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of air stirring, just enough to produce a pleasant feeling. Annetta had stolen unobserved from the parlour, and had seated herself in the garden, and was watching her old friends, as she used sportively to call them. A cousin who was visiting in the family, came in search of her, as she said, though she very well knew where to seek her.

"Annetta," said her cousin Elizabeth, "what do you see in the stars that makes you look at them so much? I have heard of persons being moon-struck-you must be star-struck, I think."

"There is no harm in looking at them, is there?" said Annetta, making room for Elizabeth to sit by her side.

"No, if we don't waste too much time upon them."

Elizabeth had been taught that all time was wasted that did not in some way contribute to pecuniary profit. She had been taught this, but she did not fully receive the doctrine, though it had its influence on her mind.

"I do not think," replied Annetta, "that the time is wasted which is spent in admiring and reflecting on the works of our heavenly Father. What more beautiful objects than the stars has he given us to admire ?"

"They are beautiful to be sure, but one has seen them hundreds of times."

"You have seen your mother and sister hundreds of times, yet you love to see them, don't you ?"

"There is some difference between my mother and sister and a star."

"I know there is; and yet there is, or should be, a likeness too. The most pure and glorious created beings are compared in the Bible to stars. The righteous shall shine as 'the stars in the firmament.' The glorious Redeemer is called the bright and morning star.' We ought to be like the stars, and I think that contemplating them is a means of becoming so."

"We ought to be like the stars!-what an idea! How can we be like the stars ?"

"Well, perhaps the language I used is not very accurate; I will express myself differently. The stars teach us many lessons which it will be wise for us to learn."

"I should like to know what. Let me hear one of the stars' lessons ?"

"Their steady, constant radiance reminds me that I should always be cheerful-that I should always meet my fellow creatures with a pleasant countenance. Sometimes I feel gloomy and depressed; then when I look up and see the stars shining brightly, cheerful, as it were, I feel that to be in harmony with God's universe I must be cheerful too, You say I am always cheerful. It is owing in part to the stars, or rather to the Maker of the stars,” added she, in a lower and reverential voice.

"You mentioned only a part of the lesson," said Elizabeth, "The stars don't shine all the time-the clouds often obscure them; so we ought not to be cheerful all the time-there now."

This was spoken in a tone of triumph, as though there could be no answer to what she had said.

"I beg your pardon," said Annetta, " you do not read the lesson right. They do shine all the time: the clouds and tempest seem to try to prevent their shining, but in vain. When there is an opening in the cloud you see them shining on. They teach us that the clouds and storms of adversity should never disturb the serenity of our souls-that we should ever be cheerful-should rejoice evermore,''

"Have you got to the end of the lesson ?" said Elizabeth.


Oh, no. As the stars shine with a pure and steady light, they remind us that the light of our conduct and example should be pure and steady; that we should not be affectionate to our friends to-day, and indifferent to-morrow; benevolent to-day, and selfish to-morrow; engaged in devotion to-day, and wedded to the world to-morrow. We should let our light shine steadily-should act consistently."

"We don't always feel in the same manner, and hence cannot always act in the same manner. I know that what you have pointed out is desirable, but it is not possible. I like lessons that can be put in practice."

"So do I. I know it is difficult to attain the consistency I spoke of; yet every Christian has a right to say with the

apostle, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.'"

Elizabeth made no reply, for she felt that she was not a Christian, and hence could not adopt the words of the apostle. After a little pause Annetta proceeded: "The stars not only shine with a pure and steady light, but they are always in the same place-or rather, we always know where to find them. So should it be with us. Now there are many persons of whom it is said, 'we never know where to find them.' They are unstable-now follow this, and now that. There is no dependence to be placed on them. We should so act, that on all occasions, and on all subjects, people may know where to find us."

"Go on," said Elizabeth, " you will set the stars talking before long."

"The stars remind the Christian of his bright home beyond those azure depths of the glorious company of the shining ones which he shall meet with there. If there is any material thing which can make us think of the purity and serenity and glory of heaven, it is the stars. Oh, may we be so happy as to reach that glorious place!"

