Puslapio vaizdai


CLEAR-HEADED friend, whose joyful scorn, Edged with sharp laughter, cuts atwain The knots that tangle human creeds, The wounding cords that bind and strain The heart until it bleeds,

Ray-fringed eyelids of the morn

Roof not a glance so keen as thine :

If aught of prophecy be mine,

Thou wilt not live in vain.

Low-cowering shall the Sophist sit;

Falsehood shall bare her plaited brow :
Fair-fronted Truth shall droop not now

With shrilling shafts of subtle wit.

No marty-fames. nor tremenant swerte

Can do away that ancient lie:

Agentier deati shal Fatserood die.

Suot turo and tire with cunning words.

Wear Truti & leaning or her crutci..

WaL. wasted Truth in her utmost need.

Thy kingly intellect shal reed.

Until she be an athlete bold.

And weary with a finger's touch.

Those writhed limbs of lightning speed :

Like that strange angel which of old, Umi the breaking of the light. Wrestled with wandering Israel.

Past Tabbok brook the livelong night, And heaver's mazed signs stood still In the dim tract of Penuel,


THOU art not steep'd in golden languors, No tranced summer calm is thine,

Ever varying Madeline.

Thro' light and shadow thou dost range,
Sudden glances, sweet and strange,

Delicious spites, and darling angers,

And airy forms of flitting change.

Smiling, frowning, evermore,

Thou art perfect in love-lore.

Revealings deep and clear are thine
Of wealthy smiles: but who may know

Whether smile or frown be fleeter?

Whether smile or frown be sweeter,


Who may know?


Frowns perfect-sweet along the brow
Light-glooming over eyes divine

Like little clouds sun-fringed, are thine,

Ever varying Madeline.

Thy smile and frown are not aloof

From one another,

Each to each is dearest brother;

Hues of the silken sheeny woof

Momently shot into each other. All the mystery is thine ; Smiling, frowning, evermore, Thou art perfect in love-lore,

Ever varying Madeline.

A subtle, sudden flame,

By veering passion fann'd,

About thee breaks and dances;

When I would kiss thy hand,

The flush of anger'd shame

O'erflows thy calmer glances,

And o'er black brows drops down

A sudden-curved frown:

But when I turn away,

Thou, willing me to stay,

Wooest not, nor vainly wranglest ;
But, looking fixedly the while,

All my bounding heart entanglest
In a golden-netted smile;

Then in madness and in bliss,

If my lips should dare to kiss

Thy taper fingers amorously,
Again thou blushest angerly;
And o'er black brows drops down

A sudden-curved frown.

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