At Dora's feet. She bow'd upon her hands, Remembering the day when first she came, And all the things that had been. She bow'd down And wept in secret; and the reapers reap'd, And the sun fell, and all the land was dark. Then Dora went to Mary's house, and stood Was not with Dora. She broke out in praise But if he will not take thee back again, Then thou and I will live within one house, And work for William's child, until he grows Each other, and set out, and reach'd the farm. The boy set up betwixt his grandsire's knees, And clapt him on the hands and on the cheeks, Like one that loved him; and the lad stretch'd out And babbled for the golden seal, that hung From Allan's watch, and sparkled by the fire. Then they came in: but when the boy beheld His mother, he cried out to come to her: And Allan set him down, and Mary said: "O Father!-if you let me call I never came a-begging for myself, you so Or William, or this child; but now I come For Dora: take her back; she loves you well. O Sir, when William died, he died at peace I had been a patient wife: but, Sir, he said But now, Sir, let me have my boy, for you His father's memory; and take Dora back, So Mary said, and Dora hid her face By Mary. There was silence in the room; And all at once the old man burst in sobs : "I have been to blame-to blame. I have kill'd my son. I have kill'd him-but I loved him-my dear son. May God forgive me!-I have been to blame. Then they clung about The old man's neck, and kiss'd him many times. And all the man was broken with remorse ; And all his love came back a hundredfold; And for three hours he sobb'd o'er William's child, Thinking of William. So those four abode Within one house together; and as years Went forward, Mary took another mate; But Dora lived unmarried till her death. AUDLEY COURT. "THE Bull, the Fleece are cramm'd, and not a room For love or money. Let us picnic there At Audley Court." I spoke, while Audley feast Humm'd like a hive all round the narrow quay, To Francis, with a basket on his arm, To Francis just alighted from the boat, And breathing of the sea. "With all my heart," And rounded by the stillness of the beach |