Puslapio vaizdai

dying. He has brought death with him from the south. The fiery sun has burned up his veins; the poisoned air has wasted away his life. He draws the mantle from his bosom; the Indian arrow rankles there still. He has hastened home, only to tell me that he loved to the last, and to die at my side. Come, mighty dark ness, thou ocean where all things perish, enfold us both. Come, so lemn night, where no voices are heard. Come, unlovely shroud. No: come thou glorious star, in whose bowers the spirits of the unhappy taste of the fount of joy, of youth and love for ever; stoop above us, and summon us together from the world." At the words she bent herself forward, as if taking a last embrace of the dead, touched a few funereal notes, which were heard in silence, broken only by the sobs of the women; then, when the effect of this fine transition had been fully produced, she seemed suddenly to acquire a new inspiration, gazed upward, and almost overpowered her audience by a tumult of triumphant chords, while, with her splendid eye straining above, she followed the flight of the risen spirit with a voice that rolled like incense, richly and solemnly waving its way towards heaven.

The enchantment lasted, though the harmony ceased; and I had turned dreamer too. The singer was certainly one of the handsomest creatures that grace and nature could have formed even in the country of captivation. By what means she, who appeared fitted to flourish in the courts of princes, or to give law to the princes themselves, could have found her designation in the coulisses of what, at best, looked to be a private theatre, was one of those problems which, whenever they come athwart one, are wonderfully apt to excite a strong curiosity. I was guarded from any very hazardous excess of that curiosity by other feelings; still, where beauty, exquisite accomplishment, powerful sensibility, and matchless taste, conspired to the attraction, I may not be blamed more than other philosophers, for being on the point of enquiring of my friend, the gallant capitan, how all these things could be.

His quickness saved me from all

the embarrassment of enquiry. "Now that you have heard La Crescembini," said he, fixing his full and searching eyes upon me, "how old do you think her?" The question of her chronology had never occurred among my reveries. However, he did not wait for my answer. "At some other time you shall hear her history," interrupted he. "She is handsome, and clever too. We," and he laid a peculiar stress on the word-"We find her of prodigious use; for she is the most sublime of politicians, a first-rate friend to liberty; and if you heard one of her patriotic airs, the first thing even your gravity would ask for, would probably be leave to wear our cockade, and carry a musket in the ranks of the regenerators."

"That would require no miracle," was my reply. "I am more than half inclined already to be as mad as the maddest of you. But the distinction between us is, that when Englishmen begin those matters, they are not satisfied unless they go through with them."

"So you think," said Altuna, with a flush on his cheek," the Spaniard is like his own guitar, good for nothing when left to himself-soulless and soundless; but when some hand strikes across his sensibilities a clever combination of parts, that will play any tune, whether the minstrel be king, priest, or peasant-aye, monk or mime, all one to the Spaniard; aye, and when the tune is over, the best thing to be done is to hang up the instrument."

My deprecation of this rapid reasoning was unheard; for he suddenly took me by the hand, forced me by surprise through the door, and, closing it as suddenly, shut out the whole glittering vision, with La Crescembini in its centre, completely from my view, "What is next to be seen?" said I.

"What no man in his senses can object to see," was the answer; "your supper-But hush-I think we are near the Saloon of the Committee, and they are gentlemen who value the freedom of debate so highly, that if they thought a stranger were listening, nothing but the Virgin herself could save you from having your throat cut."

Well, then," said I,

c as I desire

neither to listen nor to pay for listening, had we not better leave the spot altogether ?"

