Puslapio vaizdai

1636 PIERRE CORNEILLE'S tragedy, 'The Cid'. 1637 René Descartes, philosopher.


A. D. 1390 JEAN FROISSART, chronicler 1410 Christine de Pisan, lyric poet 1440 Charles of Orleans, captive poet 1460 Francis Villon, rascal poet

1530 King Francis I., poet and patron

Queen Margaret of Navarre (Marguerite d'Angoulême), poet, wrote the


Clement Marot, court poet

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1540 FRANCOIS RABELAIS, satirist. 'Gargantua

1550 The Pléiade, seven poets, the chief being Ronsard, du Bellay and Belleau

1552 Etienne Jodelle's 'Cleopatra,' first French tragedy

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1600 François de Malherbe, poet and critic, inaugurated classicism
1625 Hotel de Rambouillet, the first literary salon
1635 French Academy founded

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Tartuffe '

1670 Duc de La Rochefoucauld's 'Maxims'

1675 Madame de Sévigné, letter-writer

1640 Blaise Pascal, philosopher. 'Provincial Letters'. 1650 Paul Scarron travestied Virgil

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1660 Honoré D'Urfé's court pastoral, L'Astrée '

1661-1715 Reign of Louis XIV., Augustan Age.

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1667 Mme. de Lafayette, novelist, The Princess of Cleves 1669 J. P. B. MOLIÈRE, comic dramatist.

1680 Bishop J. B. Bossuet, orator and controversialist 1687 Jean de La Bruyère's Characters'.

1691 JEAN B. RACINE'S tragedy 'Athalie'

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1705 Alain René Le Sage, novelist. 'Gil Blas'

1708 Antoine Galland, Orientalist. Translated the Arabian Nights' 1721 President Montesquieu, philosopher. Persian Letters'.

1740 Abbé Prévost d'Exiles, novelist. 'Manon Lescaut '

1750 F. M. A. VOLTAIRE, poet, critic, dramatist, skeptic. Candide '
1759 JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU, prose-writer. 'Nouvelle Héloise'
1770 The Encyclopædists, Diderot, D'Alembert, etc.
1775 Caron de Beaumarchais, comic dramatist.
1787 Bernardin de Saint Pierre, novelist.

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1807 Madame de Stael-Holstein, descriptive writer. 1810 Count Joseph de Maistre, reactionary.


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VIII. 249

Evenings at St. Petersburg'

VIII. 254

VIII. 271

1791 Count Volney's Ruins, or Revolutions of Empires'
1792 Rouget de Lisle, poet. 'The Marseillaise'
1793 André Chenier, lyric poet. The Young Captive'.
1800 Jean F. de la Harpe, literary historian
1801 VICOMTE De ChateaubriaND, romanticist. 'Atala,' 'Genius of Chris-

'Discourse on the Method of Reasoning.'

V. 255

V. 270

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VI. 216

VI. 179

1825 X. B. Saintine, novelist. 'Picciola'

1820 Alphonse de Lamartine, poet and prose-writer. Meditations' 1820 P. J. Béranger, song writer for the people.

IX. 384

X. 125

1830 ALEXANDRE DUMAS, père, novelist.

'The Three Musketeers'.

X. 99

1845 Eugene Sue, novelist. The Wandering Jew'.

1842 HONORÉ de Balzac, novelist. 'Comédie Humaine' 1844 'George Sand,' Mme. Dudevant, novelist.

1835 Alfred Victor, Comte de Vigny, historical novelist. Cinq Mars' 1836 Alfred de Musset, lyric poet. Nights'

X. 95

X. 132

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X. 109


IX. 393

X. 95

1855 Théophile Gautier, novelist. La Morte Amoureuse'

X. 129

1866 Erckmann-Chatrian, Alsatian novelists. The Conscript'.

1862 VICTOR HUGO, poet, dramotist, novelist, 'Les Misérables' 1865 Gustave Flaubert, novelist. Salammbo'

1858 Octave Feuillet, novelist. Romance of a Poor Young Man'

X. 136

IX. 369

X. 141

X. 147

Vol. Page

X. 151

X. 161

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X. 174

X. 168


A.D. 1870 Jules Verne, scientific romancist.

