Puslapio vaizdai


KNIGHTS of the industry, their defigns on a


Knockers, exercife of them taught, 294.


ABOUR for the public, unfuccefsful, 93%
Ladies, treating them in organ-lofts, cenfared, 61.
Lalo, Colonel, killed in a battle with the French, 79.
Landlord, Alexander, his laconic love-letter, 136.
Laura, her perfections and excellent character, 19. De-
fpifed by her husband, ibid.

Learning, what it is, and what it is not, 67. Only im-
proves nature, ibid.

Letter from Marshal Boufflers to the French King, 154.
Should be the produce of the place, 231. Inftanced
in one from Switzerland, ibid. Penny-poft lette:s
fent as reprimands, 96.-

Libellers cenfured, 227. Diftinguished from fatyris,,

Lights, well difpofed in affemblies, enlarge the thoughts,

Lillie, Charles, his letter, 230. Recommended, 231
Catalogue of his wares, 239-273. Ordered to pre-
pare blank licences for wearing canes, 280.

Lifander and Corinna, a married couple, among Mr.
Bickerftaff's dead, 23.

Living men, who, 247.

Lizard, that friendly animal compared to a fatyrift,

279, 280.

Lorio, Maria's lover, his character, 221.

Love founded on reafon and choice, 178. Sentiments
of it the fame in all nations, 217. Its effects and
cure, 436-439. Life infipid without it, 218.
A mixture of pleasure and pain, 217. The hiftory of
it in an allegory by Plato, 218. Complained of by
Diana Doubtful, 255.

Love-letters between Mr. Bickerstaff and Maria, 184-
186. Found in a grave, 289.


Lucretia, her fory, merit, and character, 189. Why
excluded the temple of Fame, 190.



ACBETH, a scene of diftress in that play, o3.
Madonella, the Platonic, her scheme, 74.
Mavius writes verfes in commendation of his own works,


Maria, perplext in her choice between a man of merit
and a man of fortune, 221, 222.

Marinus, a good fea-officer, oppofed to a fellow of Are,

Marlborough, John, Duke of, his merit, 28-77-93.
Marriages unhappy, from what proceeding, 161. How
men's minds and humours may be changed by it, 143.
Verfes on marriage out of Milton, 163. Two ladies
defired to marry the fame man, to prevent parting,


Married perfons often overlook their enjoyments, 241.
Martius, the character of an unlearned wit, 43
Mathematical fieve to fift impentinences, 5.
Matrimony, no medium therein, 161.

Melancholy, the delight of men of knowledge and vi☛

tue, 213.

Men, wherein they may diftinguish themselves, 255.
Mercer, account of one who could not enjoy a thousand
pounds a year, 89.

Merit obfcure, fhould be produced to public view, 190.
Milton, his defcription of Eve's pleasure in the fociety
of Adam, 335.

Miner, who fo in converfation, 208.

Mirrour, Tom, the pantomime, an account of him, 3.
Modeft men diftinguished from modest fellows, 11.
Modefty defcribed, 10.

Different in men and women,

9. The chief ornament of the Fair-fex, 189. Its
advantages in men, 201.

Monoculus, a grave fharper, 30.

Mons invested by the English, 69-150. Taken, 187.
Morphew, John, appointed Mr. Bickerstaff's chamber-
keeper, 281. Made General of the dead men, 284.




ASSAU, Prinee of, his gallantry, 111.
Neftor, a great but too modeft an architect, 9
No, when to be used by young people, 186.
'Nonfenfe, a prevailing part of eloquence among ladies,

Nunnery erected by a Platonne,. 74. The manner of
receiving young ladies into fome nunneries in Popish
countries, 247.


ORLANDO the Fair, his hiftory, 1. His way of

contemning the world, ibid.

Organ-loft, a treat given to ladies there cenfured, 61.
Orfon Thickett, his character and paffion for Cleora, 256.
Ofmyn, the inconftant husband, his character and beha
viour to his wife, 12.


ETUS, manner of his death, and the magnani-
mity of his wife, 125, 126.

