INDEX. PART I-ORIGINAL ARTICLES. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND MINOR COR- Adversity, Christian Watchfulness in, 105. Agency of the Holy Spirit, 710. Agreement of 1691, Heads of, 87. America, State of the Congregational Reply to, 655. Baillie, Robert, Letters and Journals of, Bankruptcy of Christians, 491. Baptism, Nature and Subjects of, No. IV. -Thoughts on Infant, 728. Carlyle, Thomas, On the Writings of, 262. Charities, Correspondence on Lady Hew- Cheerfulness and Religion, 313. -Privilege and Enjoyment, 490. Moffatt, Rev. R. Sonnet on, 195. Paraphrase of Psalm xciii., 804. "That they all may be one," 195. "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth Prayer, Parts and Topics of, 11, 187. Excellencies and Defects of Unicorn of the Scriptures, 399. Union of 1691, Historical Notice of, 81. Verus's Reply to Rev. R. Hunter, 565. Watchfulness in Adversity, 105. Wemys on the Connexion between Reli- Wilberforce and Jay, Anecdote of, 117. PART II-REVIEWS AND CRITICAL NOTICES. The Titles of the Reviews are marked thus *. *Baptismal Regeneration, Works on, 903. *Baptist Mission Controversy, 197. Bevis's Characteristics of Puseyism, 59. *Cameron's Lectures to Christian Moth- *Charlotte Elizabeth, Works of, 587. *Mc All, Rev. Dr., Sermons by, 671. Astronomy and Scripture, 667. *Molyneux's Baptismal Regeneration, Montgomery's Sacred Gift, 59. Morris's Lectures on the Fall of Man, 129. *Moulton's Sepulchre of Lazarus, 357. *Neale's Songs and Ballads for the *Novello's Psalmist, 349. *Pacca's State of Catholicism, 813. *Prout's Memoir of Rev. J. Williams, 269. *Ransom's Hebrew Grammar, 676. *Reed's Advancement of Religion, 497. Help to Family Devotion, 759. *Scott's Existence and Agency of Evil Selby's Forest Trees, 360. SERMONS. Hamilton's Intercommunity Dr. McAll's, 671. FUNERAL for Fletcher, Rev. Dr. 681. Harry, Rev. N. M. 290. Jackson, Rev. S. 681. Wilson, Thos. Esq. 681. *Smith's (Dr. J. P.) Sacrifice and Priest- *Timpson's Mother with her Family, 424. *Vaughan's Age of Great Cities, 281. *Visitation Charge of the Bishop of *Wardlaw on the Atonement, 745. Nonconformity, 743. *Winslow on the Holy Spirit, 921. |