The fervour of Annetta's voice as she uttered these words showed how deeply she was interested, how firmly her affections were fastened on that better country.

Elizabeth was silent. As we have said, she was not a Christian. She felt that she had no title to that place of which her cousin spoke with such rapture. A tear stood in her eye.

"There is one thing more," continued Annetta, "which the stars remind us of-the star of Bethlehem. The sweetest thoughts I have ever had, have been when watching some bright particular star, I have been led to think of the star that guided the shepherds to the Saviour—and of that bright and glorious shining Star, which alone can guide the wandering sinner to a home above."

Elizabeth was melted to tears. She threw her arms around Annetta, and exclaimed, "Oh that I had your feelings! I should then be happy."



HAVING had many occasions to observe that sometimes Sunday-school Teachers have to rejoice in seeing their labours blessed of God, in reference to scholars of whom they had little or no hope, and having met with a case in point, I have thought it advisable, for the encouragement of my fellowlabourers, to send you the following account.

About four years ago, was brought under my notice, a lad pronounced by several to be incorrigible, and only fit for expulsion from the Sunday-school. He was about fourteen years of age, and had been brought up from his infancy among brickmakers-a class of persons proverbial for drunkenness and immorality. I found, upon catechizing him, that his intellect was awfully beclouded, his morals dreadfully vitiated, and his education almost entirely neglected. I devoted myself almost exclusively on the Sabbath to the work of improving the mental, moral, and religious condition of this much to be pitied youth; and, on week evenings, taught him writing and the rudiments of arithmetic. I confess that I had many difficulties, and sometimes I was persuaded and tempted to abandon my task; but I fancied I saw before me one that would amply repay me for my trouble, in being yet a useful member of the Church of Christ, and the sequel will show that I was not mistaken. Gradually his mind was awakened to convictions of the omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience of God. Soon my young disciple was much improved in every sense of the word; and the Church soon had to rejoice in witnessing in him a devoted, useful, and consistent member. He has been known by the members of his family to leave his bed in the dead of night, and humbly kneel and fervently pray for the conversion of his father-who was a dreadful drunkard-his brothers and sisters. Since then he has had the happiness of seeing two of his sisters and a brother converted to God, and become very zealously devoted to his cause; and his father, who had not been to a place of worship for many years, weeping under the Word of God, and the

prayers of his children, whom he had brought up in gross darkness and immorality.

This youth having had much of drunkenness before him, and having shared in that sin, he felt fearful that it would be to him an easily besetting sin, and therefore resolutely refused to taste a drop of any intoxicating drink. His two sisters and the brother alluded to, also became thorough abstainers from all alcoholic beverages; and the father has become much reformed. The family has left England and crossed the Atlantic; and the last account I received from them was most satisfactory. There are one or two circumstances in connexion with the case, which I consider worth recording. After becoming decided for religion and teetotalism, my young friend had a great deal of money to do good with, which money, under previous circumstances, would have been spent in vice. Of what he thus saved he cheerfully gave liberally to the cause of Missions, and the rest he laid out in a praiseworthy manner.

As his mother was dead, his father used to purchase his clothes. One Saturday night he reminded his father that he had no shirt for the coming Sabbath. The only one which he had, he had worn all the week at his dirty work. His father promised to buy him one that evening, but failed in his promise; and on the Sabbath morning he felt much annoyed that his father had thus disappointed him. His father, however, offered to buy him one on the Sabbath morning, but the noble lad replied that he would rather go to Chapel in a dirty shirt, or without one, than in one purchased on the Sabbathday. His father felt subdued, and praised his son, who had not spoken impertinently, but with mildness and firmness. When he told me the circumstances, I must say I felt proud of my pupil. His conduct has often cheered me in the time of difficulty, and encouraged me in my work. Hoping that this statement may encourage others who are engaged in the instruction of the rising generation, is the prayer of their sincere well-wisher and fellow-labourer,



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