LONDON MAGAZINE: A JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT AND INSTRUCTION FOR GENERAL READING. With Elegant Wood Engravings. NOVEMBER 1847 TO FEBRUARY 1848. LONDON: T. B. SHARPE, 15, SKINNER STREET, SNOW HILL. MD COO XLVIII. PREFACE. IN announcing the recent improvements and additions to the Magazine, we have so fully detailed the objects and intentions of the Work, and the manner in which we propose to carry out these designs, that at the close of our FIFTH VOLUME little remains for us to add. The experiment of enlarging the Magazine, raising the price to a Shilling, and making it a Monthly instead of a Weekly publication, has been entirely successful, the circulation not only having kept up, but, if anything, rather increased in consequence of the change. Several of our Correspondents having expressed regret at our having discontinued the Weekly Numbers, thereby depriving our poorer readers of the benefit to be derived from our pages, we beg to call their attention to the fact, that our circulation has been from the very commencement almost exclusively confined to the Monthly Parts, and that, had the Weekly sale been at all commensurate with the trouble and expense it entailed, it would not have been discontinued. The additional number of pages in the Monthly Parts will render it necessary to publish three Volumes in the year, instead of two as heretofore. LONDON, Feb. 1848. |