"All in good time," replied Altuna; "but they are gallant fellows, though a little too fond of the poniard on those occasions; and coming in under my wing, I can promise that you will be safe enough. In the meanwhile, as some little preparation is necessary, wait here for a few moments, until I announce you." I had no inclination to be either announced or received; but what was to be done with a fellow as volatile as a feather? Before I could utter a syllable, he had darted down a corridor, which I saw glimmering far before me by the light of one of those scanty lamps which Spain fashions for the benefit of her bravoes. I was now alone, and the change from the shewy saloon to the dim vista, which stretched away endlessly into the labyrinths of this singular abode, was almost as theatrical as the first display of the señora herself. But I was not long left to my meditations. I had gone forward but a few paces, exploring the corridor, when a partition in the wall quickly opened, and three men rather rolled than stepped out of it. "Demonio!" exclaimed one of them. "Here he is-I told you the truth." "A spy of the police!" exclaimed the second. "Down with him," was the cry of the third. On which the whole three, flinging their cloaks on the floor, and drawing their poniards, advanced on me in order of battle. My situation was now embarrassing enough. I uttered a few words of remonstrance, but they had made up their minds on the subject, and never was English gentleman in a more delicate situation with respect to his personal safety. Let it be no imputation on my heroism that I would have made a rapid retreat, if that had been in my power, but a glance round convinced me that the attempt was hopeless. The door by which Altuna had brought me into this detestable corridor was as flat and fixed as if it had been a part of the wall. The way by which he had vanished had the look of an avenue to a dungeon, and, besides, had my three executioners in its front. I was totally unarmed, and then regretted with perfect sincerity that I had bro

ken a vow registered on my tablets, at my first setting foot on Spanish ground, of trusting to a pair of English percussion locks, in preference to the oath of any grandee from Andalusia to the Asturias.

I had now recovered my pre sence of mind, and, with all of the language that I could muster, continued to deprecate this summary method of extinguishing political eavesdropping. I told them that I was an Englishman. The name had for once lost its charm. They curled up their mustaches to their foreheads, and brandished their abominable stilettoes, which I saw sparkling in the meagre lamp, like little basilisks, I told them that I neither knew nor cared more than the dust I trode on, about Spanish politics; that I had come there only to hear a song, and eat a supper; and that as I had done the one, they might satisfy themselves by seeing me do the other the moment they pleased. This sally, which touched the national honour, was injudicious; but what man can have his wits about him for ever? and I was in a situation which might have perplexed a privy counsellor of the empire.


They flung themselves into attitudes of double defiance, and adopting a new tactique, perfectly national, attempted to outflank me on both sides, while the third manoeuvred on my rear. There was now no time to be lost. Isprang to the opposite side of the corridor, and in the act levelled a blow of my naked hand at the assailant, which, coming in a fortunate place, full in his capacious throat, flung him headlong and heavily on the ground. was a surprise on my antagonists, which gave me time to shift my position, and taking post in a kind of niche in the wall, I now relied on the desperate chance of continuing the struggle until Altuna should return. The two combatants whom I had left standing, now advanced again, stiletto in hand, and if oaths and gestures could give sign of their determination, fully resolved on extinguishing my career. I now called for Altuna, but the capitan was not to be brought back by any invocation of mine. The bravoes, for I saw that this was their profession, now attempted to parley,

"Señor Inglise," said one of them, a tall ruffian, with a huge scar over the eyebrow, deepening the natural felonious intent of his visage," you see resistance is useless. So you had better save trouble, and come to an understanding. That diamond brooch would suit my wife vastly. I should like to borrow it for an hour or two."

"I'll lay my new calèche to your old one, Tomaso," said the other ruffian, with a grin," that the señor has had that brooch from a princess, and would rather give me his gold repeater. Prove my words, señor," said he," and you shall be the happier man for it, with in the next five minutes."

I actually burst into a laugh at the oddity of the villain's effrontery; in which the heroes of the poniard joined. But the laughter on their parts was in the way of their trade; for they both made a spring at the moment, had the brooch and watch in their fingers, and had them transferred to their own pockets with the dexterity of proficients in the art of highway robbery.

"Your purse," was then the cry of both. I had no power of resist ance, and handed them the purse.


Diego," said one of them, " now we must earn our pay. The heretic must die."

Roused by this plain declaration, I sprang upon them. The purse fell, its contents flew about the floor. This was unlucky, for the third, stimulated by the sound, now rising, the whole three forced themselves in upon me. I now struggled for life; one of the ruffians had already driven his weapon through my hand, and another stooping down clung round my knees. Bleeding, and thus hampered, I felt my strength giving way. I fought furiously, but a strange giddiness began to make the corridor swim round me. At that moment, and in the consciousness that the next might be my last, I wrested the blade from the hand of the bravo who had wounded me, and drove it straight down his open mouth, with a force which left it fixed there. He staggered away, and fell on the ground with a howl. The force of the blow threw me back at the same time; and to my surprise

I felt the wall shake. I was again weaponless, my head whirled round, and my last sensations were those of returning a desperate blow, and falling backwards through the parti tion.

