KING RICHARD the Second. Duke of YORK, JOHN of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, Uncles to the King. BOLINGBROKE, Earl of Hereford, Son to John of Gaunt, afterwards King Henry the Fourth. AUMERLE, Son to the Duke of York. Earl of SALISBURY. Earl BARKLEY. BUSHY, } Servants to King Richard. Friends to Bolingbroke. Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND, PERCY, Son to Northumberland, Ross, WILLOUGHBY, Bishop of CARLISLE, Sir STEPHEN SCROOP, Friends to King Richard. FITZWATER, SURREY, Abbot of WESTMINSTER, Lords in the Parliament. Sir PIERCE of Exton, one of Bolingbroke's Creatures A Captain of a band of Welshmen. QUEEN to King Richard. Dutchess of GLOUCESTER. Dutchess of YORK. Ladies attending on the Queen. Heralds, tavo Gardiners, Keeper, Messenger, and other A tendants. SCENE, ENGLAND. THE The COURT. Enter King Richard, John of Gaunt, with other Nobles K. Rich. Ο and Attendants. LD John of Gaunt, time-honour'd Lancafter, Haft thou, according to thy oath and bond, Brought hither Henry Hereford thy bold fon, Here to make good the boift'rous late Appeal, K. Rich. Tell me moreover, haft thou founded him, If he appeal the Duke on ancient malice, Or worthily, as a good subject should, On fome known ground of treachery in him? Gaunt. As near as I could fift him on that argument, On fome apparent danger seen in him Aim'd at your Highness; no invet'rate malice. K. Rich. K. Rich. Then call them to our prefence; face to face, And frowning brow to brow, our felves will hear Th' accufer, and th' accused freely speak: High-ftomach'd are they both, and full of ire In rage, deaf as the fea; hafty as fire. SCENE II. Enter Bolingbroke and Mowbray, K. Rich. We thank you both, yet one but flatters Tend'ring the precious fafety of my Prince, Morob. Let not my cold words here accufe my zeal ----- mifcreant. What my tongue fpeaks, my right drawa fword may prove. First Firft the fair rev'rence of your Highnefs curbs me Call him a flanderous coward, and a villain; Boling. Pale trembling coward, there I throw my gage, Disclaiming here the kindred of a King, And lay afide my high blood's royalty, Or chivalrous defign of knightly tryal; And when I mount, alive may not light, K. Rich. What doth our coufin lay to Mowbray's charge? It must be great that can inherit us So much as of a thought of ill in him. Boling. Look, what I faid, my life fhall prove it true; That Mowbray hath receiv'd eight thousand nobles, In name of lendings for your Highness' foldiers, The which he hath detain'd for lewd imployments; Like a falfe traitor and injurious villain. Befides, I fay, and will in battel prove, Or here, or elsewhere, to the furtheft verge VOL. IV. That That ever was furvey'd by English eye; That all the treafons for these eighteen years, Fetch from falfe Mowbray their first head and spring. And confequently, like a traitor-coward, K. Rich. How high a pitch his refolution foars! Mowb. O, let my Sovereign turn away his face, And bid his ears a little while be deaf, "Till I have told this flander of his blood, How God and good men hate fo foul a liar. K. Rich. Mowbray, impartial are our eyes and ears. Morb. Then, Bolingbroke, as low as to thy heart The other part referv'd I by confent, Since laft I went to France to fetch his Queen. Now fwallow down that lie. For Gloucester's death, Fer |