Puslapio vaizdai


The following Table shows at a glance the principal facts of the lives and works of the authors who have been discussed and illustrated in the "Literature of All Nations and All Ages." It includes also many other authors, especially those o recent times. It gives the dates of their birth and death, or, where these are not known, shows the time at which they flourished. Authors who are best known by their pseudonyms, as 'George Eliot,' are entered under these names in quotation marks. In many cases the names of the author's principal works are added, distinguished by heavier type.

AASEN, IVAR ANDREAS (1813- ) Norwegian philologist and poet.

Abelard, PIERRE (1079-1142) French philosopher. Historia Calamitatum.
ABOUT, EDMOND (1828-85) French novelist. Tolla; Man with Broken Ear.

ABRAHAM A Sancta Clara (1642-1700) German monk preacher. VIII. 9.

ABU TEMAN (806-45) Arabian lyric poet. II. 154.

Achilles TATIUS (5th century) Greek romance writer. Clitophon and Leucippe. VII. 66. Acosta, José d' (1540-1600) Spanish Jesuit historian. History of the Indies.

Adams, Charles Kendall (1835- ) American historian and educator.

ADAMS, HENRY (1838- ) Amer. historian. Life of Gallatin. Hist. of U. S. 1801-17. ADAMS, JOHN (1735–1826) American statesman, State Papers; Diary.

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY (1767–1848) American statesman. State Papers; Diary.

ADDISON, JOSEPH (1672–1719) English essayist and poet. Spectator; Cato, tragedy. VI. 374. AELFRIC, ABBOT (11th century) Anglo-Saxon. Homilies.

ESCHINES (389-314 B.C.) Greek orator, rival of Demosthenes. VI. 16.

ÆSCHYLUS (525-455 B.C.) Greek tragic poet. Agamemnon; Prometheus Bound. III. 46. ÆSOP (A. 570 B.C.) Greek fabulist. v. 67.

Afzelius, Arvid August (1785-1871) Swedish poet and collector of folk-songs.

AGATHIAS (c. 536-581) Greek poet and historian. Cycle of Epigrams. VII. 10.

Agrippa, Heinrich CorneliuS (1486–1535) German philosopher.

AGUILAR, GRace (1816-47) English Jewish novelist. Home Influence.

AGUILERA, VENTURA RUIZ (820-81) Spanish poet.

National Echoes; Elegies.

AIMARD, GUStave (1818-83) French novelist. American Indian Stories.
AINSLIE, HEW (1792-1878) Scotch poet.

AINSWORTH, W. HARRISON (1805-82) English historical novelist.

AKENSIDE, MARK (1721-70) English poet.

Pleasures of Imagination. VII. 281

II. 92.

ALAMANNI, LUIGI (1495-1556) Italian poet. Avarchide. V. 200.
ALCEUS (600 B. C.) Greek lyric poet.

ALCMAN (7th Cent. B.C.) Greek lyric poet.

ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY (1832-88) American novelist. Little Women.

ALCUIN (735-804) English scholar, adviser of Charles the Great.

ALDRICH, THOS. BAILEY (1836- ) American poet, novelist. Story of a Bad Boy. x. 343.
ALEMAN, MATTEO (c. 1550-1609) Spanish novelist. Guzman de Alfarache. VI. 162.
ALFIERI, VITTORIO (1749-1803) Italian tragic poet. Brutus; Saul; Philip II. VII. 178
Alger, William RounsevillE (1822- ) American author. Genius of Solitude,

ALFONSO X. the Wise (1226-84) Spanish historian and poet. I. 376.
Alfred the GREAT (849-901) English King and translator. 1. 258.
ALISON, ARCHIBALD (1792-1867) Scotch historian. History of Modern Europe.



ALLEN, ELIZAbeth Akers, 'Florence PERCY' (1832- ) American poet.
ALLEN, GRANT (1848- ) English nature essayist and novelist. Babylon.
ALLEN, JAMES LANE (1850- ) American novelist. The Choir Invisible.
ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM (1828-89) Irish poet. Bloomfield in Ireland.
ALLSTON, WASHINGTON (1779–1843) American painter and romancist. Monaldi.
ALMQUIST, KARL JONAS LUDVIG (1793-1866) Swedish poet and novelist.
AMBROSE, SAINT (340-397) Latin Church Father.