I probably remained for some time in a state of insensibility, for my senses returned but slowly. First came the glimmer of a feeble light; then confused sounds; then the figure of the Señor Don Altuna at full length, standing by my side, flourishing his sabre, and exulting in having taken summary vengeance of all my enemies on this side of the Line. I wished that he had come somewhat earlier; but as the affair was over, it was not worth the expenditure of much sorrow, and I suffered him to act the surgeon for me, which he did with infinite assiduity.

I now discovered the means by which I had got out of the corridor; the niche in which I had taken up my final position, was luckily the entrance to the chamber in which I found myself. All in this singular mansion, or nest of mansions, was constructed on the principle of privacy. It had as many trapdoors as a stage, or a haunt of banditti; the principal part of the huge dwelling itself had been built for an undisturbed receptacle for those victims of the Inquisition, which it was the high pleasure of the saintly governors of the Spanish conscience to keep under bolt and bar for the term of their lives; and every wall was honeycombed. All was a system of cells, very curious, very comfortless, very silent, and containing any thing but bees and the produce of their laboure. The adventure had come to its natural conclusion, and it would have been prudent to turn on our steps, leave La Crescembini to her own captivations, and like a pair of dilapidated spendthrifts, quietly make the best of our way to our hotel. But against this I had a strange reluctance. Among the first sounds that reminded me of my being still in the land of the living, a whisper had seemed to come, which, low as it was, also reminded me of the fairest creature that trode the earth. The voice was scarcely audible, yet it sank into my panting heart. Even at that moment of exhaustion, I tried to exclaim "Cata

lina." But the word would not come. With my wavering eyes, I thought I could discern a figure, wrapped to the eyes in a long scarf, but when I closed them in faintness, the next view which they gave me was of the gallant cavalier flourishing his sword, chafed with the glow of what I took for granted was recent combat, and resembling any thing on earth rather than the object of my dream.

The proposal_to_return_to our hotel was negatived by me at once, and the negation was gaily received by my lively friend. "Well," said he, "you have grown an enthusiast at last; true Englishman, steady to your point, loss of blood with your nation only rouses them to perseverance; defeat is the parent of energy, and the heavier your fall upon the earth, the higher is your rebound. But are you sufficiently recovered for another scene, a little more animated, though perhaps a little less refined, than the minstrelsy of La Crescembini?" He kicked open one of the hundred doors that perforated the house in all directions, and shewed me into a little apartment elegantly fitted up, and with a small supper table laid out; taking a flask of Champagne from the beaufet, he poured out a couple of glasses, and we drank to the charms of the lady of the palace. The wine put all my remaining weakness and wisdom to the_rout together, and I bade him lead on. Another glass fortified us both for all kinds of adventure; we reached the end of a passage prepared, like all the rest, by dimness, to give effect to the flash of radiance that was to meet us the moment after. A bell was rung, and we were in the grand salon. The effect was, what it was intended to be, completely dramatic. The room was large, crowded, and magnificently furnished. But its assemblage were the amusing part of the scene. It exhibited some of the handsomest women whom I had seen in Spain, and some of the most shewylooking men. There was a vast display of dress and decoration on all sides, but it was evident that the law of the night was to follow every fantasy, without the most trivial respect for etiquette; some danced, some lounged on the velvet sofas which lay scattered in all quarters of the

salon. Some conversed in groups, and some discussed with evident skill the virtues of the incomparable wines, with which an army of menials in silk and silver penetrated every corner of this beautiful hall. Accustomed as I had been of late years to the glittering portions of foreign life, I was absolutely dazzled. But when I had recovered sufficient composure to distinguish things, I saw, obviously enough, that this assemblage had other purposes than to while away an evening. All, both male and female, wore a small crimson heart, wrought on some part of their dress. I could perceive a species of masonic sign passing between the parties, as they recognised each other on entrance, for the room continued to fill for hours; and even the familiarity that belongs to foreign conversation was palpably tinged with diplomatic mystery. Yet the individual groups would have formed matchless models for a sculptor of the generation of Far nientes. Before me waltzed a pair, whom I could almost believe to have exchanged dresses before they began their gyrations. The lady was broad, bold, and loud—loud in her laugh, and louder in her tongue. The gentleman was slight, delicate, and girlish; with a smile that seemed to be soliciting the sensibilities of the human race, and a voice fit for nothing more violent than a serenade. On an ottoman under an enormous chandelier which showered light on her diamond tiara, and jewelled hands and arms, sat, or rather lay, a gigantic woman, with a brow clouded with indignation at some narrative, which a Moresco-visaged man was pouring into her ear. A beautiful girl, in a dress worthy of a sylph, a vesture as bright, and almost as aërial, as the rainbow, sat, suspending a small theorbo in her hands, while she paused from a cavatina to listen to the communication. At a table of malachite, on which stood a huge candelabrum, embossed with Greek masks and vine branches, a pair were engaged in a game of chess, which evidently allowed the performance of a dialogue of a more interesting order. The cavalier was stately, and of middle age, decorated with various stars, and of the highest air of fashionable life; the lady was sumptuously dressed, fiercely rouged, and

