Puslapio vaizdai
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EXPERIENCES, mystic, 150

FRANCE, Tennyson's attitude
towards, 42-43, 67, 153,


IN MEMORIAM, 186-192

Its psychical history, 186-
192; characteristics, 192-
200; treatment of nature,
200-207; structure of poem,
208; chronology of poem,
209-214; questions of faith,
215-221; the wedding feast,
221-222; the close, 222-

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69-71; first classical studies,
72-74; new blank verse,

POEMS OF 1833, 77-95

Tennyson's power of crea-
tion, 77-78; character-
drawing, 78-80; the ten-
dency to individualism, 81-
82; nature-pictures charac-
teristically English, 82-88;
poetic symbolism, 88-92;
elaborate recasting of
poems, 89; poetry of
common life, 93-95

POEMS OF 1842, 96-III

Tennyson's closeness to his
time, 96-98; the sanctity
of marriage, 99-100; con-
ception of womanhood, 101,
102; phases of love, 102,
103; dramatic idylls, 104;
nature-pictures, 105-107;
theological poems, 107-111

POEMS, 112-144
Tennyson as a landscapist,
112; invented landscape,
113-115; Enone, nature-
pictures, 114-120; the
humanity of the poem,
121-123; the Lotos-Eaters,
123-125; recasting of poenis,
125; Ulysses, 126-127; the
Arthurian legend, 128-13 3;


charges of plagiarism, 133,
134; Tithonus, 134-136;
Lucretius, 136-139; Tire-
sias, 139-140; Demeter and
Persephone, 140-142; the
Death of Enone, 142-144

PRINCESS, THE, 145-185
Its charm, 145; invention
and variety, 146; nature-
pictures, 147-149; self-
portraiture, 149-150; art
and science, 151-152; poli-
tical judgments, 152-153;
the woman question, 154,
168-185; method of treat-
ment, 155-156; plot of poem,
156-157; nature, 158-161;
beauty pre-eminent, 161-163;
the lyrics, 163-167; the pro-
gress of fifty years, 182-185

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De Profundis, II
Despair, 17, 35
Dora, 80, 95, 104
Doubt and Prayer, 36
Dreamer, the, 36
Dying Swan, the, 69
Edward Gray, 102

Edwin Morris, 104, 168-169
English War-Song, 67
Enoch Arden, 80, 95
Evolutionist, By an, 36
Faith, 36
Fatima, 198

Gardener's Daughter, the,
80, 95, 97, 105-106
God and the Universe, 36.
Golden Supper, the, 62

POEMS, passages relating to,-

Golden Year, the 104
Grandmother, the, 225
"Hands all round," 226
Holy Grail, the, 150
Idylls of the King, 26, 80,

88, 119, 131, 133, 145
In Memoriam, 26, 27, 33-
36, 88

Lady of Shalott, the, 129-

130, 120

Launcelot and Guinevere,


Laureate Odes, 19
Lilian, 67

-Locksley Hall, 49, 51, 53,

81, 82, 99, IOI, 106
Locksley Hall, Sixty Years
After, III, 122
Lotos-Eaters, the, 123-127,
72, 73, 82

Love and Death, 69
Love and Duty, 99, 100
"Love thou thy land," 40,

Lover's Tale, the, 62, 63-64
Lucretius, 136-139
Madeline, 67

Making of Man, the, 36
Mariana, 69-70, 119
Mariana in the South, 82
Maud, 224-247, 50, 102,
145, 198

May Queen, the, 26, 85, 86,

Memory, Ode to, 68-69
Merlin and the Gleam, 78

POEMS, passages relating to,-

Miller's Daughter, the, 85-

87, 94

Morte d'Arthur, 131-132

Mystic, the, 73
National Song, 67

Northern Farmer, the, 225
Ode on the Death of the
Duke of Wellington, 226-


Ode to Memory, 68-69
Odes, Laureate, 19

"Of old sat Freedom," 46
Enone, 114-123, 72, 82, 89
Oriana, 69-70

Out of the Deep, II
Palace of Art, the, 83-85,
88-93, 70
Parnassus, 151

Poet, the, 69, 75-76

Princess, the, 145-185, 42,

52, 100, IOI, 109, 1445,
(the lyrics), 163-167
Recollections of the Arabian
Nights, 69, 71
Revenge, the, 41, 231
Rizpah, IOI

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