VII. 121.

AMBROSIUS, JOHANNA (1854-) German poet and story-writer.
AMICIS, EDMONDO DE (1846- ) Italian descriptive writer.
AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS (4th century) Roman historian.

VII. 105.

AMIEL, HENRI FREDERIC (1821-81) French-Swiss essayist, critic and poet.
AMRIOLKAIS (6th century) Arabian poet. 1. 185.

AMYOT, JACQUES (1513-93) French author and translator.

ANACREON (550-465? B. c.) Greek poet.

Odes. IV. 84.

Andersen, Hans Christian (1805–75) Danish poet and story writer.
ANDRADE, JACINTO DE, Portuguese. Life of Juan de Castro. III. 256.
ANDRIEUX, Francois Jean Stanislas (1759-1833) French poet and dramatist.
ANDRONICUS, LIVIUS (284-204 B. C.) Roman dramatic poet and actor.
II. 113.
ANEURIN (6th century) Welsh bard. I. 318.

'Angelus Silesius,' Johannes Scheffler (1624–77) German mystic and sacred post. ANGIOLIERI, CECCO (A. 1300) Italian poet. II. 258.

ANTIPHON (480-411 B. C.) Greek orator. VI. IO.

'ANSTEY, F.,' THOMAS ANSTEY GUTHRIE (1856- ) English humorist.

ANTARA (c. 550-615) Arabian poet. 1. 188 and VII. 155.

APOLLONIUS THE RHODIAN (280-235 B.C.) Greek epic poet. Argonautica. VI. 51.

VI. 81.

II. 87.

APULEIUS, LUCIUS (125 A.D.) Latin satirist. The Golden Ass.
ARCHILOCHUS (720-676 B.C.) Greek satirical poet, inventor of iambics.
ARETINO, PIETRO (1492–1557) Italian satirical poet. IV. 189.
ARIOSTO, LUDOVICO (1474-1533) Italian romantic poet. Orlando Furioso. V. 202.
Aristophanes (444–380 b.c.) Greek comic dramatist. Clouds; Frogs; Birds. v. 43.
ARISTOTLE (384–322 B.C.) Greek philosopher. Politics; Poetics; Rhetoric. v. 97.
ARAGO, DOMINIQUE FRANCOIS (1786-1853) French astronomer and physicist.
ARANY, JANOS (1817-82) Hungarian poet.

ARATUS (c. 290-260 B.C.) Greek poet and astronomer.

ARBUTHNOT, JOHN (1665-1735) Scotch-English humorist. History of John Bull. vII. 282. ARGYLE, G. D. CAMPBELL, DUKE OF (1823-) Scotch-English philosophical writer. ARMSTRONG, JOHN, DR. (1709–79) English poet. Art of Preserving Health. VII. 281. ARNASON, JON. (1819-1888) Icelandic writer.

X. 183.

VII. 105.

Arndt, Ernst Moritz (1769-1860) German poet and miscellaneous writer.
ARNOBIUS (A. 330) North-African Latin Christian. Against the Gentiles.
ARNOLD, EDWIN, SIR (1832- ) English poet. Light of Asia; Light of the World.
ARNOLD, MATTHEW (1822-88) English poet and essayist. Thyrsis; Empedocles. X. 270-
ARNOLD, THOMAS, DR. (1795-1842) English teacher and historian. History of Rome.
ARREBO, ANDERS CHRISTENSEN (1587-1637) Danish poet. VIII. 147.
ARRIANUS, FLAVIUS (95-180) Greek philosopher and historian.
ASADI or ESSEDI (9th century) Persian poet. II. 173.
ASBJORNSEN, Peter Kristen (1812-85) Norwegian folklorist.
ASCHAM, ROGER (1515-68) English scholar. The Schoolmaster,
ATHENAUS (3d century) Greek writer. Deipnosophists.
ATHANASIUS, Saint (291-373) Greek Church Father.
ATTAR, FERID EDDIN (1119-1229?). Persian poet.

VII. 54.

IV. 305.

VII. 81.

v. 194.

