TO THE ں کے STUDY OF DANTE. BY JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS, M. А., LATE FELLOW OF MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD. LONDON: SMITH, ELDER & CO., 15, WATERLOO PLACE 1872. [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] PREFACE. THESE Chapters on Dante were originally composed as Lectures. My sole purpose in writing them was to make the study of Dante's works more easy to English readers. To Fraticelli's invaluable edition of the Divine Comedy and minor works of Dante, and to his Life of Dante, I am indebted for nearly all the material of which I have availed myself. The Dean of St. Paul's Essay was unknown to me, nor had Miss M. F. Rossetti's Shadow of Dante appeared, before the composition of the following pages. My debt to Mr. D. G. Rossetti's unique work on the Early Italian Poets, and to Dr. Carlyle's Translation of the Inferno, will be acknowledged in the notes. It remains to be mentioned that the photograph which forms a frontispiece to this volume is taken from a mask of Dante's face given to me by the late Mr. Kirkup of Florence. Clifton, July, 1872. |