Puslapio vaizdai

pression of an opinion. Conscious of his own anxious and often laborious efforts to secure accuracy of detail, and of quotation, the author flatters himself that his facts will be found incontrovertible-for his opinions he claims no infallibility, and anticipates no general


The Review has far loftier objects than those of an historical record. It aims to recommend and enforce the duty of preserving Peace, by exhibiting the wickedness, the baseness, and the calamitous consequences of a victorious War, effecting all the ends for which it was waged. It seeks to warn the country against that admiration of military prowess, which, by degrading in the public estimation the virtues which conduce to the happiness and security of society, and by fostering the arts and passions which minister to human destruction, is corrupting the morals and jeoparding the liberties of the Republic. It strives to excite the abhorrence of the good for that statesmanship which seeks the aggrandizement of the country in defiance of the laws of God; while by presenting a true portrait of the patriot, it would fain afford some aid in detecting spurious resemblances.

Such are the purposes for which the design of the Review was conceived and executed. The author hopes · for a hearing, not from the selfish throng ignobly struggling in the political arena for office, and power, and money, and lavishly squandering in the strife their own truth and honor, and the public good; but from that

small, yet increasing number, who are inquiring how far their relations to the State are to be governed by the precepts of Christianity.

The maxim that "all's fair in politics," and the monstrous frauds, falsehoods, and forgeries, attending almost every important election, illustrate the lamentable fact, that in general "Religion has nothing to do with politics." But religious people in vast numbers have much to do with politics, and too often seem to think that in their character of office-holders, or office-seekers, they have received a dispensation from the obligations of the Moral Law. Such persons, should they deign to read the ensuing pages, may possibly be reminded with profit, that moral responsibility is not attached solely to such of our actions as may be termed private and domestic, but that "God will bring every work into judgment"-works done in political meetings, at elections, and even on the floor of Congress: and, that as there is an express prohibition against following “a multitude to do evil," no majority, however great, can be pleaded in justification of crime, or in mitigation of punishment.

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