The British Colonies: Their History, Extent, Condition and Resources, 3 tomas

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London Printing and Publishing Company, 1850 - 207 psl.

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414 psl. - Your Committee consider that in the preceding pages they have fully established the fact, that transportation is not a simple punishment, but rather a series of punishments, embracing every degree of human suffering, from the lowest, consisting of a slight restraint upon the freedom of action, to the highest, consisting of long and tedious torture ; and that the average amount of pain inflicted upon offenders, in consequence of a sentence of transportation, is very considerable. The most important...
452 psl. - Mr Kennedy, are you going to leave me?" and he said, "Yes, my boy, I am going to leave you;" he said, "I am very bad, Jackey; you take the books, Jackey, to the captain, but not the big ones, the Governor will give anything for them." I then tied up the papers; he then said, "Jackey, give me paper and I will write.
452 psl. - I gave him paper and pencil, and he tried to write, and he then fell back and died, and I caught him as he fell back and held him, and I then turned round myself and cried : I was crying a good while until I got well; that was about an hour, and then I buried him; I digged up the ground with a tomahawk, and covered him over with logs, then grass, and my shirt and trowsers; that night I left him near dark...
452 psl. - That night I left him near dark. I would go through the scrub, and the blacks threw spears at me — a good many — and I went back again into the scrub. Then I went down the creek, which runs into Escape river, and I walked along the water in the creek very easy, with my head only above water, to avoid the blacks and get out of their way. In this way I went half a mile ; then I got out of the creek and got clear of them, and walked on all night nearly, and slept in the bush without a fire.
561 psl. - Accordingly, when in the last century the Commons had determined to extirpate monarchy, they also voted the House of Lords to be useless and dangerous. And since titles of nobility are thus expedient in the state, it is also expedient that their owners should form an independent and separate branch of the legislature.
415 psl. - ... the drawers of prizes and the drawers of blanks in this strange lottery, influenced perhaps by that desire, common to human nature, of having companions and partakers whether of misery or of happiness, concur in tempting their friends in this country, by the most alluring descriptions, to come out and join them ; thereby tending to diminish the little apprehension, if any, which is entertained by the lower orders for the punishment of transportation.
402 psl. - And whereas in many of his Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America, there is great Want of Servants, who by their Labour and Industry might be the Means of improving and making the said Colonies and Plantations more useful to this Nation...
411 psl. - ... all were the commission of crime, and the punishment of it; as if the whole colony were in motion towards the several courts of justice...
399 psl. - Phalangista, — the most abundant being those of the Kangaroo. Along with the remains just mentioned, were found two bones, not agreeing with those of any of the animals at present known to exist in New South Wales. The first and larger is supposed to belong to the Elephant : the second bone is also obscure and imperfect, but seems to be a part of one of the superior maxillary bones of an animal resembling the Dugong ; it contains a portion of a straight tusk, pointing directly forward.
414 psl. - ... years, at the end of six years; and for life, at the end of eight years, as a matter of course, unless his conduct has been very bad, a ticket of leave, which enables him, according to certain regulations, to work on his own account. This indulgence on the whole has a very useful effect, as it holds out hope to a convict if he behave well, and is liable to be reassumed in case of misconduct. Ticket-of-leave men find no difficulty in obtaining work at high wages; and having acquired experience...

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