Puslapio vaizdai

Bounty to pilots, &c. of gunboats, &c. 516.

to recruits, 87, 92, 128, 146, 211, 214, 237, 239, 247, 250, 251, 329,
378, 409, 510, 532, 539.

to soldiers of department of Missouri, 500.

to soldiers of regular army, 511.

to volunteers to fill old regiments, 532.

Breach of arrest, 74, 81.

Brevet officers, pay and emoluments of, 287,

rank, 235.


Brevets and former commissions take effect when, 71.
to non-commissioned officers, 386.

Brigade bands, pay of, 526.

constituted and commanded, how, 136.
court-martial, 156.

inspector appointed by President, 162.

chosen, how, 122.

duties of, 100.

furnishes forms of returns, 159.

pay of, 137.

major, chosen by whom, 122.

duties of, 260.

majors, additional, 242.

pay of, 90, 93, 228, 259.

quartermaster, pay of, 136, 259.

surgeons, known as surgeons of volunteers, 507.

Brigades, organization of, 97.

Brigadier-general, 136.

appointment of, 94, 118, 234.

duties of, 142.

entitled to one aid, 137.

may act as adjutant, 245.

pay of, 90, 93, 123, 142, 213.

Brigadier-generals, aids of, 255.

appointment of additional, 201, 242, 372, 383.

forage for horses of, 525.

number of, added to army, 475.

authorized, 509.

of volunteers, appointment of, 468.

orders of, how conveyed, 166.

Brown, Major-General, thanks of Congress, and gold medal to, 267.

Butler, General, sword voted to, 389.


CADETS, candidates for commission, when, 225.

may be supernumerary officers, 225.

medical, 482.

appointment and pay of, 501.
number of, in service of United States, 225.
pay of, 143.

regulations in regard to, 225.

to West Point Academy, appointments of, 363.

oath administered to, 483.

term for service increased, 348.

California, emigrants to, furnished with arms, &c., 407.

California, receivers of contributions in, to be paid, 430.
Camp, absence from, without leave, punished, 69, 183.
Cannon, arms, &c. procured by President, 121.

superintendent of manufacture of, 360.

Capital crime, officers accused of, 181.

Captain, grade of, in adjutant-general's department, abolished, 530.
penalty for delinquency of, 163.

Captains accountable for arms, &c., 182.
accountable for stores, 69.

duty of, in regard to enrolling, 96.

of cavalry and artillery, forage for horses, 525.
of companies accountable for arms, &c., 182.
pay of, 93, 143.

Captives of war, slaves of rebels to be deemed, 522.
Captivity, pay, &c. during, 254.

period of, reckoned as actual service, 411.
Captures made within waters of United States, 291.
Cavalry, allowance to, for use of horses, &c., 106.

certain regiments to be hereafter denominated, 484.
companies in volunteer service, 469.

duty, pay of officers assigned to, 525.
equipage for, 125.

forces, organization of, 534.

may serve as dismounted dragoons, 111.

militia may serve as, 91.

organization of, 473.

organization of troop of, 230.
pay of, 93.

President may call into service, 93.

regiment, officers of, 474.

subject to legionary courts, 233.

tactics, instructor of, 355.

system of, to be prepared, 317.

Cemetery, national, 529.

Census, superintendent of, to furnish war statistics, 537.
Certificate annexed to returns of delinquencies, 160.

of discharge for physical disability, 503.

of enlistment, 64.

of oath of enlistment, 176.

penalty for false, 65.

Certificates, false, penalty for issuing, 177.

in regard to absentees at muster, 65.
of absence, by whom given, 177.

of service, 154.

omission of, in cases of discharge, 277.
Cession of land for fortifications, 102, 105, 119.
Cessions of lands received by President, 102.
Challenge of member of court-martial, 188.
penalty for accepting, 179.

to fight a duel prohibited, 66.

Challenger, officer or soldier, when punished as, 67, 179, 180.
Chaplain, one to each brigade, 273.

one to each regiment, 483.

one to each regiment of volunteers, 469.

Chaplains, 240, 380.

[blocks in formation]

penalties for undue absence, 63.

qualifications and appointment of, 526.
regimental, pay of, 259.

Chief clerk of department of war, duties of, 86.
Chief engineer, duties of, 370.

Chief of ordnance, rank and pay of, 481.
Cherokee warriors, pensions to, 357.
Citizens, aliens may become, how, 530.

employed as paymasters' clerks, 347.
enrolled, duties of, 96.

Claims, act in relation to payment of, 375.
board of officers to settle, 424.

for horses, &c. destroyed by enemy, adjusted, 406.
for pensions, printed forms for establishing, 515.
in department of Missouri, 540.

list of, to whom transmitted, 196.
manner of substantiating, 195.

military, in Department of West, 538.

not valid when mortgaged, 396.

of widows, effects of subsequent marriage on, 434.

prosecution of, 428.


