Aposiopesis, a fine one Applause, description of Ariel, songs of Army, routed, description of one Assignation Astrology ridiculed Aufidius, his hatred to Coriolanus Authority, abuse of the privilege of Bargains, punctuality in Bastardy ..... Bawd, the practices of one condemned Beauty virtuous, the power of 31 a scornful and satirical one ..... 62 Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus, scene between 222 Benedict, the bachelor's recantation 61 Brutus and Cassius, tent scene between Buckingham, Duke of, his prayer for the king .. his exultation after having attempted the chastity of Miranda 264 71,73 .......... 71 Cleopatra, her solicitude in the absence of Antony 195 her sailing down the Cyudus described 196 her infinite power of pleasing 197 her supposed death, description of her reflections on the death of Antony 201 her dream, and description of Antony 203 her speech on applying the asp Cominius, his praise of Coriolanus in the senate 208 Compassion and clemency superior to revenge Conduct in war superior to action 371 Conscience... 181 Consolation under banishment Conspiracy, horrors of ...... Brutus's apostrophe to .............. 265 113 176 146 Cordelia, her speech onthe ingratitude of her sisters 293 a conceited one Cowardice and perjury Counsel of no weight in misery Courage 6 358 2 21 finical, description of one by Hotspur. 127 Cranmer, archbishop, his prophecy respecting Queen Elizabeth 2, 117 108 191 arguments against the fear of 268 Deceit in a fine woman Deed, a good one compared to a candle Delights, violent ones not lasting Departing diseases, strength of ....... Dependents not to be too much trusted by great men. 182 Desdemona, her fidelity .. Desire of beloved objects heightened by their loss Diomedes, his manner of walking .... Dirge, a funeral one Disguise .... Dislike, unseasonable, excuse for Dissimulation Doubt, description of ..... 330 64 88 57 Dover cliff, description of............ 291 Dreams, reflections on Drums 116 Edgar, his account of discovering himself to his 296 Father, authority of one ... lamenting his daughter's infamy fondness of one for his child 55 56 81 134 51 63 93 passion of one on the murder of a fa- vourite child 105 Father, the best guest at his son's nuptials..... 100 Filial ingratitude time Fortune described and Miranda, interesting scene be- Flattery, and an even-minded man Fleet, setting sail, description of Fool, description of one, and his moralizing on his liberty of speech Fool-hardiness...... Forgiveness, mutual, the duty of Fornication equal to murder Fortitude, true forms our judgments Fortune-teller, description of a beggarly one ... 74 |