Puslapio vaizdai

In the Blood of yonder Lamb,
Blood that washes white as Snow;
Therefore are they next the Throne,
Serve their Maker Day and Night,
God refides among his own,

God doth in his Saints delight.
3 More than Conquerors at last,
Here they find their Trials o'er:
They have all their Sufferings past,
Hunger now and thirst no more;
No exceffive Heat they feel
From the Sun's director Ray,
In a milder Clime they dwell,
Region of eternal Day.


He that on the Throne doth reign,
These the Lamb fhall always feed,
With the Tree of Life sustain,

To the living Fountains lead;
He shall all their Sorrows chase,

All their Wants at once remove;
Wipe the Tears from every Face,
Fill up ev'ry Soul with Love.


THE human Race are Sons of Sorrow born; And each must have his Portion. Vulgar


Refufe, or crouch beneath theirLoad; the brave Bear theirs without Repining.



1 INFINITE God, to thee we raise

Our Hearts in folemn Songs of Praise,
By all thy Works on Earth ador'd,
We worship thee, the common Lord,
The everlasting Father own,

And bow our Souls before thy Throne.
2 Thee all the Choir of Angels fings,
The Lord of Hofts, the King of Kings;
Cherubs proclaim thy Praise aloud,
And Seraphs fhout the triune God,
They, Holy, Holy, Holy, cry,
Thy Glory fills both Earth and Sky.
3 God of the Patriarchal Race,
The antient Seers record thy Praise;
The goodly Apoftolic Band
In highest Joy, and Glory ftand;
And all the Saints and Prophets join
T'extol the Majesty divine.

4 Head of the Martyr's noble Hoft,

Of thee they make their glorious Boaft,
The Church to Earth's remotest Bounds
Her heav'nly Founder's Praise resounds,
And strive with those around thy Throne
To hymn the myftic Three in One.

5 Father, of endless Majefty,

All Might and Love they render thee,
Thy true and only Son adore,

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The fame in Dignity and Pow'r,
And God the Holy Ghoft declare,
The Saint's eternal Comforter.

6 Meffiah, Joy of ev'ry Heart,
Thou, thou the King of Glory art,
The Father's everlasting Son,
Thee, thee we moft delight to own,
For all our Hopes on thee depend,
Whofe glorious Mercies never end.
7 Hallow and make thy Servants meet,
And with thy Saints in Glory feat,
Suftain and blefs us by thy Sway,
And keep to that tremendous Day,
When all thy Church fhall chant above
The new, eternal Song of Love.



Love divine, how fweet thou art!
When thall I find my willing Heart

All taken up by thee?

I thirft, I faint, I die to prove
The Greatness of redeeming Love,
The Love of Chrift to me!

2 Stronger is Love than Death or Hell;
Its Riches are unfearchable:

The first born Sons of Light

Defire in vain its Depths to fee:
They cannot reach the Mystery,
The Length, and Breadth, and Height.

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3 God only knows the Love of God:
Oh! that it now was thed abroad
In this poor ftony Heart!
For Love I figh, for Love I pine:
This only Portion, Lord, be mine!
Be mine this better Part!

4 Oh! that I could for ever fit
With Mary at the Mafter's Feet,
Be this my happy Choice!
My only Care, Delight, and Blifs,
My Joy, my Heaven on Earth be this,
To hear the Bridegroom's Voice!
5 Oh! that I could with favour'd John
Recline my weary Head upon

The dear Redeemer's Breast!
From Care, and Sin, and Sorrow free,
Give me, O Lord, to find in thee,
My everlasting Reit.



SINCEGod himself has Men fo various made,
So various turn'd, that in Opinions, they
Muft blindly think, or take a different Way,
InSpite of Force, fince Judgment will be free;
Then let us in this righteous Mean agree;
Let holy Rage, let Perfecution ceafe;
Let the Head argue, but the Heart be Peace;
Let all Mankind in Love of what is right,
In Virtue and Humanity unite.




IFRE the blueHeav'ns were ftretch'd abroad,
From Everlasting was the Word;

With God he was; the Word was God,
And must divinely be ador'd.

2 By his own Pow'r all Things were made;
By him fupported all Things ftand;
He is the whole Creation's Head,
And Angels fly at his Command.

3 But lo, he leaves thofe heav'nly Forms,
The Word defcends and dwells in Clay,
That he may hold Converfe with Worms,
Drefs'd in fuch feeble Flesh as they.

4 Mortals with Joy behold his Face, Th' eternal Father's only Son:

How full of Truth! how full of Grace ! When through his Eyes the Godhead shone! 5 Arch-Angels leave their high Abode, To learn new Myft'ries here, and tell The Love of our defcending God, The Glories of Emmanuel.


I THOU hidden Source of calm Repofe,
Thou all-fufficient Love divine;

My Help and Refuge from my Foes,
Secure I am, if thou art mine:

And lo! from Sin, and Grief, and Shame,
I hide me, Jefus, in thy Name.

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