ATTERBOM, PER DANIEL AMADEUS (1790-1855). Swedish poet.
ATTERBURY, FRANCIS (1662-1732). English bishop.
ATTIUS, LUCIUS (170–86 B.C.) Latin tragic poet. Brutus.
AUBANEL, THEODORE (1829-86) Provençal poet and dramatist.

II. 151.

AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES (1780-1857) American ornithologist. Birds of North America. Auerbach, Berthold (1812–82) German novelist. On the Heights.

AUGIER, ÉMILE (1820-89) French dramatist.

AUGUSTINE OF Hippo, Saint (354-430) Latin Church Father.

VII. 121.

AURELIUS ANTONINUS, MARCUS (121-180) Roman emperor, Stoic philosopher. VII. 56.
AUSTEN, JANE (1775-1817) English novelist. Pride and Prejudice.

AUSTIN, ALFRED (1835- ) English poet-laureate.
AUSONIUS, Decimus Magnus (310-394) Latin poet.

VII. 106.

Avellaneda, Gertrudis GoMEZ DE (1814–73) Spanish poet, dramatist and novelist. AVERROES, IBN RUSHA (1126-98) Spanish-Arabian philosopher.

'Avicebron '-Salomon ben GeBIROL (c. 1028–58) Spanish-Hebrew poet and philosopher. AYTOUN, WILLIAM E. (1812–65) Scotch poet and humorist. Lays of the Cavaliers.

BABRIUS (250 B. C.) Greek versifier of Æsop's Fables. v. 69.

BACKSTROM, PER JOHAN EDVARD (1841-86) Swedish dramatist and lyric poet.

BACON, FRANCIS, SIR (1561-1626) English philosopher and essayist. Novum Organon. v. 366.

BAGGESEN, J. E. (1764-1826) Danish poet. VIII. 166.

BAILEY, PHILIP JAMES (1816– ) English poet. Festus.

BAILLIE, JOANNA (1762–1851) Scotch tragic poet.

BAKER, WILLIAM Mumford (1825-83) American novelist.

BALZAC, HONORÉ DE (1799-1850) French novelist. Comédie Humaine.

X. 109.

Bancroft, GEORGE (1800-91) American historian. History of the United States.

BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE (1832- ) American historian. History of Pacific States.

Bandello, MATTEO (1480–1562) Italian novelist. VI. 104.

BANIM, MICHAEL (1796-1874) and JOHN (1798–1874) Irish novelists.

BANVILLE, THÉODORE FAULLAIN DE (1823-91) French poet and novelist.

BARBOUR, JOHN (1316–95) Scotch poet. The Brus. (Robert Bruce.) III. 377.

BARCLAY, ALEXANDER (1475-1552) Scotch poet. VI. 233.

BARCLAY, JOHN (1582-1621) Scotch poet.

BARING-GOULD, Sabine (1834- ) English antiquary and novelist.

BARHAM, RICHARD HARRISON (1788-1845) English humorous poet. Ingoldsby Legends.
BARLOW, Jane (c. 1857- ) Irish poet and story-teller.
Barlow, Joel (1755–1812) American poet and statesman.
BARNES, WILLIAM (1800-86) English poet and philologist.
BARR, AMELIA EDITH (1831-) Scotch-American novelist.

IX. 59.

Barrie, James MATTHEW (1860- ) Scotch novelist. The Little Minister.
BARROS, JOAO DE (1496-1571) Portuguese historian. III. 256.

BARTON, BERNARD (1784-1849) English Quaker poet.

Bashkirtseff, Ma) ie (1860–84) Russian artist.

x. 61.

BASIL THE GREAT (30-379) Greek Father of Church.

VII. 84.

BASSELIN, OLIVER (1350?-1419) French poet.

Bayle, Pierre (1647-1706) French philosopher and critic.

BAYLY, THOMAS HAYNES (1797-1839) English poet and novelist.

BEACONSFIELD, EARL OF, BENJAMIN Disraeli, (1804-81) English statesman and novelist,

BEATTIE, JAMES (1735-1803) Scotch poet. The Minstrel.

BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre Augustin Caron de (1732-99) French dramatist.

VII. 273.

BEAUMONT, FRANCIS (1584-1616) English dramatist, partner of J. Fletcher.

