Their interspaces, counterchanged The level lake with diamond-plots Of dark and bright. A lovely time, Of good Haroun Alraschid. IX. Dark-blue the deep sphere overhead, Grew darker from that under-flame : So, leaping lightly from the boat, In marvel whence that glory came In cool soft turf upon the bank, Entranced with that place and time, So worthy of the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid. X. Thence thro' the garden I was drawn A realm of pleasance, many a mound, And many a shadow-chequer'd lawn Full of the city's stilly sound, And deep myrrh-thickets blowing round The stately cedar, tamarisks, Thick rosaries of scented thorn, Tall orient shrubs, and obelisks Graven with emblems of the time, In honour of the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid. XI. With dazed vision unawares From the long alley's latticed shade Emerged, I came upon the great Pavilion of the Caliphat. Right to the carven cedarn doors, Of good Haroun Alraschid. XII. The fourscore windows all alight As with the quintessence of flame, From twisted silvers look'd to shame The hollow-vaulted dark, and stream'd In inmost Bagdat, till there seem'd Of night new-risen, that marvellous time, To celebrate the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid. XIII. Then stole I up, and trancedly 3309 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. In many a dark delicious curl, Flowing beneath her rose-hued zone; Well worthy of the golden prime Of good Haroun Alraschid. XIV. Six columns, three on either side, Pure silver, underpropt a rich Throne of the massive ore, from which Down-droop'd, in many a floating fold, With inwrought flowers, a cloth of gold. Sole star of all that place and time, THE GOOD HAROUN ALRASCHID! ODE TO MEMORY. I. THOU who stealest fire, From the fountains of the past, To glorify the present; oh, haste, Strengthen me, enlighten me! Thou dewy dawn of memory. II. Come not as thou camest of late, Flinging the gloom of yesternight On the white day; but robed in soften'd light Of orient state. |