'From the Earth to the Moon' 1880 Guy de Maupassant, short story writer. The Piece of String' 1882 Ludovic Halévy, librettist, novelist. 'L'Abbé Constantin' 1894 EMILE ZOLA, realistic novelist. 'Le Debâcle;' 'Lourdes '


380, Bishop Ulfilas translated the Bible into Gothic.

750 The Weissenbruner Prayer, oldest German writing
800 The song of Hildebrand

800 Charles the Great (Charlemagne)


950 Roswitha, abbess of Gandersheim, wrote Latin plays
1000 The monk Ekkehard wrote in Latin "Walter Stronghand

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1150-1250 The MINNESINGERS: Walther von der Vogelweide; Wolfram von Eschen

bach; Hartmann von Aue.

1200 Reynard the Fox, Reineke Fuchs, appeared first in Latin 1230 Stricker, Austrian satirist.

Parson Amis'

1250? The NIBElungenlied (Song of the Nibelungs) 1260 The minstrel Tannhäuser.

1290 Hugo of Trimberg, didactic poet

1300 Gudrun, folk-epic

1350 Tyll Eulenspiegel (Owlglass), satire

1450 The rise of the Mastersingers, poetic guild

1494 Sebastian Brant's 'Ship of Fools'

1517 MARTN LUTHER begins the Reformation

1520 Ulrich von Hutten, poet laureate and satirist

1530 Thomas Murner, Roman Catholic satirist

1550 Hans Sachs of Nuremberg, shoemaker poet 1570 Johann Fischart, burlesque writer

1587 History of Dr. Faustus,' chap-book

1640 Simon qach, poet in Low German

1660 Andreas Gryphius, dramatist

1720 Christian Wolf, philosopher.

1730 Joseph C. Gottsched, critic.

Translated Addison's 'Cato'

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1668 C. von Grimmelshausen, novelist. Simplicissimus '

1700 Gottfried W. Leibnitz, philosopher, wrote Latin and French.

1740 Frederic von Hagedorn, Anacreontic poet. 1748 F. G. Klopstock, epic poet.

1750 C. F. Gellert, poet. Fables'

'The Messiah'

1750 Johann J. Bodmer of Zurich, critic. Edited 'Nibelungenlied'
1758 W. L. Gleim, poet, called 'Father Gleim.' 'War-Songs'
1767 Moses Mendelssohn, Jewish philosopher. 'Phædon'
1770 J. G. Herder, translator.


(770-90 Storm and Stress' period

Voices of the Peoples'

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Nathan the Wise'

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1772 G. A. Bürger, ballad poet. 'Lenore'
1774 J. W. GOETHE, greatest German writer
1779 G. E. Lessing, dramatist, critic.
1780 C. M. Wieland, poet and romancist.

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Heinrich von Ofterdingen' IX. 336

1790 Jean Paul Richter, unique humorist. 'Quintus Fixlein'
1795 J. H. Voss, pastoral poet, translator of Homer.
1795 Novalis (Count von Hardenberg), mystic.
1799 FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER, poet, dramatist, historian
1810 J. H. D. Zschokke, idyllic novelist .
1813 Theodor Körner, lyric poet. 'Sword Song'

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VIII. 119

IX. 344

X. 183

1814 Baron de la Motte Fouqué, reviver of medieval romance. 1815 Ludwig Tieck, romantic satiric novelist. ' Phantasus' 1820 A. W. von Schlegel and Tieck translate Shakespeare. 1830 Ludwig Uhland, Suabian poet.


IX. 352

IX. 341

IX. 324

X. 189

1830 Heinrich Heine, lyric poet, satirist. 5 Pictures of Travel'
1840 Jacob and William Grimm, compilers of Household Fairy Tales
1850 Gustav Freytag, novelist. 'Our Ancestors'

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1860 Joseph Victor von Scheffel, poet, novelist. 'The Trumpeter of Sackingen'

X. 207

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1300 DANTE ALIGHIERI, poet, 'Vita Nuova'

1300 'The Hundred Ancient Tales,' earliest prose

II. 230

1321 The Divine Comedy,' published after Dante's death

II. 239

1325 The friends of Dante: Cavalcanti, Pistoia, Angioleri, Brunetto Latini
1350 FRANCESCO PETRARCH, lyric poet.
1350 GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO, novelist.
1375 Francho Sacchetti, novelist, poet.

