3 I. THERE At evening, when the earliest stars began That they might answer him. —And they would shout Of mirth and jocund din! And, when it chanced Its woods, and that uncertain heaven, received This Boy was taken from his Mates, and died In childhood, ere he was full twelve years old. Fair is the spot, most beautiful the Vale Where he was born: the grassy Church-yard hangs Upon a slope above the village-school; And, through that Church-yard when my way has led At evening, I believe, that oftentimes A long half-hour together I have stood Mute looking at the grave in which he lies! ΤΟ II. ON HER FIRST ASCENT TO THE SUMMIT OF HELVELLYN. INMATE of a mountain Dwelling, Potent was the spell that bound thee For blue Ether's arms, flung round thee, Lo! the dwindled woods and meadows! Lo! the clouds, the solemn shadows, And a record of commotion |