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and when such buildings arrive at a state requiring very extensive repairs they are frequently entirely destroyed and replaced by buildings better adapted to the modern requirements of the industry in question. This, of course, operates to reduce their outlay for repairs but correspondingly entails more frequent appropriations for capital outlay.

4. A few specific items are cited below to show the increased expenditures that must be met for repairs to important new public works. For example, the dry dock Dewey will require an expenditure under "Repairs and preservation" of $75,000 annually. This amount is required principally to overcome the corrosion of the steel work of the inner compartments or ballast tanks, which corrosion, if allowed to continue, would rapidly decrease the life of the dock and make it unserviceable. The dock contains about 1,000,000 square feet of steel surface, an area so large and the conditions for working so unfavorable that the work of scaling and painting must be kept up continuously, as no material has yet been found that will stop the corrosion of steel under the conditions obtaining in the case of the Dewey.

[blocks in formation]

The CHAIRMAN. Is it necessary to start on the repair of the floating cranes as soon as they are accepted?

Admiral STANFORD. There will be certain upkeep expenses almost immediately after the cranes are put into service. The cranes are very complicated and the details are refined in many respects.

The CHAIRMAN. And they involve large expenditures right at the beginning?

Admiral STANFORD. The cranes should not be emphasized as requiring all of the increase. There are other items mentioned in the letter as well as many other items which are not mentior ed.

Mr. ROBERTS. A serious accident to a crane might cal for a heavy expenditure?

Admiral STANFORD. Yes, sir.

Mr. ROBERTS. You had an experience at the Boston yard, where one sank?

Admiral STANFORD. The Dewey sank at Olongapo.

Mr. ROBERTS. My recollection is that a floating crane sank at one of the yards, and I think it was the Boston yard?

Admiral STANFORD. I do not recall. It may have been a small one. Mr. ROBERTS. I think it was one taken around from New York. Admiral STANFORD. I do not know about that.

Further, there are a number of small items for which appropriations have been requested for minor improvements, and it is anticipated that if a larger appropriation is granted under "Repairs and preservation" that these small items can be largely eliminated in next year's estimates.

Thereupon the committee adjourned to meet to-morrow, Tuesday, December 17, 1912, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

[No. 4.]


Washington, D C., December 17, 1912. The committee met at 11 o'clock a. m., Hon. Lemuel P. Padgett (chairman) presiding.

The CHAIRMAN. Gentlemen, we have with us this morning Admiral Andrews, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation.


Admiral ANDREWS. Shall I go ahead with the pay of the Navy, Mr. Chairman?

The CHAIRMAN. Yes; pay of the Navy, on page 2. I notice, Admiral, that the language is the same, here about two-thirds of the way down, "dental surgeon at the Naval Academy." That new language is inserted because of the law passed last year, is it not?

Admiral ANDREWS. Yes; that refers to Dr. Grady, the dental surgeon at the Naval Academy, whose status was fixed by the law last summer as the same as that of the senior dental surgeon at the Military Academy. So the words are put in there, "dental surgeon at the Naval Academy," to provide for him.

The CHAIRMAN. Because of that change in the law?

Admiral ANDREWS. Yes, sir: but the total pay as shown here does not include his pay, because the estimate was made before the law was passed. The difference, however, is only $2,400, which is the amount of his pay.

The CHAIRMAN. Then the total is $39,264,662, instead of $37,280,971.25 as it was last year?

Admiral ANDREWS. Yes, sir; I will explain that. The increase over 1913 is $1,983.690.75. In the first place, I would like to say that the number of officers actually shown in the estimates is incorrect by 15. The number of officers shown is 15 less than the number given in the detailed statement of the estimate shown as an appendix in the Book of Estimates. When the estimates were prepared it was not noticed that an increase should be made in the number of pharmacists, due to the authorization of chief pharmacists by the last naval appropriation act. These officers were then included in the detailed statement and the amounts of the estimate were changed, but through an oversight the number of officers on the active list was not changed. The pay of 3.821 officers on the active list is an increase ever the estimate of last year of 296 officers, made up as follows:

Net increase in the line, due to a large class of midshipmen graduating, 65. That means that the total increase in the line, less the

number of retirements and deaths and resignations, amounted to that number. The increase in the Medical Corps, due to the estimate of 30 dental surgeons authorized by the last act, less 10 acting assistant surgeons previously estimated for, who will not be appointed, and 1 dental surgeon at the Naval Academy, which is a total of 21. An increase in the Pay Corps authorized by the last appropriation act of 30. An increase in the professors of mathematics by a special act of Congress of 1 officer, and an increase in warrant officers amounting to 179.

That 179 is made up of appointments in December, 1911, of boatswains, gunners, and machinists, amounting to 51; of an estimated increase during 1912 of 40 warrant officers, 10 boatswains, 10 gunners, 10 machinists, and 10 carpenters; and an estimated increase for 1913 of the same number, 10 of each, amounting to 40 in all. And an increase of pharmacists, due to making the chief pharmacists according to the act of August 22, 1912, of 15; or a total of 182 warrant officers; which is decreased by three deaths among the mates, amounting in all to 179 officers.

The increase in the amount of this item due to the increase in the number of officers is $977,902.

The CHAIRMAN. What are the other items?

Admiral ANDREWS. Do you mean go right along?

The CHAIRMAN. I mean the items making the increase. There is an increase of nearly $2,000,000.

Admiral ANDREWS. Yes, sir. The pay of 975 officers on the retired list. This item shows an increase of 40 officers, which makes an increase in the estimate of $130,861.75.

The CHAIRMAN. On the retired list? This is the active list?

Admiral ANDREWS. Yes, sir. On page 2, you see, includes the officers on the retired list. The total increase you mention is all in one lump sum, for active and retired officers as well as several other items. This $977,902 is the explanation of the increase of officers on the retired list, and I will continue right along.


Admiral ANDREWS. The commutation of quarters, the allowance for light and heat, and the pay of 900 midshipmen under instruction are all the same as last year, but the item for pay of 975 retired officers shows an increase of $130,871.75. This increase is due to the fact that we expect to have 40 more officers on the retired list in 1914 than was estimated for in 1913. This number of officers receiving the average rate of pay equals the increase of $130,871.75. The next item is for the pay of 48,000 enlisted men. The estimate is for the same number of men as authorized during last year, but there is an increase in pay of $701,344. The increase is due to the fact that when the estimate was submitted last year a reduction of $50,000 was made by the Secretary in the pay of the 46,000 men requested, acting, I suppose, on the supposition that we would not have all of the increase of 2,000 at the beginning of the year. And when the committee increased the number of men to 48,000 it also reduced the amount of pay for them by $50,000, because it was thought that it would not be possible to enlist all at the beginning of the year, which was correct. These amounts must be included in the 1914 estimate, which accounts for an increase in that item of $100,000. Then the average monthly pay of the enlisted force has increased from $36.955

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