b. Exports of North and South Just Before the War⭑ (See page 240) Summary Statement of the Value of Exports of the Growth, Produce, and Manufacture of the United States, for the Year Ending June 30, 1859; the Productions of the North and of the South, Respectively, Being Placed in Opposite Columns; and the Articles of a Mixed Origin Being Stated Separately.-Report on Com. and Nav., 1859. Spirituous liquors, ale, porter, beer, cider, vinegar, linseed oil 1,370,787 Household furniture, carriages, rail-road cars, etc. 1,722,797 317,727 3,402,491 Gunpowder, leather, boots, shoes, cables, cordage.. 2,011,931 Gold and silver, in coin and bullion Products of the sea, being oil, fish, whalebone, etc. Add Northern exports Total exports EXPLANATORY NOTE.--The whole of the exports from the ports of Delaware, Baltimore, and New Orleans, are placed in the column of Northern exports, because there is no means of determining what proportion of them were from free or slave States, and it has been thought best to give this advantage to the North. Taking into the account only the heavier amounts, the exports from these ports foot up $11,287,898; of which near one-half consisted of provisions and lumber. The total imports for the year were $338,768,130. Of this $20,895,077 were re-exported, which, added to the domestic exports, makes the total exports $356,789,462, thus leaving a balance in our favor of $18,021,332. For Table showing Cotton Manufacture since the Civil War, see Chapter 70. c. Production and Exports of Raw Cotton, 1790-1914 5 9,509,745 6,870,313 1914 16,134,930 1899 1911 15,692,701 10,681,332 5 Bulletin No. 131, Dept. of Commerce: Washington, 1915; p. 82. 6 d. Value of Important Agricultural Exports, 1899-1914 ® (000 omitted) 1899 1904 1909 1912 1913 1914 Vegetable 7 Oil Cake Tobacco $13,809 $12,618 $23,098 $26,908 $24,044 $16,251 14,548 17,069 25,836 28,228 29,444 21,6687 25,467 29,640 30,902 43,251 49,354 53,964 Corn 68,977 30,071 25,194 28,957 Wheat Flour 73,093 68,894 51,157 50,999 53,172 54,454 104,269 35,850 68,094 28,477 89,036 87,953 Total Grain 273,999 76,215 160,076 123,095 210,524 164,846 210,080 372,049 417,390 565,849 | 547,357 610,475 Cotton For Table showing Cotton Manufacture since the Civil War, see Chapter 70. • Year Book, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 7 Should be credited to Cotton. |