II. 256

'Sonnets to Laura

II. 259

III. 129

'The Decameron'

III. 154

III. 160

IV. 190

1525 Luigi da Porto, novelist.

1378 Giovanni Fiorentino, novelist. Il Pecorone'
1450 Luigi Pulci, romantic poet. 'Morgante Maggiore '
1470 Matteo M. Boiardo, poet. Orlando Innamorato'
1480 Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent

1483 Angelo Poliziano (Politian), humanist and poet
1500 Giacomo Sannazaro, pastoral poet.

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1514 NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI, prose-writer. The Prince'
1,20 Francesco Berni, burlesque poet, recast Orlando Innamorato
1520 Baldassare Castiglione's 'Courtier'.

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La Giulietta'

IV. 222

1530 Vittoria Colonna, lyric poet.

1530 LUDOVICO ARIOSTO, romantic poet.

'Orlando Furioso

V. 202

1555 Giorgio Vasari, art-historian

1540 Bernardo Tasso, poet, versified Amadis di Gaula' 1550 Michel Angelo Buonarroti, sculptor, painter, poet 1550 Matteo Bandello, novelist

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1565 G. G. Cinthio novelist. The Hundred Fables'

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1560 G. F. Straparola, novelist. Thirteen Happy Nights'

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1570 TORQUATO TASSO, epic poet. Jerusalem Delivered,' relating to the First

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1775 VITTORIO ALFIERI, tragic dramatist. Cleopatra
1791 VINCENZO MONTI, poet. 'Bassevilliana'. .
1800 Ugo Foscolo, patriot, poet. 'Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis
1825 ALESSANDRO MANZONI, poet, novelist. I Promessi Sposi'
1827 Francesco D. Guerrazzi, novelist. The Battle of Benevento
1830 Tommaso Grossi, poet, satirist .

1832 Silvio Pellico, prisoner, poet. 'My Prisons'

1833 Giambattista Niccolini, dramatist. 'Giovanni da Procida 1834 Giacomo Leopardi, pessimistic poet. 'Bruto Minore'.

1841 Giuseppe Giusti, poet, satirist.

1870 Edmondo D'Amicis, traveler.

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Pastor Fido'

VII. 147

VI. 127

VI. 121

VI. 122

'The Captured Bucket'
'Deliverance of Vienna
'Bacchus in Tuscany'

VI. 125

VII. 153

VI. 130

VII. 158

VII. 145

VII. 161

VII. 167

VII. 175

VII. 178

X. 79

X. 65

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1110 Nestor (c. 1056-1114), monk of Kiev, chronicler

III. 388


Vol. Page

A.D. 1682 Peter the Great succeeded to the throne
1750 Michael Lomonosoff (1711-65), lyric poet
1800 Gabriel Derzhavin (1743-1816), poet
1805 Nikolai M. Karamsin, historian.
1809 Ivan A. Kriloff, fabulist

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History of Russia'

"Eugene Oneguin '

1837 Alexander Pushkin, poet, dramatist.
1840 Taras Shevchenko, poet of Little Russia

1845 Nikolai Gogol, novelist of the Cossacks and serfs. 'Dead Souls'
1850 Mikhail Y. Lermontoff, 'poet of the Caucasus'

1862 IVAN S. TURGENIEFF, novelist of Nihilism. 'Fathers and Sons
1865 Feodor M. Dostoievsky, novelist. 'Crime and Punishment'
1876 COUNT LYOF N. TOLSTOI, novelist. Anna Karenina'
1880 Marie Bashkirtseff, artist. 'Journal'


1000 The ELDER EDDA (Scandinavian Mythology), poems recovered in 1643
1200 The YOUNGER EDDA, prose legends, collected by Snorri Sturlason.
1200 The HEIMSKRINGLA, Saga of the Kings of Norway
1300 The Saga of Frithiof (Fridthjof).

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VIII. 148

5th Century Ballads

1790 J. E. Baggesen, poet and prose-writer.

1720 Ludvig Holberg, historian, comic dramatist

1550 Christian Pedersen translated New Testament into Danish 1641 Anders Arrebo, bishop, poet. 'Hexameron'

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1810 Adam G. Oehlenschlager, dramatist, romantic poet 1837 Hans Christian Andersen (1805-75) story writer. 1870 George Brandes (1842) critic.

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1825 ESAIAS TEGNER, bishop, poet; modernized Frithiof's Saga' 1842 Fredrika Bremer, novelist.

