Puslapio vaizdai

President, penalty for refusal to obey orders of, 109.

powers of, during recess of Congress, 122, 126, 128, 132, 169, 176,

203, 208, 209, 212, 220, 235, 236, 239, 246, 249, 256, 326.

power of, relating to sentences by court-martial, 117.

to accept and discharge troops, 124.

to accept volunteers, 123.

to allow additional rations, 144.
to appoint commissaries, &c., 244.

to appoint court-martial, 186.

to appoint inspector-general, 123.

to appoint lieutenant-general, 123.
to appoint officers, 126.

to arrest officers, 155.

to call cavalry, 93.

to call forth militia, 94, 108.

to call militia on an invasion, 165.

to commission officers, 132.

to discharge troops, 113, 132.

to establish foundries, &c., 121.

to grant discharges, 176.

to organize troops, 92, 122.
to organize volunteers, 132.
to procure cannon, &c., 102, 121.
to raise provisional army, 122.
to raise troops, 93, 113, 131.

to sell or loan artillery, &c., 126.
to transfer appropriations, 298.

power vested in, to suppress rebellion, 477.
prescribes army uniform, 194.
proclamations of, approved, 490.

Prices for houses, &c. for sutlers, 180.
of articles sold by sutlers, 497.
Principal artificer, monthly pay of, 93.
Prisoner, officers required to receive, 189.

Prisoners before court-martial, 188.

of war in Mexico, money paid to, in lieu of subsistence, 401.

time of imprisonment, part of service, 327.

refusal to receive, 74, 81.

release and escape of, 74, 81, 189.

reports of, 74, 81.

Privates, certificates of absence, by whom given, 177.

exempt from arrest, 125.

number of, in volunteer company, 373.

of first class, ordnance department, 509.
of second class, ordnance department, 509.
pay of, 93, 143, 352.

Proclamation to insurgents to disperse, 94.

Professor of chemistry in military academy, pay and duties of, 347.
of Spanish at military academy, pay of, 447.

Professors at West Point, allowance to, 441.

in military academy, 224.

Promotion in quartermaster's department, 344.
Promotions, 254, 432.

and appointments, 374.

in corps of engineers, 148, 430.

Promotions of medical officers, 503.
Property, destroyed or protected, when, 184.
of rebels, condemnation and sale of, 522.
Proposals for contracts, 460, 462.

Provisions, additional allowance of, 106.
allowance of, on frontiers, 112.
brought into forts or garrisons, 67.
forage, &c. sold without order, 182.
introduction of, into forts or garrisons, 76.
officers not to be interested in sale of, 180.
to see that sutlers supply good, 180.
prices of, furnished by sutlers, 67.
ration of, 138.

Proviso as to appointments from the line, 88.

regarding pay of troops, 88.

Provost-marshal appointed by legionary courts of inquiry, 158.
Public contracts, 203.

money, accounts of receipt of, 524.

stores, taken from enemy, 185.

Punishment, corporeal, limitation of, 190.
for absence from camp, 183.

for aiding in a rebellion, 520.

for aiding or abetting desertion, 113, 116.
for behaving with contempt, 258.

for corresponding with enemy, 185.

for crimes against United States, 288.

for desertion, 147, 178.

for drunkenness on guard, 70.

for embezzlement, 431.

for exciting mutiny, 175.

for making known watchword, 184.

for perjury, 259.

for recruiting for service against United States, 488.

for relieving enemy, 185.

for sleeping upon post, 70, 183.

for traitorous words, 64.

&c. against Congress, 63.

for unlawful release of prisoners, 189.

limitation of corporeal, 81.

mitigation of, 75, 77, 191.

of captain of ship for aiding deserter, 116.

of crimes not capital, 76.

of officers, 260.

of spies, 495.

pardon of, 75, 77, 191.

Punishments authorized by articles of war, mitigation of, 77.

pardoned, by whom, 77.

Purchasers of confiscated rebel property, 522.

Purchases and contracts, regulations in regard to, 129, 460.
of supplies, proposals for, 210.

Purchasing department, 274.

Pursers of navy, bonds given by, 210.

Purveyor, office abolished, 129, 219.

of medical department, duties of, 130.
of public supplies, 107.

President, penalty for refusal to obey orders of, 109.

powers of, during recess of Congress, 122, 126, 128, 132, 169, 176,
203, 208, 209, 212, 220, 235, 236, 239, 246, 249, 256, 326.

power of, relating to sentences by court-martial, 117.

to accept and discharge troops, 124.

to accept volunteers, 123.

to allow additional rations, 144.
to appoint commissaries, &c., 244.
to appoint court-martial, 186.
to appoint inspector-general, 123.
to appoint lieutenant-general, 123.
to appoint officers, 126.

to arrest officers, 155.

to call cavalry, 93.

to call forth militia, 94, 108.

to call militia on an invasion, 165.

to commission officers, 132.

to discharge troops, 113, 132.
to establish foundries, &c., 121.

to grant discharges, 176.

to organize troops, 92, 122.
to organize volunteers, 132.

to procure cannon, &c., 102, 121.
to raise provisional army, 122.
to raise troops, 93, 113, 131.

to sell or loan artillery, &c., 126.
to transfer appropriations, 298.

power vested in, to suppress rebellion, 477.
prescribes army uniform, 194.
proclamations of, approved, 490.

