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The "Sun" Newspaper of December 13, 1834.

In the knowledge of all that really constitutes the affairs of life, our most fashionably educated women are deplorably deficient. They seem to be intended for any purpose rather than that of discharging the ordinary duties of good wives and tender mothers. It seems to be the study of fashionable women to discover what is least profitable in the wide field of intellectual acquirements, in order to impose it as the only task worthy the attention of their children. Often and often has this ill-judged partiality for frivolous, or at best unprofitable, studies in persons, themselves well informed, filled us with wonder. Nor can we yet account for so strange a perversion of judgment, especially as all women are willing to confess that to talk bad French, strum and scream in a concordia discors, or to waltz with the libertine gesture of a Parisian opera-dancer, are not the most effectual means of controlling the will of a headstrong husband, or the best qualifications for rearing up a family in the fear of God. Far be it from us to say that the knowledge of languages, of music, and of the graces necessary to an appearance in the ball-room, ought wholly to be dispensed with in female education. It is not the use, but the ABUSE of these accomplishments of which we complain. It is the making those things ALL which ought to form the PARTS of a MINOR PART. Of ethics, or the science of morality, women in general know nothing; and yet this comprises the whole range of civil, domestic, and religious duties. Women complain that the tyranny of men is the cause of their deficiency in useful information. Now men have sins enough to answer for, without adding others of which they are not, and have not been, guilty. The vanity of women prevented, and prevents, their being properly educated. The mother will not have her daughters moralized, and sermonized, and made mopes of, to satisfy the whims of antiquated visionaries and Bedlamite enthusiasts! Her dear girls are incapable of wrong, and she knows better than to sour their minds with crabbed lectures on the distinctions of good and evil, just as if the charming creatures did not know of themselves how to act properly on all occasions. No, no! the dancing,

the French, the music, and the drawing masters, are the only proper and genteel instructors for such sweet innocents. If they want any thing else, they will have time enough to learn it the year before they come out. This is the substance of a lecture which is repeatedly delivered in many a drawing-room, by the mother of a young family; and the consequences are sooner or later felt and deplored by society. It would seem, in short, from the language of many women on this subject, that domestic virtues, like dresses, would be worn out before the time for putting them in practice, if assumed before marriage.


(From the "Sun” Newspaper.)

NEVER give up! it is wiser and better
Always to hope, than once to despair;
Fling off the load of Doubt's cank'ring fetter,
And break the dark spell of tyrannical care:
Never give up! or the burden may sink you,-
Providence kindly has mingled the cup,
And, in all trials or troubles, bethink you

The watchword of life must be, Never give up

Never give up! there are chances and changes
Helping the hopeful a hundred to one,
And through the chaos High Wisdom arranges
Ever success-if you'll only hope on:
Never give up! for the wisest is boldest,
Knowing that Providence mingles the cup,
And of all maxims the best, as the oldest,
Is the true watchword of, Never give up.

Never give up!-though the grape-shot may rattle,
Or the full thundercloud over you burst,
Stand like a rock-and the storm or the battle
Little shall harm you, though doing their worst:
Never give up! if adversity presses,

Providence wisely has mingled the cup,
And the best counsel, in all your distresses,
Is the stout watchword of, Never give up!

TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF MR. CANNING.* Extracted from a Speech delivered on the Hustings at Liverpool, by the late lamented MR. HUSKISSON.

I UNFEIGNEDLY regret my inability to make myself heard by the whole of this crowded auditory. Still more I feel the painful recurrence which my memory suggests, when I consider the place where I stand to address my constituents. The place and the occasion by me can never be forgotten. That voice which for the last few years had so often been raised upon your hustings, and to which you had so often listened with delight and admiration, and I hope you will allow me to add, with benefit and instruction to yourselves, is now mute for ever. That heartstirring power, which, in times of the greatest alarm to the country, had roused your energies, diffused spirit and vigour throughout the community, and rescued you from the dangers and difficulties with which perils had beset you-which had invigorated the weak, and imparted confidence to the doubtful, so as to bring to a successful issue the greatest contest which modern history has recorded,-which had encouraged the timid, and above all, appealed to the good sense and manly feelings of Englishmen, against the traitorous and insidious designs which were formed to sap their throne and constitution,-which had sustained them against the machinations of the inveterate foe, to whom, had they yielded, they might indeed have had peace; but it would have been a peace hollow and insecure, and with the loss of honour. That high and animating spirit which had preserved them for such achievements, was now for ever swept from their sphere. That all-persuading, all-commanding, and consistent eloquence, which had exposed and successfully resisted the diffusion of the disaffection which at times had spread over the surface of this happy country, which had inculcated loyalty and reverence to law, in contradistinction to licentious