BECKFORD, WILLIAM (1759-1844) English romancist. Vathek.

v. 349.

BEDE, Venerable (673–735) English Latin historian. Ecclesiastical History. I. 249. BEDE, CUTHBERT (1827-89) English author. Verdant Green.

BEECHER, HENRY WARD (1813-87) American preacher.

BEETS, NICOLAAS (1814- ) Dutch poet, novelist and critic.

BEHN, APHRA (1640-89) English novelist.

BELLAMY, EDWARD (1850-98) American writer. Looking Backward.
BELLAY, JOACHIM DU (1524-60) French poet.

BELLEAU, RÉMY (1528-77) French poet.

IV. 250.
IV. 250.

BELLMAN, CARL M. (1740–95) Swedish poet. VIII. 190.
BELOT, ADOLPHE (1829-90) French novelist.

BEMBO, PIETRO, Cardinal (1470-1547) Italian humanist.

BENEDICT, FRank Lee (1834- ) American novelist and poet.

Benoit de Sainte-Maure (12th century) French trouvère and chronicler.
Béranger, Pierre Jean de (1780-1857) French song-writer. IX. 386.
Bergsoe, Jorgen Vilhelm (1835-) Danish novelist, poet and naturalist.
BERKELEY, Bishop George (1685-1753) Irish clergyman and author.
BERNARD, CHARLES DE (1804-50) French novelist.

BERNARD, SAINT, Abbot of Clairvaux (1091-1153) French theologian.
BERNI, FRANCESCO (1490-1536) Italian burlesque poet. V. 200.

BESANT, WALTER, SIR (1838- ) English novelist.

IX. 22.

BEYLE, MARIE-HENRI (1783-1842) French novelist, art critic. Le Rouge et le Noir. BIARKE, BODVAR (6th century) Scandinavian poet.

II. 345.

BIDPAI, or PILPAY, (date unknown.) Indian fabulist.

V. 31.

BILDERDIJK, WILLEM (1756-1831) Dutch poet. Destruction of First World.

BION (3rd century B. C.) Greek bucolic poet. VI. 42.

BJORNSON, BJORNSTJERNE (1832- ) Norwegian novelist, poet and dramatist.

BLACK, WILLIAM (1841-) Scotch novelist. A Daughter of Heth; Princess of Thule.

BLACKIE, JOHN STUART (1809-95) Scotch author, Professor of Greek.

BLACKMORE, Richard DoddrIDGE (1825- ) English novelist. Lorna Doone.

BLAKE, WILLIAM (1757-1827) English poet, painter, mystic.

Blaze de Bury, Ange HenrI (1818- ) French critic.

BLANC, J. J. LOUIS (1811-82) French socialist, historian. French Revolution.

BLESSINGTON, Marguerite, Countess of (1789-1849) Irish novelist.

BLIND HARRY (15th century) Scotch minstrel.

Blind, Mathilde (1847-96) German-English poet.

Bloomfield, Robert (1766-1823) English poet. Farmer's Boy.

Böagers, AdrIAAN (1795-1870) Dutch poet.

BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI (1313-1375) Italian poet and novelist. Decameron.

III. 129.

BOENDALE, JAN VAN (1280-1365) Dutch rhyming chronicler. VI. 258.

BOETIUS, or BOETHIUS, ANICIUS M. F. SEVERINUS (470?-525?) Roman statesman, philosopher. Consolation of Philosophy. VII. 113.

BODMER, J. JACOB (1689–1783) German-Swiss poet, critic. VI. 285
BÖGH, ERIK (1822-) Danish dramatist.

Böhme (BehmEN), JAKOB (1575-1624) German mystic theologian, Aurora.
BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA (1434-94) Italian poet. Orlando Innamorato.
BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, NICOLAS (1636-1711) French poet, critic.
BOKER, GEORGE HENRY (1823-90) American poet. War Lyrics.
'BOLDREWOOD, ROLF,' THOMAS A. BROWRA (1827- ) Australian author.
BOLINGBROKE, HENRY ST. JOHN, Viscount (1678–1751) English statesman, author.

