THE DRAMA OF THE DOCTOR'S WINDOW. IN THREE ACTS, WITH A PROLOGUE. "A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus, MIDSUMMER-NIGHT'S DREAM. Rendered severer by a bald And skinless Gladiator, Whose raw robustness first appalled The entering spectator. No one would call "The Lancet" gay,- That Jones, "On Muscular Decay," Is, as a rule, depressing: So, leaving both, to change the scene, Below, the Doctor's garden lay, If thus imagination Unused to vegetation, Filled with a dismal-looking swing— That brought to mind a gallows— An empty kennel, mouldering, And two dyspeptic aloes. No sparrow chirped, no daisy sprung, A dreary spot! And yet, I own, For Jones and for "The Lancet," I watched; and by especial grace, Within this stage contracted, Saw presently before my face A classic story acted. Ah, World of ours, are you so gray You told at the beginning? For lo! the same old myths that made The early "stage successes, Still "hold the boards," and still are played, "With new effects and dresses." Small, lonely "three-pair-backs " behold, To-day, Alcestis dying; دو one reads Still in one's morning "Times Still Menelaus brings, we see, His oft-remanded case on; Still somewhere sad Hypsipyle Bewails a faithless Jason; G And here, the Doctor's sill beside, Do I not now discover A Thisbe, whom the walls divide ACT THE FIRST. Act I. began. Some noise had scared Passed wearily towards the swing, A child of five, with eyes that were A mournful mouth, and tangled hair Seemed to sardonically mock What was it? Something in the dress That told the girl unmothered; Or was it that the merciless Black garb of mourning smothered Then, as I looked, across the wall And round, bright eyes, that wore a stare Rounder they grew by slow degrees, Until the swinger, swerving, Made, all at once, alive to these Gave just one brief, half-uttered cry, Fled in dismay. A moment's space, |