She will order all things duly, When beneath his roof they come. Thus her heart rejoices greatly, Till a gateway she discerns With armorial bearings stately, And beneath the gate she turns ; Sees a mansion more majestic Than all those she saw before: Many a gallant gay domestic Bows before him at the door. And they speak in gentle murmur, While he treads with footstep firmer, And, while now she wonders blindly, Nor the meaning can divine, Proudly turns he round and kindly, "All of this is mine and thine." Here he lives in state and bounty, Lord of Burleigh, fair and free, Not a lord in all the county Is so great a lord as he. All at once the colour flushes Her sweet face from brow to chin: As it were with shame she blushes, And her spirit changed within. Then her countenance all over But he clasp'd her like a lover, And he cheer'd her soul with love. So she strove against her weakness, Though at times her spirits sank: Shaped her heart with woman's meekness To all duties of her rank: And a gentle consort made he, And her gentle mind was such That she grew a noble lady, And the people loved her much. But a trouble weigh'd upon her, And perplex'd her, night and morn, With the burthen of an honour Unto which she was not born. Faint she grew, and ever fainter, As she murmur'd, "Oh, that he Were once more that landscape-painter, Which did win my heart from me!" So she droop'd and droop'd before him, Fading slowly from his side: Three fair children first she bore him, Then before her time she died. Weeping, weeping late and early, Deeply mourn'd the Lord of Burleigh, And he came to look upon her, And he look'd at her and said, "Bring the dress, and put it on her, That she wore when she was wed." Then her people, softly treading, In the dress that she was wed in, SIR LAUNCELOT & QUEEN GUINEVERE. A Fragment. LIKE souls that balance joy and pain, Came in a sun-lit fall of rain. In crystal vapour everywhere Blue isles of heaven laugh'd between, And, far in forest-deeps unseen, The topmost linden gather'd green From draughts of balmy air. Sometimes the linnet piped his song: Sometimes the sparhawk, wheel'd along, SIR LAUNCELOT AND QUEEN GUINEVERE. Hush'd all the groves from fear of wrong: By grassy capes with fuller sound In curves the yellowing river ran, Above the teeming ground. Then, in the boyhood of the year, With blissful treble ringing clear. A She seem'd a part of joyous Spring: gown of grass-green silk she wore, Buckled with golden clasps before; A light-green tuft of plumes she bore Now on some twisted ivy-net, On mosses thick with violet, Her cream-white mule his pastern set: 207 And now more fleet she skimm'd the plains |