carried on between two persons in rather a subdued tone of voice. She stood listening at the door, and heard one say to the other, "I will not go unless thou come with me." The girl returned to her master, and said, "there is some one with Mr. Griffith, and he tells him he will not come unless the other accompany him. I did not hear the other make a reply, so I conclude he will not come from there to night." "Yes, yes, he will," said the good man: "and the Other will come with him, if matters are as you represent them. We shall begin the service by singing and reading till the two come." At length Mr. Griffith came, and the "Other "with him, and they had an extraordinary meeting that night. It proved the commencement of a powerful revival in the neighbourhood, and many were converted to God. "Nothing, brethren,” Mr. Williams would say, "is necessary to render our ministry as efficient and successful as that of our fathers, but that we should be brought to the same spirit and mind." OUT-DOOR PREACHING AND SUNDAY BANDS. A correspondent of the Presbyterian, writing from London, states that while the Sunday bands have already begun to weary the supporters by the expense and disorder attending them, and are one by one dropping off in the principal towns, the Christian people of London have turned upon the invader of the Lord's day, and are "carrying the way into Africa," by the establishment of regular open-air preaching in Victoria Park where thousands are congregated every Sabbath afternoon, to listen to the gospel from preachers of various denominations, among whom are six or seven zealous "Churchmen." Once more, shall not the good work be taken up in- New York and Brooklyn ? THE DAY OF REST. The institution in paradise, before the fall of man, of one-seventh portion of our time to be devoted especially to God; the renewal of it in the wilderness; its insertion as the fourth commandment in the Decalogue, with equal authority as the other nine; the manner in which the evangelical Prophet Isaiah and others, as well as Ezra and Nehemiah, dwell on its dignity and importance in a way quite different from their language as to the Mosaic ritual, and the gracious conduct of our Savour in rejecting the uncommanded austerities of the Scribes and Pharisees -all unite in calling on us to honor God and to preserve to the mass of the laboring classes, what is emphatically the poor man's heritage, the observance of the day of rest, which is the type and pledge of an eternal Sabbath in heaven.-Bishop of Calcutta's last Charge. AN EMPEROR'S POCKET MONEY. A curious pecuniary detail has come to knowledge within these few days. Every morning a bag containing 10,000f; was dispatched by railroad from Epinal to Plombieres; and "sufficient for the day" would scarcely seem to have been the resources thereof; for a person attached to the Emperor's service, who has returned from Plombieres, has stated that at the hour of retiring to rest, his imperial Majesty never remained in possession of a single sou. SALVATION. What is so needful as salvation? Fie upon this condemned and foolish world, that would give so little for salvation. Oh, if there were a free market of salvation proclaimed on that day when the trumpet of God shall awake the dead, how many buyers would be there! What are all the sinners in the world on that day when heaven and earth shall go up in a flame of fire, but number of beguiled dreamers? Every one shall say of his hunting, and of his conquest, "Behold it was a dream."-Rutherford. A WELCOME SURPRISE. Rev. T. Dewi Talmage, the young and talented pastor of the church, Belleville, New Jersey, was recently married and was absent from his people some two or three weeks on a wedding tour. Arriving at the parsonage on his return home with his wife, he was surprised to find the whole house, from the attic to the cellar, completely provided with appropriate furniture. During his absence the people of his congregation had purchased everything in the shape of furniture, necessary for the comfort and convenience of their pastor's residence, and had quietly, yet industriously placed every article in its appropriate position; and when he returned, it was presented to him as personal property. JAY AND THE ANGEL. When the Edward Irving mania raged, a man calling himself an "Angel of the Church," proceeded from Bristol to Bath, on a special mission to William Jay. The grave, ! thinking old man, was in his study, and when the "Angel,! a man with a dismal countenance, a white cravat, and rusty black trousers appeared, Mr. Jay asked him his business? "I am the Angel of the Church," said the man. "What Church?" asked Mr. Jay. "The Irvingite church at Bristol," replied the Angel. "Take off your coat," said Mr. Jay. The Angel took off his coat, and Mr. J. quietly rubbed his shoulder blades. "What are you doing?" asked the Angel. "Looking for your wings," was the cool answer of William Jay. THE BEAUTIFUL. Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautifal. Beauty is God's handwriting-a wayside sacrament; welcome it in every flower, and thank Him for it, the fountain of all loveliness, and drink it in simply and earnestly with all your eyes; 'tis a charmed draught, a cup of blessing. MENTAL INDOLENCE. Men reflect little, read negligently, judge with precipitation, and receive current opinions exactly as they do money, because they are current. -Rev. R. Fennell. END OF SCEPTICISM. We frequently see inquisitive and restless spirits take refuge from their own scepticism in the bosom of a Church which pretends to infallibility, and, after questioning the existence of a Deity, bring themselves to worship a wafer -Macaulay. ! COURTESY. No man is a gentleman who, without provocation, would treat the humblest of his species with incivility. It is a vulgarity for which no accomplishments, and no attainments can ever atone. Show me the man who desires to make every one happy around him, and whose greatest solicitude is never to give just offence to any one, and I will show you a gentleman by nature and practice, although he may never have worn a suit of broadcloth, nor ever heard of a lexicon. MAN OR MONEY? An Athenian who was hesitating whether to give his daughter in marriage to a man of worth with a small fortune, or to a rich man who had no other recommendation, went to consult Themistocles on the subject. "I would bestow my daughter," said Themistocles, "upon a man without money rather than upon money without a man." GENIUS. Wonderful is the power of genius in shedding a perpetual enchantment over the scenes and localities of its historic narrations or poetic fictions. What right has that little rocky peninsula of Greece to make itself the local point of classic interest to succeeding ages? Because the recording muse of her own history has clad her with the halo of its glory. What right had the men, the events, the institutes of Athens to claim a permanent and resplendent place in the view and memory of the world? Because they stood surrounded by the glare of the splendid explosions of Grecian genius. And so the comer from a far land, as he skirts the shores of the Hellespont, as he passes the Tenedos, and treads the Troian plain, gazes with an enchanted eye. He is not treading ordinary, dirty, commonplace earth. Every sod and every lump is impregnate. It has a spirit in it. BOOKS. The continued multiplication of books not only distracts choice, but disappoints inquiry. To him that hath mode rately stored his mind with images, few writers afford any novelty; or what little they have to add to the common stock of learning, is so buried in the mass of general notions, that like silver mingled with the ore of lead, it is too ! little to pay for the labour of separation; and he that hath been often deceived by the promise of a title, at last grows weary of examining, and is tempted to consider all as equally fallacious.-Johnson. DETRACTION. Whence proceeds this weight we lay SWIFT. THE THREE CALLERS. Morn calleth fondly to a fair boy straying 'Mid golden meadows rich with clover dew; She calls-but still he thought of nought save playing, Dreams not that morn, sweet morn, returns no more. Noon cometh but the boy, to manhood growing, With the thin firelight, flick'ring faint and low, Silent and dark-and he returns no more. 1 |