"three months' extra pay," 413.

to bounty lands, 284.

to pensions by heirs of soldiers of revolution, 501.

to pensions, fees for establishing, 514.

to service of another, validity of, 523.
&c., transfer of, void, 340.

Clerk-hire, allowance for, 150.

Clerk of court of inquiry appointed, 158.
of "returns office," pay of, 506.

Clerks, report of, made annually to Congress, 362.

Clothing allowance for, 93, 374.

allowance for, in volunteer service, 468.

allowed to levies, 91.

altered to fit, 138.

and rations, 78.

articles of, to be received annually, 138.

&c., distribution of, 315.

extra, issued, to be deducted from soldier's pay, 275.

to sick and wounded, 541.

for artificers, 255.

for troops prescribed by President, 275.

Clothing for volunteers, 389.

kind and amount of, 253.

money in lieu of, to volunteers, 198.
of soldier discharged from army, 275.
of volunteers for Mexican war, 368.
penalty for selling without proper order, 182.
quarterly returns of supplies of, 315.
surplus of, furnished, 145.

to sappers, miners, and pontoniers, 370.
uniform, annual allowance of, 89.
annual amount of, 111.
annually received, 115.
furnished, 145.

of light artillery, 217.
of light dragoons, 217.

of officers and soldiers, 214.

Coffee, allowance of, increased, 459.

extract of, may be used instead of coffee, 510.

Collector appointed by legionary court of inquiry, 164.
of court of inquiry, penalty for neglect of duty, 165.
sued, how, 165.

of port, duties of, 464.

Collectors of customs to detain vessels, when, 292.
Colonel of ordnance department, power of, 263.

pay of, 143.

Colonels, forage for horses of, 525.

Colors, penalty for leaving, in search of plunder, 71, 184.
provided by whom, 98.

taken from enemy, disposition of, 257.

Columbus, arsenal at, 511.

Command of troops joining on marches, 71.
of troops marching together, 71.

Commandant at West Point, 361.

of cadets at West Point, rank and pay of, 455.
Commander-in-chief, disrespect towards, punished, 64.
secretary of, 228.

Commander of corps of cadets, duties of, 355.
corps of engineers, 226.


of post, &c. compelled to abandon it, 185.
Commanding officer of different corps, 186.
officer to redress abuses, 180.

officers, duties of, 178.

shall keep good order, 180.
Commands, disobedience of, punished, 64.
Commissariat of subsistence, increase of, 344.
of United States army increased, 409.
Commissaries, deputy, exceptions in case of, 220.
not to be separated from line of army, 352.
of subsistence, rank and pay of, 481.
rank, pay, &c., 321.

Commissary and assistants forbidden to trade, 229, 286.
subject to martial law, 286.

Commissary-general employs mechanics, 255.

contingent expenses of, 229.

franking privilege allowed to, 287.

Commissary-general of ordnance department, 226.
of purchases, 218, 274, 309.
of subsistence, 308.

rank, pay, and duties of, 286, 308.

Commissary of musters, duties of, 65, 178.

penalty for receiving bribes, 65, 178.
removed, when, 65, 178.

Commissary of purchases, duties of office, by whom performed, 360.
office of, abolished, 360.

Commissary-sergeant, regimental, pay of, 469.
Commission on sums paid, 328.

Commissioned officers, appointed by President, 93.

cashiered for fraud, &c., 190.

dismissal of, 73.

effects of deceased, 74.
of levies, 91.

rations of, 88.

take rank, how, 99.

to be citizens of United States, 203.
Commissioner of land-office, duty of, 413.

of pensions, duties of, 515.

Commissions, dates of, affect rank of officers when, 185.
Commutation of subsistence and travel, 468.

Companies, division of, 154.

organization of, 473.

returns of, how and when made, 160.

Company of infantry, organization of, 230.

officers of volunteers, how commissioned, 468.
of riflemen, organization of, 251.

Compensation in case of wounds, 202, 212, 239.
for disabilities, 202, 222.

for paying pensions, 542.

of officers, &c., 201, 221.

Comptroller, additional, in treasury department, 279.
duties of first and second, 281.

of treasury, duties of, 209.

fines certified to, 241.

Comptrollers, franking privilege to, 282.
Conduct in presence of court-martial, 80.
unbecoming, punished, 190.

Conductors of artillery, 220, 252, 294.

Confinement of officers and soldiers limited, 189.

Confirmation of sentence of court-martial, 187.

Confiscation of property of certain rebels, 520.

Congress, members of, cannot enter into or make contracts, 204.
punishment for traitorous words, &c. against, 63, 175.

recognition of services of Brigadier-General Nathaniel Lyon, 536.
thanks of, to certain gallant officers and soldiers, 537.

to Major-General Jackson, 268.

to Major-General John E. Wool, 435.
to Major-General Taylor, 377, 389, 398.

to Major-Generals Brown, Scott, Porter, Gaines, Macomb, and
Brigadiers Ripley and Miller, 267.

vote of gold medals to Brigadier-General Ripley, Brigadier-General
Miller, and Major-General Porter, 268.

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