| John GRATTON - 1703 - 104 psl.
...abfolve Sick People from all their Sins ? Is it not Miraculous, that a Man fliould be able to deny the Devil, and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, the finful Luffs of the Flefli, ' ftif h zi:l| the .'Dpi fires of the fame j fo as not to follow*... | |
| William Beveridge - 1712 - 400 psl.
...they have any Sureties or no, it confifts of Three general Heads. ' Firft, That they will renounce the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and all the Jinful Lufts of the Flefi. Secondly, That they will believe all the Articles of the Chriftian Faitfr.... | |
| Philo-Delphus (pseud.) - 1719 - 332 psl.
...CodMothers then for you i A- They did promife and vow three things in my Name. Firft, that I mould renounce the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and all the Sinful Lufts of the Fie A. Secondly, that I fhould believe all the Articles of the Chriftian Faith.... | |
| Richard Allestree (D.D.) - 1719 - 512 psl.
...Godfathers and Godmothers did premije and vow three things in our Names; firfl, That a>e /haul d for f*ie the Devil and all his works, the pomps and vanities of this wicked world, and all the ftnjul lnfls of ibeflc/h. Where by the Devil is meaut,firlt the worshipping of all fa'fe Gods, which... | |
| 1728 - 512 psl.
...for the Child ; then SuretilViip they promtfe; 'Ergo. Do they, or can they caufe the Child to forftke the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and till tbtfinful tufts of the flejhl In a word, Can they make the Child or Children to repent and truly... | |
| Thomas Colbatch - 1729 - 300 psl.
...and Godmothers for you in your Baptifm ? A. They did promife and vow three things in my name : Firft, that I fhould renounce the Devil and all his works, the 'pomps and vanity of this wicked world, and all the finful lufts of the flefh. a. Secondly, that I fhould believe... | |
| Richard Bundy - 1740 - 478 psl.
...for us ; which we are told in the next Queftion and Anfwer was this : Firft, That 'we jhould renounce the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and all the fmful Lujls of the Fief. Secondly, That we Jhould believe all the Articles, cf the Chriftian Faith.... | |
| Whole duty - 1741 - 490 psl.
...to be baptized, either by themfelves or foretics to proraife and vow, that they will renounce nounce the devil and all his works, the pomps and vanities of this wicked world, and all the fmful lufts of the flefh : to believe all the articles of the chriflian faith; and to keep God's holy... | |
| Lewis Atterbury - 1743 - 464 psl.
...religious Obligation, SERM. in the Prefence of God and the Face of his XVI. Church, that we would renounce the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and all the finful Lufts of the Flem ; that we would believe the Articles of our Chriftian Faith, keep God's holy Will... | |
| 1765 - 410 psl.
...refolve and purpofe (through the Affiftance of thy Grace and holy Spirit directing me) to " renounce " the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and *' Vanities of this wicked World, and all the " finful Lufts of the Flefh." Be pleafed, O Lord, to ftrengthen and confirm all thefe good Refolutions in me.... | |
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