from thyself. Life, thou saidst, is short; let me use that life, so transitory, for glorious ends." - De Quincey. Exclamations in the Form of Interrogative Sentences beginning with a Verb. "Is not a day coming-yea, unto them who watch for the Morning, has it not already dawned? when we shall grow so covetous of good, of grace, as to turn our swords, too often sharpened against each other's bosoms, into ploughshares, to break up the fallow ground that lies within and around us? when we shall beat our spears into pruning-hooks to dress the abundant increase of the days, when the sower shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed?"- Miss Greenwell. "That which befits us, embosomed in beauty and wonder as we are, is cheerfulness and courage, and the endeavor to realize our aspirations. The life of man is the true romance, which when it is valiantly conducted, will yield the imagination a higher joy than any fiction. All around us, what powers are wrapped up under the coarse mattings of custom, and all wonder prevented. It is so wonderful to our neurologists that a man can see without his eyes, that it does not occur to them, that it is just as wonderful that he can see with them; and that is ever the difference between the wise and the unwise: the latter wonders at what is unusual, the wise man wonders at the usual. Shall not the heart which has received so much, trust the power by which it lives? Shall it not quit other leadings and listen to the Soul that has guided it so gently, and taught it so much, secure that the Future will be worthy of the Past?". Emerson. Declarations in the Form of Negative Sentences. "No mere negations, nothing but the full liberation of the truth which lies at the root of error, can eradicate error." - Robertson. "No principle is more noble, as there is none more holy, than that of a true obedience. Every being is excellent, as it is faithful to the law of its existence. It is by this fidelity in the material universe, that atom holds atom in solid worlds and in boundless sysLems. It is by this fidelity in the moral universe, that soul holds to soul in the unity of families, and the order of nations. Subvert this fidelity, and where would be beauty? Where even would be existence? Physical or moral anarchy must soon reach its own extinction, in the restoration of order, or the annihilation of the world. There would, without obedience, be no kindred to create a home; no law to create a state; there would be no conscience to inspire right; no faith to apprehend religion; humanity, there could be none, nor even the earth to supply it with a dwelling.". Giles. "Not a difficulty but can transfigure itself into a triumph; not even a deformity but, if our soul have imprinted worth on it, will grow dear to us." - Emerson. "Can I think of her as dead, and love her for the love she bore? she never loved me truly love is love forevermore." No - : Tennyson. "There is no loss but change, no death but sin, No parting, save the slow corrupting pain Miss Muloch. |