Painting the face cenfured, 60.

Panegyric, a theme for Mr. Bickerstaff, 72. On Mr.
Bickerstaff for confeffing his faults, 73.

Partridge, Mr. John, his manner of furprising fharpers,
33. Account of his intended funeral, 264. Walks,
and denies his death, 49. Advertisement in his Al-
manack that he is alive, and calling Mr. Bickerstaff a
knave, 248

Pendergrafs, Sir Thomas, killed in a battle, 79.
Penny-poft letters fent as private reprimands, 96.
Perhaps, when that word betrays a certain decay of af
fection, 13.

Phyficians, good ones, of great ufe in a commonwealth,
158. Ordered from Bath, 154. Character of a ge-

Pirates, in printing and bookfelling,

nerous one, 157;

cenfured, 270.

complained of and


Pistols, a fatal accident occafioned by loaded piftols, 178.
Plato, his hiftory of love, 218.

Platonnic nunnery established, 74.

Players blamed for inferting words of their own in their

[blocks in formation]

one, 296.

Catalogue of the labours of

Poetry, efficacy of it on the mind, 257. Sir Francis
Bacon's account of it, 307.

Pofture-mafter, his beholders cenfured, 305.

Powell, junior, an excufe for writing against him, 4.
Praife, generous and heroic fpirits moft fenfible of it,
229. How coveted by great men, ibid. To be re-
garded only as relating to things ftrictly true, ibid.
Pra-adamites threatened, 111. No wit or humour in
their practices, ibid.

Priesthood, when the highest honour, 106.
Prodicus, a noble allegory of his, 252.

Prudes, a name for courtly hypocrites, 278.

Punctuality, a fufpicious circumftance in vifiting, 311.
Pythagoras, one of his golden fayings, 307.




UARREL, matrimonial, prevented, and advice
thereon, 193.


AFFLING-Shop kept by a lawyer at Hampstead,


Rape-trials, moft attended by women, 188.

Richard the Third, effect of reading that tragedy, 219.
Riches, the use and abuse of them, 37.

Ridicule, how to be used, 72. When the effect of rea-
fon, ibid.

Rifibility, the effect of reafon, ibid.

Rochefoucault, his writings cenfured, 306.

Rofin, Will, the Wapping fidler, hiftory of his life, 291.
Stratagem of his wife to prevent the marriage of her
gallant, 292.


Round-ftool, a gentleman affronted by being placed on
one, 166.



ALLUST, wherein partial, 66.
Satire, in what cases useful, 58.

Satirifts cenfured when they depreciate human nature,
307. Diftinguifhed from libellers, 227.

Scorn, the caufe of laughter, 73.

Serpents, who to be accounted fuch in conversation,

Shakespear, his excellence, 103. His mind thoroughly
feafoned with religion, 314.

Sharpers reprefented by a pack of hounds, 45. Their
character and reception, 29. Their practices at Bath,
83. Defended, 36.

Sieve, mathematical, to fift impertinences, 5.

Smith, Dr. Mr. Bickerfaff's corn-cutter, 282.

Smyrna coffee-houfe recommended for mufic, poetry,
and politics, 158.

Snap-dragon illuftrated and defcribed, 194.

Society, the pleasures thereof defcribed by Milton, 335.
Soul, human, confidered, 202.

Spaw water, defign of the coquettes to buy it all up,

Speaking, what manner of it moft offenfive, 226.

Doctor at Kensington, account of him, 116.
Speech, in its greatest perfection in an accomplished
woman, 66.

Spleen, a never-failing remedy for it, 168.

Squibs a branch of gunners, who to be fo accounted,


'Squires, country, defcribed, 249.

Starembergh, General, overthrows the army of the Duke
of Anjou, 140. Takes Balaguier, 150.

Stentor, a finger at St. Paul's, reproved, 21. Injuries
done by his bawling, zz. Admonished by one at
St. Peter's, 59.


Strephon, his manner of winning a lady, 54.

Sweden, King of, defeated by the Ruffians, 27-44.
Switzerland, a profpect of it described, 232.


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