VIII. 193

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1270 James I. of Aragon (Don Jayme, the Conqueror), 'Chronicle 1280 Alfonso X. the Wise. 'Seven Parts

I. 368

I. 376

I. 365

1300 Chronicle of the Cid, prose

I. 380

Historical Ballads.

1340 Don Juan Manuel. Humorous stories and poems 1350 Juan Riaz, Archpriest of Hita, songs and pastorals 1360 Rabbi Santo (Santob) de Carrion.

I. 382

I. 384

'The Dance of Death

II. 278

1480 Ordonez de Montalvo translated 'Amadis di Gaula'

1430 Marqués de Santillana, lyric poet.
1430 Juan de Mena, poet, imitated Dante in El Laberinto
1460 Jorge de Manrique, poet

II. 289

II. 292

II. 294

II. 283

1500 Italian influence on Spanish literature began 1530 Juan Boscan Almogaver, epistolary poet

1490 Celestina, tragi-comedy, earliest Spanish secular play

II. 300

II. 270

II. 303

1530 Garcilaso de la Vega, 'Prince of Castilian poets'

II. 305


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A.D. 1550 Lazarillo de Tormes '-the first picaresque story
1570 Alonso de Ercilla, epic poet. La Araucana'
1599 Mateo Aleman, novelist. 'Guzman de Alfarache'
1600 Lope de Vega Carpio, dramatist. 'Cloak-and-Sword play'
1600 Luis de Gongora, poet, introduced the affected fine style.
1605 MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, novelist. 'Don Quixote'
1610 Guillen de Castro, dramatist

1620 Francisco de Quevedo, satirist



1750 J. F. de Isla, satirist. Friar Gerundio'

1782 Tomas de Yriarte, poet. 'Literary Fables'

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1300 Dom Diniz collected popular songs

1380 Vasco de Lobeyra composed 'Amadis di Gaula.' 1420 Macias the Enamored, lyric poet..

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1545 Bernardim Ribeyro, poet, wrote 'Diana Enamorada,' first pastoral novel. III. 256 1550 Saa de Miranda, lyric poet

1570 LUIS DE Camoens, epic poet. 'The Lusiad.'

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850-1000 'Saxon Chronicle,' begun by Alfred's order.

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870 ALFRED THE GREAT, King and promoter of learning

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1140-1275 Latin Chroniclers.

1066 William the Conqueror invades England 1200 Layamon, priest, versifies the story of Brutus

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13th Cent. Cycles of Romance brought from France

13th Cent. Arthurian Legend, expanded by Walter Map.

1146 Geoffrey of Monmouth, chronicler, tells the story of King Arthur

III. 313

III. 310

III. 330

1311 Miracle-plays or pageants, first introduced.

IV. 330

1370 William Langland's Vision of Piers Plowman'

1370 JOHN WIClif (1324–84), Reformer, translated the Bible from the Vulgate III. 309

III. 347

1430 John Lydgate, allegorical poet

1380 GEOFFREY CHAUCER, poet. 'Canterbury Tales'

III. 323

III. 361

1450 Miracle-plays and Moralities

1400 John Gower, 'moral' poet.

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1440 Chevy Chase,' and other Ballads

Confessio Amantis'

III. 356

III. 367

IV. 332

1474 WILLIAM CAXTON introduced printing into England
1509 Alexander Barclay translated The Ship of Fools'.

1469 Sir T. Malory translated Morte D'Arthur' from the French

III. 373

IV. 291

VI. 233

1526 William Tyndale translated the New Testament from the Greek

IV. 291

1530 Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor, wrote 'Utopia,' Latin..
1540 Sir T. Wyatt and Earl of Surrey, poets, introduced Italian styles
1550 Roger Ascham. Toxophilus' and 'The Scholemaster'


1551 Udal's 'Ralph Roister Doister,' earliest comedy.

IV. 295

IV 301

1561 Sackville's Ferrex and Porrex,' earliest tragedy
1579 Sir Thomas North translated Plutarch's Lives'

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1580 John Lyly's Euphues' introduced an affected style.
1580 Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia,' pastoral romance
1584 Robert Greene, dramatist.


IV. 293

IV. 293 292


IV. 294

IV. 307

IV. 294

IV. 335

1596 EDMUND SPENSER'S Faerie Queene," allegorical poen
1598 BEN JONSON, dramatist. Every Man in his Humor'

IV. 312

IV. 393

1598 Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, Lord Chancellor, philosopher.

V. 366




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