then all, and very good ones, but they are most of them means and bafes; but one puritan among them, and he fings pfalms to horn-pipes. I must have saffron to colour the warden-pies, mace-dates-none-that's out of my note: nutmegs, feven; a race or two of ginger, but that I may beg; four pound of prunes, and as many raifins o'th' fun. Aut. Oh, that ever I was born! [Groveling on the ground. Clo. I' th' name of me→→ Aut. Oh, help me, help me! pluck but off these rags, and then death, death Clo. Alack, poor foul, thou haft need of more rags to lay on thee, rather than have these off. Aut. Oh, Sir, the loathfomnefs of them offends me, more than the ftripes I have receiv'd, which are mighty ones, and millions. Clo. Alas, poor man ! a million of beating may come to a great matter. Aut. I am robb'd,[Sir, and beaten ; my mony and apparel ta'en from me, and thefe deteftable things put upon me. Clo. What, by a horfe-man, or a foot-man? Aut. A foot-man, fweet Sir, a foot-man. Clo. Indeed, he fhould be a foot-man, by the garments he has left with thee; if this be a horfe-man's coat, it hath feen very hot fervice. Lend me thy hand, I'll help thee. Come, lend me thy hand. [Helping bim up. Aut. Oh! good Sir, tenderly, oh! Clo. Alas, poor foul! Aut. O good Sir, foftly, good Sir: I fear, Sir, my fhoulder-blade is out. Clo. How now? canft stand? Aut. Softly, dear Sir; good Sir, foftly; you ha' done me a charitable office. Clo. Doft lack any mony? I have a little mony for thee. Aut. No, good fweet Sir: no, I befeech you, Sir; I have a kinfman not paft three quarters of a mile hence, unto whom I was going; I fhall there have mony, or any thing I want: offer me no mony, I pray you; that kills my heart. Clo. What manner of fellow was he that robb'd you? Aut. A fellow, Sir, that I have known to go about with troll-madams: I knew him once a fervant of the Prince; I cannot not tell, good Sir, for which of his virtues it was, but he was certainly whipp'd out of the Court., Clo. His vices, you would fay; there's no virtue whipp'd out of the the Court; they cherish it to make it ftay there, and yet it will no more but abide. I Aut. Vices I would fay, Sir. I know this man well, he hath been fince an ape-bearer, then a procefs-ferver, a bailiff; then he compaft a motion of the prodigal son, and married a tinker's wife within a mile where my land and living lyes; and having flown over many knavifh profeffions, he fettled only in rogue; fome call him Autolicus. Clo. Out upon him, prig! for my life, prig! he haunts wakes, fairs, and bear-baitings. : Aut. Very true, Sir; he, Sir, he; that's the that put me into this apparel. rogue Clo. Not a more cowardly rogue in all Bithynia; if you' had but look'd big, and fpit at him, he'd have run. Aut. I muft confefs to you, Sir, I am no fighter; I am falfe of heart that way, and that he knew, I warrant him. Clo. How do you do now? Aut. Sweet Sir, much better than I was; I can ftand, and walk; I will even take my leave of you, and pace foftly towards my kinsman's. Clo. Shall I bring thee on thy way ? Aut. No, good-fac'd Sir; no, fweet Sir. Clo. Then farewel, I muft go to buy fpices for our fheepfhearing. [Exit. Aut. Profper you, fweet Sir! Your purfe is not hot enough to purchase your fpice. I'll be with you at your fheep-fhearing too: if I make not this cheat bring out another, and the fhearers prove theep, let me be unroll'd, and my name put into the book of virtue. And merrily bend the file-a. A merry beart goes all the day, Your fad tires in a mile-a, A Motion is a Word for a Puppet -fbew. * [Exit. +Alluding to the focieties into which the notorious cheats and gipfies inroll themselves. SCENE SCENE IV. The old Shepherd's Houfe. Flo. Thefe your unufual weeds to each part of you Peering in April's front. This your sheep-fhearing Per. Sir, my gracious Lord, To chide at your extreams it not becomes me : Flo. I biefs the time When my good falcon made her flight a-cross Per. Now Jove afford you caufe! To me the difference forges dread, your greatnefs Should pass this way, as you did: oh the fates, Flo. Apprehend Nothing but jollity: the Gods themselves, As I feem now. Their transformations 2 Burn Burn hotter than my faith. Per. O but, dear Sir, Your refolution cannot hold, when 'tis Oppos'd, as it muft be, by th'pow'r o'th'King. Which then will speak, that you must change this purpose, Flo. Thou dearest Perdita, With thefe forc'd thoughts I pr'ythee darken not Mine own, nor any thing to any, if I be not thine. To this I am moft conftant, We two have fworn fhall come. Per. O Lady fortune, Stand you aufpicious! SCENE V. Enter Shepherd, Clown, Mopfa, Dorcas, Servants; with Polixenes and Camillo difguis'd. Flo. See, your guests approach; Addrefs your felf to entertain them fprightly, Shep. Fie, daughter; when my old wife liv'd, upon Both dame and fervant; welcom'd all, ferv'd all ; With labour; and the things he took to quench it You are retired, As if you were a feafted one, That That which you are, miftress o' th' feaft. Come on, Per. Sirs, you're welcome 53 [To Pol. and Cam. It is my father's will, I should take on me The hoftefship o'th' day; you're welcome, Sirs. Seeming and favour all the winter long: A fair one are you, well you fit our ages Per. Sir, the year growing ancient, Nor yet on fummer's death, nor on the birth Pol. Wherefore, gentle maiden, Do you neglect them? Per. For I have heard faid, There is an art, which in their pideness shares With great creating nature. Pol. Say there be, Yet nature is made better by no mean, But nature makes that mean; so over that art, Which you fay adds to nature, is an art That nature makes; you fee, fweet maid, we marry A gentler fcyon to the wildeft ftock, And make conceive a bark of bafer kind By bud of nobler race. This is an art Which does mend nature, change it rather; but The art it felf is nature. Per. So it is. Pol. Then make your garden rich in gilly-flowers, And do not call them baftards. Per. I'll not put VOL. IV. |