Puslapio vaizdai




Probably this is the best interpretation of the Pianola ever put into words. It undoubtedly corrects some wrong impressions as to the nature and mission of the Pianola. It shows that the person playing the Pianola is the real producer of the music, and that the Pianola itself simply aids in striking the right notes. To guide and direct the expression of music without striking the notes with the human fingers, seems incomprehensible and impossible. Yet the greatest pianists testify that it can be done with the Pianola, and it is for this reason that they endorse it.

Certainly the Pianola ought to be heard by every one-or, rather, the piano should be heard when played with the assistance of the Pianola's dexterous felt-covered fingers. For this reason we give a list of our principal agents in the United States, where the Pianola is on exhibition and for sale. Every one is welcome. The merely curious are assured the same attention as the intending purchaser. Catalogue N mailed upon request.

Its cost is but $250, and it can be bought by moderate monthly payments if desired. The Pianola question is an important one. If you have a piano it is worth your immediate attention. Opinions of the World's Greatest Pianists

"It is perfection."-I. J. PADEREWSKI. "I can freely say the Pianola gives me more pleasure than I have had from thousands of so-called treats of pianistic effort."-EMIL SAUER.

"Any one hidden in a room near by who will hear the Pianola for the first time, will surely think that it is a great virtuoso that plays."-MAURICE MOSZKOWSKI.

"I was greatly delighted to hear the Pianola play the Chopin Study at my own tempo. I feel quite sure that nothing has more closely approached hand playing."-MORIZ ROSENTHAL.

"I am astonished at the possibilities of the Pianola, and the inventor commands my most profound admiration in bringing out an instrument whose playing has the characteristics of the work of the human fingers."-V. DE PACHMANN.

"Before leaving America, I can not but express my sincere admiration for your splendid invention, the Pianola. Hearing the instrument lately for the first time, I was in the highest degree astonished and enchanted with the artistic results a musical player can produce with it."-ERNST VON DOHNANYI.

"It is astonishing how much expression and even individuality a musician acquainted with the instrument will be able to impart to his performances on this wonderful machine-pianist."-HAROLD BAUER.

"I have been delighted and astonished to find that real musical expression and interpretation can be put into the playing of this ingenious little instrument. Every one who loves music should have a Pianola or an Aeolian, or both, of which there is no more sincere admirer than I"-EMMA CALVE, Operatic Soprano.

New York, 18 West Twenty-third Street

Brooklyn, N. Y., 500 Fulton Street
Cincinnati, O., 124 East Fourth Street



Burlington, Lange & Minton

Charleston, Henry Siegling

Dallas, Will A. Watkin Music Co.

Duluth, Duluth Music Co.

Fort Wayne, The Packard Co.

Helena, Reeves & Co.

Wheeling, F. W. Baumer Co.

Milwaukee, W. Rohlfing & Sons

Minneapolis, Metropolitan Music Co.

Montgomery, E. E. Forbes

New Haven, The M. Steinert & Sons Co.

Omaha, Schmoller & Mueller

Pittsburg, C. C. Mellor Co.

Providence, The M. Steinert & Sons Co.

Richmond, W. D. Moses & Co.

Rochester, H. Tracy Balcom

Salt Lake City, Daynes Music Co.

Syracuse, Chase & Smith Co.

Other Agents in all large cities







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We have no agents or branch stores. All orders should be sent direct to us


Reduced Prices
Suits and Cloaks


ARLY in October a woolen manufacturer offered to make his finest woolens at considerable reductions if we would give him a large enough order to keep his mill running during dull season. We contracted for the newest Winter and early Spring fabrics, and shall make these goods, for a few weeks, into suits, skirts and cloaks to order only, at one-third less than regular prices. Nearly all of our styles and materials share in this sale.

Suits in the newest models, suitable
for Winter and early Spring
wear; former price $10, reduced
to $6.67

$12 Suits reduced to $8

$15 Suits reduced to $10

$25 Suits reduced to $16.67

Costumes of Velveteen, Corduroy
and Velvet Cords; former price
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$24 Costumes reduced to $16

Latest designs in Skirts; former

price $5, reduced to $3.34

$7.50 Skirts reduced to $5

$10 Skirts reduced to $6.67

Long Jackets; former price $10,
reduced to 6.67

$15 Jackets reduced to $10

$18 Jackets reduced to $12

Rainy-Day, Golf and Traveling
Skirts; former price $6, re-
duced to $4

$9 Skirts reduced to $6

Reduced Prices on Rainy-Day Suits,
Traveling Suits, Rain-Proof Coats
and Skirts, etc.


The Catalogue, Samples and Reduced Price-List, giving
interesting information about this sale will be sent free, at
your request, but you must write quickly for the sale will
for a few weeks only and the choicest goods will be sold first. Your
order will be filled promptly and to your liking if you think not, send back
the garment, and we will refund your money. It's your good will we want



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