Puslapio vaizdai

our quotations further, 1
to dispute what we have
sages: Two Gentlemen o
Nothing, act i. scene i.,
dialogues in As You Li
beginning of scene iii., wit
act. Twelfth Night, act i
our references. In this Р
is one very obvious peculi
which marks it, there is se
as though he were striking
a language which is at onc
beings amongst whom we
world which exists only in
two styles are in perfect u

Of prose professedly rh specimens, for he has of verse, whenever his subje more than usually elevat division of his prose ar body of Cæsar, Julius C between Bates, Williams, fourth act of Henry V., a in the Winter's Tale, act to see why the poet has ference to verse. The st the plays in which they o however, we purpose to s

We now come to the where Shakespeare has r and is, it must be confe The finest and most o Hamlet, act ii. scene ii.

This goodly frame the you, the brave o'erhanging why it appears no other t vapours. What a piece moving! How express apprehension how like animals! And yet to m

It would be har ture a passage which and the majesty of

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