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Ensign (of BRAGG's) made a terrible clangour."

DESPITE its suspicious appropriateness in this case, “Bragg's" regiment of Foot-Guards really existed, and was ordered to Flanders in April, 1742 (see Gentleman's Magazine, 1742, i. 217).


"PORTO-BELLO at last was ta'en."

Porto-Bello was taken in November, 1739. But Vice-Admiral Vernon's despatches did not reach England until the following March (see Gentleman's Magazine for 1740, i. 124, et seq.).

NOTE 3, PAGE 17.

"In the fresh contours of his 'Milkmaid's' face."

See Hogarth's Enraged Musician, an engraving of which was published in November of the following year (1741). To annotate this Ballad more fully would be easy; but the reader will perhaps take the details for granted. In answer to some enquiries, it may, however, be stated that there is no foundation in fact for the story.

NOTE 4, PAGE 61.

"To brandish the poles of that old Sedan Chair!”

A friendly critic, whose versatile pen it is not easy to mistake, recalls, à-propos of the above, the following passage from Molière, which shows that Chairmen are much the same all the world over :

"I Porteur (prenant un des bâtons de sa chaise). Cà, payez nous vitement!

Mascarille. Quoi?

I Porteur. Je dis que je veux avoir de l'argent tout à l'heure. Mascarille. Il est raisonnable, celui-là,” etc.

Les Précieuses Ridicules, Sc. vii.

NOTE 5, PAGE 71.


The epigram here quoted from "an old magazine" is to be found in the late Lord Neaves's admirable little volume, The Greek Anthology (Blackwood's Ancient Classics for English Readers). Those familiar with eighteenth-century literature will recognize in the verses that follow but another echo of those lively stanzas of John Gay to "Molly Mogg of the Rose," which found so many imitators in his own day.

[blocks in formation]

Whether my heroine is to be identified with a certain "Miss Trefusis" whose poems are sometimes to be found in the second-hand booksellers' catalogues, I know not. But if she is, I trust I have done her accomplished shade no wrong.

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