*The lovers of eloquence and their country were suddenly and painfully bereaved of this elegant and accomplished scholar, and able and HONEST MINISTER, on the 8th of August, 1827, at the age of 58! Lord Goderich succeeded as Premier on the 10th of August,-and as Mr. Huskisson took office under his Lordship, the speech, from which this Extract is taken, must have been made subsequently to the latter date. The excellent Mr. Huskisson was killed at the opening of the Manchester and Liverpool Railway on the 15th of September, 1830.

ness and wild anarchy, which had contrasted the desolation of revolutionary principles with the common interest that in this free country linked the crown and subject in one chain of constitutional accord, alike contributing to the stability of the one, and the happiness of the other, that powerful eloquence of my lamented friend, which had claimed and secured for England her predominance in the councils of Europe, and suggested the means of resisting any combination of sovereigns (were there such in array) to stem the improvement of civilized man,—which had imposed upon Europe the necessity of holding sacred the rights of our fellow creatures, and shewed surrounding nations how a throne could be glorious and a people free,-which, after accomplishing glory and renown during an unparalleled war, had fixed the terms of peace upon a stable and honourable basis, dear to the interests of mankind,— that powerful and all-stirring eloquence would by them be heard no more. When, by one of those awful dispensations of Providence, to which we must all bow, the sovereign and his people were deprived of the further services of my great and lamented friend, I was absent in a distant part of the continent, endeavouring to recruit my impaired and declining health, and could not therefore see, though I could feel, the grief which overwhelmed my country at the afflicting event that had befallen it, and the true and unaffected regret which pervaded all classes, from the sovereign to the peasant. My own personal regret at this bereavement, I shall not presume to intrude upon you; for it would be idle to mix it up with the public sympathy; but at that time I was honoured with the commands of my sovereign to return to England, and take such share in the administration as circumstances rendered imperative. I cannot pass over this melancholy subject without stating, that the grief you felt here was participated in all the countries through which I had to pass upon my return. While wending my way among foreigners, the same regret, from the most enlightened to the humblest, pervaded all classes who had heard of the event. All felt that the interests of the civilized world had lost a benefactor and a friend!



Of all the wonders that steam has worked, this is the most wonderful. Without rudder or rein-without tug or tow-rope without chart or compass-without impulse from man, or traction from beast, this maximum of power in minimum of space-this magic Automaton, darts forward, on iron pinions, swift as an arrow from a bow! unerring, undeviating from its destined course! Devised by science, but devoted to industry-unwearied as rapid, in its toils and movements— harmless as the dove, if unopposed, but fatal as the thunderbolt if encountered in its career, this astonishing offspring of human genius, gigantic in strength as dwarfish in stature, drags along, and apparently without effort, whole cargoes of commercemerchants and their merchandize-artizans and their artstravellers and their traffic-tourists and their tours (some of them heavy enough!)-in short, every thing, living or dead, that can be chained to the train of this Herculean velocipede.

Mounted on the shoulders of this docile but all-powerful Automaton, we" scour the blasted heath," more fleetly than the Weird Sisters, when despatched on deeds of death-dive through the solid rock, which greets the passing stranger with a hollow and growling salute-spring forward into the cheerful day—and wave our sable banners in the air.

The steam-carriage will probably effect more revolutions in military operations, than the steam-boat in naval warfare. A steam-carriage, skilfully equipped and directed, would have broken through the hollow squares on the field of Waterlooopened a passage for Napoleon's cavalry-and changed the face of battle, as well as the fate of nations. The war-chariots of our ancient English Queen (Boadicea) may possibly be renewed and introduced, under some future princess-and with more success, since they will not only transport whole armies, with all their materiel, from point to point, with incredible velocity, but penetrate the densest lines, the firmest cohorts, the compactest squadrons, with as much certainty and ease, as a cannon ball would pass through a partition of pasteboard. A greater

*This highly-gifted gentleman and delightful Tourist, was Physician to his Majesty William IV.

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