IV. 206.

BORN, BERTRAND DE (1140-1215) Provençal troubadour. 1. 341.
BORNEIL, GIRAUT DE (12th century) Provençal troubadour.
Borrow, GEORGE (1803–81) English writer, Gipsy scholar.
BOSCAN ALMOGAVER, JUAN (1493-1540) Spanish poet.
BOSIO, FERDINANDO (1829-81) Italian writer.

Lavengro; Wild Wales. Epistle to Mendoza.

II. 303.

Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1627–1704) French bishop. Universal History. VI. 216. Boswell, James (1740–95) Scotch biographer. Life of Dr. Johnson. VII. 384.

BOTERO, Giuseppe ((1815-85) Italian romancist.

BÖTTGER, ADOLF ((1815-70) German poet.

BÖTTIGER, CARL VILHELM (1807-78) Swedish poet.
Bourget, PauL (1852-) French novelist and critic.

Bowles, William Lisle (1762-1850) English poet.

IX. 16.

BOWRING, SIR JOHN (1792-1872) English linguist. Translations from Russian, Dutch, etc.
BOYESEN, HJALMAR HJORTH (1848–95) Norwegian-American novelist. Gunnar.
Brachvogel, Albert Emil (1824-78) German dramatist and novelist. Narcissus.
Brackenridge, HUGH HENRY (1748–1816) American lawyer, humorist.
BRADDON, Mary Elizabeth (1837- ) English novelist. Lady Audley's Secret.
Bradstreet, Mrs. Anne (1612-1672) American colonial poet.
BRAINARD, JOHN GARDINER CALKINS (1796-1828) American poet.
Brandes, George M. Cohen (1842-) Danish critic and essayist.
BRANT (or Brandt), Sebastian (1458-1521) German satirist. Narrenschiff.
Brantôme, P. de Bourdeille, Seigneur de (1537-1614) French chronicler.
Brassey, Anne, Lady (1840-87) English descriptive writer.
BRAUN, WILHELM VON (1813-60) Swedish poet.

Brederode, GERBRANT ADRIANSZOON (1585–1618) Dutch poet. VI. 284.
BREMER, FREDRIKA (1801-65) Swedish novelist. The Neighbors. VIII. 188.
BRENTANO, ELIZABETH (1788-1859) German writer.

BRETON, NICHOLAS (1545-1626) English poet.

BROME, RICHARD (d. 1652) English dramatist.

VI. 232.

IV. 260.

Bronte, Anne-'Acton Bell' (1820-49) English novelist. Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
Bronte, Charlotte-‘Currer Bell' (1816–55) English novelist. Jane Eyre.
BRONTE, EMILY-'ELLIS BELL' (1818-48) English novelist. Wuthering Heights.
BROOKE, HENRY (1703-83) Irish-English novelist and dramatist. Fool of Quality.
BROOKS, CHARLES TIMOTHY (1813-83) American translator from German authors.
BROOKS, C. W. Shirley (1816–74) English humorist.
BROOKS, MARIA GOWAN (1795-1845) American poet. Zophiel.
BROUGHTON, RHODA (1840- ) English novelist. Cometh Up as a Flower.
BROWN, CHARLES Brockden (1771-1810) American novelist. Wieland.
BROWN, JOHN (1810-82) Scotch essayist. Rab and His Friends; Spare Hours.
BROWN, OLIVER Madox (1855-74) English poet, novelist and artist. Black Swan.
BROWNE, THOMAS, Sir (1605–82) English physician. Religio Medici.
BROWNE, WILLIAM (1591-1643) English poet. Britannia's Pastorals.
BROWNELL, HENRY HOWARD (1820–72) American poet.

IX. 50.

VI. 293.

BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett (1809-61) English poet. Lady Geraldine's Courtship; Sonnets from the Portuguese; Casa Guidi Windows; Aurora Leigh. x. 254. BROWNING, ROBERT (1812-89) English poet.

Paracelsus; Sordello; Aristophanes'

Apology; The Ring and the Book; Asolando. X. 246.

BUCHANAN, ROBERT W. (1840-) English poet and novelist. London Poems.
BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878) American journalist, poet. Thanatopsis. IX. 100.
BUCKINGHAM, Duke of, George VILLIERS (1627–88) English courtier. The Rehearsal.

VI. 228.

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