with a pair of eyes, whose blackness and brilliancy contrasting with the crimson of her cheeks, gave her the physiognomy which we involuntarily picture for a dealer in magic; a summoner of spells and spirits; a poetic bond-slave of darkness. The room was crowded with groups scarcely less peculiar, and all pursuing their various objects under cover of a perpetual strife of tongues, music, and dancing.

Altuna had flown away from me, in his usual style of levity, the moment we had entered the room. I saw him navigating his way far among the tables, ottomans, harps and harpistes, until he was lost sight of amid a cloud of heron and ostrich plumes, which waved with a double confusion of pleasure as this gayest of the gay plunged among them. At length he returned towards the spot where I stood, occupied chiefly, I must acknowledge, with contemplating the graces of the young theorbo player, who had now heard what she probably deemed enough of the conversation beside her, and was amusing herself, and delighting a group whose numbers continually increased, with her exquisite voice and finger. In this exercise, all the attractions of a fine hand and arm are naturally developed, and the young performer might have administered in these points to the imagination of a Raphael. The capitan caught my eye, and burst into laugh


"So," said he, "I see La Leonina has captured you. No wonder. There is not a prettier fandango dancer in Madrid,"

"What! a fandango dancer?" I exclaimed with unfeigned surprise. "That delicate creature a fandango dancer! That being, whose fine blue eyes are scarcely more celestial than her form; that being who seems all sensibility, timidity, and elegance!

"It is true, nevertheless," was the answer. "But she is as wily as a serpent, and, unless you are determined to leave your life or your last piastre in Spain, you will consult your comforts exceedingly by leaving La Leonina to toy with her theorbo for those caballeros and damas, and come with me to the table where I hear them already exploding their batteries of champagne,"

The waltzing pair, whom I had already observed, now came whirling towards us, and fairly swept me out of the discussion. "Ah!" whispered Altuna, “you must contrive to get yourself introduced there. The don, dance as he may, is one of our firstrate patriots. The dama is a philosopher, of course superior to the prejudices of the sex, sufficiently to think that politics are a female vocation; and superior to superstition, sufficiently to think that priests would be worth getting rid of, if it were only for the sake of getting rid of matrimony."

"She is then in the chain ?" I asked.

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'Yes, and to her infinite indignation," was the answer. "She has been married those ten years to a Duke; this is her first grievance. For instead of years, she had calculated only upon hours. Her next disappointment was an Italian title; though she has a length and depth of honours that would exhaust the lungs of a court chamberlain. Her present calamity is that of being excluded by her sex from taking her seat in the Cortes, and settling the national affairs on the model of her boudoir. In that case, Don Sylva would be first secretary to the cabinet."

The lady and the don had now gone far enough out of hearing for my enquiring into his memoir.

Nothing easier," was the reply. "He is my colonel, and was a footman! Nature gave him a shewy exterior, as you may see, and, on the whole, he would have made a pretty housemaid. But his genius was warlike; he longed for an epaulet. He was too handsome to be refused. He became a standardbearer in the Guards. His career then was open. He had nothing to do for glory, red ribands, and promotion, but to practise the guitar, waltz, as he does, with great skill and equal diligence, import his rouge from the first French dealers in the article, and declare himself the humblest of slaves to the haughtiest of señoras, the Duquesa de Vignolera, with whom you see him sweeping away through yonder mob at this moment."

"But the chess players?" said I. Aye," replied my cicerone,

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