Puslapio vaizdai

The Ballad of "Beau Brocade."

Followed the tale of the hundred-and-one

Things that Somebody ought to have done.

Ensign (of BRAGG's) made a terrible clangour :

But for the Ladies had drawn his hanger!


Robber, of course, was BEAU BROCADE ";

Out-spoke DOLLY the Chambermaid.

Devonshire DOLLY, plump and red,

Spoke from the gallery overhead ;


Spoke it out boldly, staring hard

"Why did n't you shoot then, GEORGE the Guard ?”

Spoke it out bolder, seeing him mute :--

"GEORGE the Guard, why did n't you shoot?"

Portly JOHN grew pale and red,

(JOHN was afraid of her, people said ;)

Gasped that " DOLLY was surely cracked,”

(JOHN was afraid of her-that's a fact!)

GEORGE the Guard grew red and pale,

Slowly finished his quart of ale :—

"Shoot? Why-Rabbit him!-did n't he shoot?" Muttered "The Baggage was far too 'cute!"

"Shoot? Why he'd flashed the pan in his eye!"

Muttered "She'd pay for it by and by!"

Further than this made no reply.

Nor could a further reply be made,

For GEORGE was in league with "BEAU BROCADE”!

And JOHN the Host, in his wakefullest state,

Was not on the whole-immaculate.

But nobody's virtue was over-nice

When WALPOLE talked of " a man and his price";

George the Guard

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