SONG. THE OWL. WHEN cats run home and light is come, And the far-off stream is dumb, And the whirring sail goes round, And the whirring sail goes round ; Alone and warming his five wits, The white owl in the belfry sits. When merry milkmaids click the latch, Twice or thrice his roundelay : SECOND SONG. TO THE SAME. THY tuwhits are lull'd I wot, So took echo with delight, So took echo with delight, That her voice untuneful grown, Wears all day a fainter tone. I would mock thy chaunt anew; Not a whit of thy tuwhoo, Thee to woo to thy tuwhit, Thee to woo to thy tuwhit, With a lengthen'd loud halloo, Tuwhoo, tuwhit, tuwhit, tuwhoo-o-o. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. I. WHEN the breeze of a joyful dawn blew free In the silken sail of infancy, The tide of time flow'd back with me, The forward-flowing tide of time; And many a sheeny summer-morn, Of good Haroun Alraschid. RECOLLECTIONS OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS. II. Anight my shallop, rustling thro' The low and bloomed foliage, drove The fragrant, glistening deeps, and clove By garden porches on the brim, The costly doors flung open wide, In sooth it was a goodly time, III. Often, where clear-stemm'd platans guard The outlet, did I turn away The boat-head down a broad canal From the main river sluiced, where all The sloping of the moon-lit sward Was damask-work, and deep inlay 23 Nor martyr-flames, nor trenchant swords Can do away that ancient lie; A gentler death shall Falsehood die, Shot thro' and thro' with cunning words. Weak Truth a leaning on her crutch, Wan, wasted Truth in her utmost need, Thy kingly intellect shall feed, And Until she be an athlete bold, weary with a finger's touch Those writhed limbs of lightning speed; Like that strange angel which of old, Until the breaking of the light, Wrestled with wandering Israel, Past Yabbok brook the livelong night, And heaven's mazed signs stood still In the dim tract of Penuel. |