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"Nor grudge I, Adam, those fall'n fons of thine, "Flesh of thy flesh, to share a feat with mine, " By him fublim'd into a nobler sphere; " So they flay not their younger brothers, here.

"But, through much grief, this glory must be won; " Flesh, foil'd by fin, by death must be undone; "Must drop the world, wherein it felt its force, " And, giant-like, rejoic'd to run its course; "Must drop each organ of its late delight; "Must bid a long adieu to sense and fight, "A long adieu to ev'ry darling luft; " Must yield its paffive members, dust to dust, "Within the potter's furnace to be fin'd, " And leave its grossness, with its guilt, behind. "Meanspace, those forms of flesh, those sons of fin, " Shall serve to hold my priceless pearls within; " As golden grain within prolific clay, "To shoot and ripen tow'rd a future day.

"Yon maggot, vilest offspring of vile earth, " Answers the genial baseness of his birth: “ Lo, where he rolls and battens, with delight, " In filth, to finell offenfive, foul to fight! "Well pleas'd, hedrinks the stench, the dirtdevours, " And prides him in the puddle of his powers ; " Careless, unconscious of the beauteous guest, " Th' internal speck committed to his breaft. " Yet, in his breast, th' internal speck grows warm, " And quickens into motion, life, and form; " Far other form than that its foft'rer bore, "High o'er its parent-worm ordain'd to foar :

" The

"The son, still growing as the fire decays, " In radiant plumes his infant shape arrays; "Matures, as in a soft and filent womb,

" Then, opening, peeps from his paternal tomb; " Now, struggling, breaks at once into the day, "Tries his young limbs, and bids his wings display, "Expands his lineaments, erects his face, "Rises sublime o'er all the reptile race; "From new-dropt blossoms sips the nectar'd stream, " And basks within the glory of the beam.


Thus, to a sensual, to a finful shrine, "The SAVIOUR shall entrust his speck-divine; "In secret animate his chosen seed,

" Fill with his love, and with his substance feed; " Inform it with sensations of his own, "And give it appetites, to flesh unknown. " So shall the lufts of man's old worm give place, "His fervor languish, and his force decrease; "Till spoil'd of ev'ry object, gross or vain, "His pride and passions humbled, crush'd, and flain; " From a false world to his first kingdom won, "His will, and fin, and sense, and self undone; " His inward man from death shall break away, " And foar, and mingle with eternal day!"

This (in aword) THE FATHERspoke-and streight
THE SON defcended from above all height,
Upon the chaos of man's world he came,
And pierc'd the darkness with his living beam;

Then cast a rein on the reluctant will,
And bid the tempeft of the foul be still.

The good from evil he did then divide, And set man's darkness from GOD's light aside : Wide, from the heart, he bids his will be done, And there plac'd conscience as a central sun; Whence REASON, like the moon, derives, by night, A weak, a borrow'd, and a dubious light. But, down the soul's abyss, a region dire! He caus'd the Stygian horrors to retire; From whence afcends the gloom of many a pest, Dark'ning the beam of heaven within the breast; Atrocious intimations, causeless care, Distrust, and hate, and rancour, and despair.

As in creation, when THE WORD gave birth To ev'ry offspring of the teeming earth, He now conceiv'd high fruits of happier use, And bid the heart and head of man produce: Then branch'd the pregnant will, and went abroad In all the sweets of its internal God; In ev'ry mode of LOVE, a fragrant throng, Bearing the heart-sent charities along; Divine effusions of the human breast, Within the very act of blessing, bleft; Defires that press another's weight to bear, To foothe their anguish, to partake their care ; Pains that can please, and griefs that joys excite; Bruises that balm, and tears that drop delight. God saw the feed was precious; and began To bless his oWN REDEEMING WORK, in man. Nor less, the pregnant region of the mind Brought forth conceptions suited to its kind;

Faint emblems, yet of virtue to proclaim
That PARENT-SPIRIT, whence our spirits came;

Spirits that, like their God, with mimic skill,

Produce new forms and images at will;
Thoughts that from earth, with wing'd emotion, foar,
New tracts expatiate, and new worlds explore ;
Backward, through space and through duration, run,
Passing the bounds of all that e'er begun;
Then, as a glance of light'ning, forward flee,
Straining to reach at all that e'er shall be.

Thus, in the womb of man's abyss are sown
Natures, worlds, wonders, to himself unknown.
A comprehenfive, a mysterious plan
Of all th' almighty works of GOD, is man;
From hell's dire depth to heaven's fupremest height,
Including good and evil, dark and light.
What shall we call this son of grace and fin,
This dæmon, this divinity within,
This flame eternal, this foul mould'ring clod-
A fiend, or SERAPH-A poor worm, or GOD?
O, the fell conflict, the intestine ftrife,
This clash of good and evil, death and life !
What, what are all the wars of fea and wind,
Or wreck of matter, to this war of mind?
Two minds in one, and each a truceless guest,
Rending the sphere of our distracted breast?
Who shall deliver, in a fight so fell;

Who fave from this inteftine dog of hell?

God! thou hast said, that nature shall decay,

And all yon starr'd expanfion pafs away:




That, in thy wrath, pollution shall expire,
The fun himself consume with hotter fire;'
The melting earth forsake its form and face,
These elements depart, but find no place;
Şucceeded by a peaceful bless'd serene,
New heavens and earth, wherein the just shall reign.

O then, upon the same BENIGNANT PLAN,
Sap, crush, consume this mass of ill, in man!
Within this tranfient frame of mould'ring clay,
Let death's cerberean dæmon have his day;
Let him tear off this world, the nurse of lust,
Grind flesh, and sense, and fin, and self, to dust:
In mind and matter, save WHATEʼER IS THINE!
O'er time, and pain, and death, to be renew'd;
Fill'd with our God, and with our GOD indu'd!





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thy hopes on beauty's fading flower,

The blooming offspring of some genial shower?

To-day it buds: to-morrow's dawning fun,
With rifing wonder, views its bloffoms gone.
E'en so those charms which now create defire,
Ere long must wither, languish, and expire;
With those less fair, receive one common doom,

And waste their lustre in the filent tomb.


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