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But even now, and it is some time after Christmas, I cannot account for

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of The Century Co.

The Educational Department will be glad to answer questions on schools and colleges, and on books of educational value.

The department is ready at all times to consider the publication of manuscripts prepared by educational writers. Educational Department, THE CENTURY CO., Union Square, New York


As the publishers of the Century Dictionary, Cyclopedia and Atlas, THE CENTURY MAGAZINE, ST. NICHOLAS, a long list of text-books for use in schools and colleges, and a varied array of general books on all subjects, we have unrivaled facilities for answering questions covering a broad field of information. We are glad to place these facilities at the disposal of readers of THE CENTURY, and in many cases to answer by mail direct (when accompanied by a stamped, addressed envelop) such questions as the following:

Q. Can you tell me just how long a dream may last?

A. Professor Titchener, of the Psychological Labor

atory of Cornell University, replied to this question for the readers of ST. NICHOLAS in the department called "Because We Want to Know." He said, among other things: "Experiments show that a fairly elaborate dream may occur in twenty-five seconds, and that a very elaborate 'morning' dream may be crowded into a time of two minutes."

Q. Who started the movement against child labor in the United States, and how long ago? A. The first organized movement against child labor was started later than 1900, first in Alabama and then in New York and Pennsylvania, by the formation of Child Labor committees. The National Child Labor Committee was organized by a group of people representing both North and South at the suggestion of the Rev. Edgar Gardner Murphy of Montgomery, Alabama, in 1904. The Children's Bureau, an office of the United States Department of Labor, was established in 1912. The work of this bureau is the investigation of matters pertaining to the welfare of children and child life. An interesting statement of the conditions of child labor before the organization of the National Committee will be found in an "Open Letter" by the Chairman of the New York Child Labor Committee, in THE CENTURY MAGAZINE, March, 1903.

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founded 1886. (Same, Vol. VI, Suppl.) L. S. D. are the first letters of libræ, solidi, denarii, that is, pounds, shillings, and pence; hence money, cash. (Same, Vol. V, p. 3533.)

Q. What is the meaning of the phrase caviar to the general?

A. Caviar is a preparation for the table of the roe of certain fish. It was regarded as a delicacy too refined to be appreciated by the vulgar taste. Hence Shakspere makes Hamlet say: "The play, I remember, pleased not the million; 'twas caviar to the general." The phrase is now used to suggest that a cultured taste is necessary to a full appreciation of the subject under discussion. (Century Dictionary, Vol. II.)

Q. Can you tell me what barglieri means in connection with the Italian army?

A. You did well to give the connection in which your word occurred, because it is misspelled. Doubtless bersaglieri was meant. This is the name for riflemen or sharp-shooters in the Italian army. The hat with its drooping cockade of lustrous green feathers is a conspicuous part of the uniform worn by them.


As an indication of how much is required nowadays of librarians, the following are among the questions taken from a specimen entrance examination for the Library School of the New York Public Library. Twenty questions in all were asked, and the candidates were also required to translate into English several paragraphs of French and of Ger

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Continued in first column, page 27

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VIRGINIA, Staunton.


Largest private Staunton Military Academy academy in the United States. Boys from 10 to 20 years old prepared for the Universities, Government Academies or Business. minutes from Philadelphia. The Gymnasium, swimming pool and athletic park. New $150,000 barracks. Charges $360. logue address CAPT. WM. G. KABLE, Ph.D., Principal.

PENNSYLVANIA, Ogontz School P. O. OGONTZ SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Twenty late Mr. Jay Cooke's fine property. Park of 65 acres. The social and family life is a distinguishing feature. Catalogue and views on MISS A. A. SUTHERLAND, Principal.


PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill.


MRS. CHAPMAN and MISS JONES, Principals.

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S.ze of prints, 5 1-2 x 8 inches; size of mounts, 10 x 14 inches. Price 25 cents each, postage paid

The Century prints are more truly works of art and less printed pictures than the ordinary plates. Each print is reproduced in full color from special plates and double mounted on the highest quality stock.

Among the artists represented are: Maxfield Parrish, Jules Guérin, Sigismund de Ivanowski, Anna Whelan Betts, Sergeant Kendall, Clifford Ashley, Louis Loeb, Violet Oakley, and a number of other well known American artists. Write for catalogue to

Century Miniature Dept., THE CENTURY CO., Union Square, NEW YORK

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