Prices for houses, &c. for sutlers, 180.
of articles sold by sutlers, 497.

Principal artificer, monthly pay of, 93.
Prisoner, officers required to receive, 189.

Prisoners before court-martial, 188.

of war in Mexico, money paid to, in lieu of subsistence, 401.
time of imprisonment, part of service, 327.

refusal to receive, 74, 81.

release and escape of, 74, 81, 189.

reports of, 74, 81.

Privates, certificates of absence, by whom given, 177.

exempt from arrest, 125.

number of, in volunteer company, 373.

of first class, ordnance department, 509.
of second class, ordnance department, 509.
pay of, 93, 143, 352.

Proclamation to insurgents to disperse, 94.

Professor of chemistry in military academy, pay and duties of, 347.
of Spanish at military academy, pay of, 447.

Professors at West Point, allowance to, 441.

in military academy, 224.

Promotion in quartermaster's department, 344.
Promotions, 254, 432.

and appointments, 374.

in corps of engineers, 148, 430.

Promotions of medical officers, 503.
Property, destroyed or protected, when, 184.
of rebels, condemnation and sale of, 522.
Proposals for contracts, 460, 462.

Provisions, additional allowance of, 106.

allowance of, on frontiers, 112.

brought into forts or garrisons, 67.
forage, &c. sold without order, 1×2.
introduction of, into forts or garrisons, 76.
officers not to be interested in sale of, 180,
to see that sutlers supply good, 180.
prices of, furnished by sutlers, 67.
ration of, 138,

Proviso as to appointments from the line, 88.

regarding pay of troops, 88.

Provost-marshal appointed by legionary courts of inquiry, 158.
Public contracts, 203.

money, accounts of receipt of, 524.

stores, taken from enemy, 185.

Punishment, corporeal, limitation of, 190,
for absence from camp, 1×3.

for aiding in a rebellion, 320,

for aiding or abetting desertion, 113, 116.
for behaving with contempt, 258.

for corresponding with enemy, 185.

for crimes against United States, 2×8.

for desertion, 147, 178,

for drunkenness on guard, 70,

for embezzlement, 451.

for exciting mutiny, 175.

for making known watchword, 184.

for perjury, 259.

for recruiting for service against United States, 458.

for relieving enemy, 1×5.

for sleeping upon post, 70, 1×3.

for traitorous words, 64.

&e, against Congress, 63,

for unlawful release of prisoners, 1×9.

limitation of eorporeal, 1.

mitigation of, 75, 77, 191.

of captain of ship for aiding deserter, 116.

of crimes not capital, 76.

of otheers, 200,

of spies, 495.

pardon of, 75, 77, 191.

Punishments authorized by articles of war, mitigation of, 77.

pardoned by whom, 77.

Purchasers of confiscated rebel property, 522,
Purchases and contracts, regulations in regard to, 129, 460,
of supplies, proposals for, 210.

Purchasing department, 274

Pursers of navy, l» pis given by 210,

Purveyor, office abolishesi, 129, 219.

of medical department, duties of, 130,
of public suppùos, 197.


QUARRELS, officers have power to quell, 179.

Quartermaster, additional, during Mexican war, 379.
general, absence of, provided for, 338.
additional rations to, 387.

allowance to, for rent, clerk-hire, &c., 229.
appointment of, 115, 118, 123, 128, 136, 217, 308.
assistants of, 217, 246.

contingent expenses of, 229.

duties of, 217, 246.

not responsible for certain moneys, 229.

pay of, 118, 136, 217.

prohibited from trade in supplies, 219, 227.

rank of, 118, 136, 217.

repealed, 229.

general's department, special commissaries in, 244.
Lieutenants, having appointments of, 385.

pay of, 90, 93, 344.

rank of, 93, 344.

regimental, 379.

sergeant, regimental, pay of, 469.

sergeants, pay of, 526.

to give bond, 229.

Quartermasters, additional, appointed, 259, 379.
appointment of four, with rank of major, 382.
of ten assistant, 382.

assistant, pay of, 378.

discharge of, at end of Mexican war, repealed, 393.
vacancies not to be filled at end of Mexican war, 393.

drawn, how, 255.

not taken from line, 255.

of brigade, rank of, 257.
pay of, 308, 379.

rank of, 308.

regimental, 379.

Quartermaster's department, additional duties of, 315.

additional officers in, 316.

appointment of officers of, 274.

established, 217, 228.

increased, 344, 481.

officers of, 286.

officers to give bonds, 274.

officers to take oath, 217.

promotion in, to rank of major, 374.
storekeepers in, 510.

Quarters, or barracks, construction of, 456.

officers and soldiers to lie in their, 183.

orderly behavior required in, 71.

penalty for lying out of, without leave, 69.

retiring to, at retreat beat, 69.

Quelling frays and quarrels, 66.

Quitman, General, sword voted to, 389.

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