Puslapio vaizdai
[blocks in formation]

Recuyell (re qui ěl') of the Historyes of
Troy (Collection of the Tales of
Troy), 55

Red Badge of Courage, The, 521
Red Rover, The, 400

Redcross Knight of The Faery Queen,

Redeemed Captive, The, 352

Reflections on the French Revolution,
168, 169

Religio Medici (rā līgĭō med'ĭ chee
or re lijio medi sĩ), I40
Religious drama, the, 78

Religious motive in Colonial writ-
ings, 346, 352

Reliques (an obsolete spelling of
"relic") of Ancient English Poetry,
187, 56, 236

Representative Men, 482, 325
Restoration, The. See Puritan Age
Return to nature, the, 402, 532
Review, The, Defoe, 190
Revolution, of 1688, 115; American,
182, 201, 355; French, 182, 201,
203, 204.

Revolutionary Period, The, 355:
transition to, 356; poets, 358; ora-
tors and statesmen, 360; miscella-
neous writings, 364; fiction, 365;
summary, 368; selections for read-
ing, 368; bibliography, 369. See
also Freneau, Franklin, etc.
Revolutionary poets, the, 217
Rhymes of Childhood Days, 530
Richard III, 91, 93, 95, 96

Richardson, Charles F., 537
Richardson, Samuel, 193, 195, 196, 366
Riddles, Cynewulf, 21

Riley, James Whitcomb, 530, 529
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The,
214, 212, 413

Ring and the Book, The, 276
Rip Van Winkle, 382

Rise of Silas Lapham, The, 518
Rivals, The, 178

Robbins, Royal, 372

Robert of Brunne, 23, 24

Robin Hood, 7

Robinson Crusoe, 191.

Robinson, Rowland, 515, 521, 533 -
Roe, Edward Payson, 523
Romance of the Rose, The, 42
Romances, meaning of, 188, 244;
modern American, 523, 524
Romantic comedy and tragedy, 91
Romantic poetry, revival of, 172
Romanticism, Age of. See Nineteenth-
century Literature

Romeo and Juliet, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96
Romola (rom'ō lä), 310, 302
"Room, room to turn round in, to
breathe and be free," 528
Rose and the Ring, The, 300
Rossetti (ros sět'tē), Christina, 286
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 283
Roughing It, 519

Rowlandson, Mrs. Mary, 352
Rowley Papers, The, 186
Rowson, Mrs. Susanna, 365
Ruined City, The, 15

Ruskin, John, 330; life, 331; works,
333; estimate of, 335; his style,
336. 317

Russell, Clark, 399

Russell, Irwin, 529

Sackville, Thomas, 84
Sad Shepherd, The, 81, 102

Saga (sä gä) of King Olaf (ō'läf), The,

St. Augustine, his view of time, 2
Salmagundi (săl mă găn ́di), 372, 379
Sartor Resartus (sär'tor rā sär'tus or
rē sär ́tus), 327, 322
Satires of Dryden, 135
Saul, Browning, 275
Saxe, John G., 499

Scarlet Letter, The, 495, 489, 490, 493
Scenes of Clerical Life, 308

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 430

School for Scandal, The, 178
Schoolmaster, The, 103


Science, in Elizabethan times, 61; in
Victorian age, 260, 317
Science of English Verse, The, 464
Scop (skop), the Anglo-Saxon poet
or minstrel, 11, 15, 37

"Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled,"

Scott, Walter, 235; life, 235; poems,

239; novels, 240; estimate of, 242;
selected works, 243. 202, 213, 244,
376, 377

Scyld (skild), the legend of, 10
Sea Dream, A, 441
Seafarer, The, 15

Sedgwick, Catherine, 374

Seneca (sen'e cä), Lucius Annæus, 83
Sesame (ses'a mē) and Lilies, 333, 334
Shakespeare, 87; predecessors, 84;

life, 87; works, 91; estimate of, 97.
50, 56, 60, 61, 82, 102, 153, 273
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 217; life, 223;
analysis of his poems, 224; typical
works, 226

Shepherd's Calendar, The, 69, 104
Shepherd's Play, The, 79

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 178
She Stoops to Conquer, 178
Short story, the modern, 512
Sidney, Philip, 104, 37, 56, 67, 107
Sigard (sig ärd), or Sigurd, legends
of, 14

Sign language, example of the, 429
Sigurd the Volsung, 284
Silas Marner, 309

Sill, Edward Rowland, 531
Simms, William Gilmore, 372, 371
Sir Gawayne (gä'wān) and the Green
Knight, 29

Sir Guyon (gion) of The Faery Queen,

Sir Launfal (län'făl), Lowell, 450, 447
Sir Patrick Spence, 56

Sitting upon a hill so high," 70
Sketch Book, The, 381, 376, 377, 379
Sketches by Boz, 291, 290
Snow-Bound, 441, 180, 437, 442
Snow Image, The, 490, 491
Social life, eighteenth-century, 146
Sohrab (soo'rab or sõ ́răb) and Rustum
(roos'tům), 280
Song of Myself, 470
Song of Roland, 25
Song of the Shirt, The, 51


Songs and Ballads of the Revolution,

Songs of Innocence and Songs of Ex-
perience, 187

Songs of the Sierras (sē ĕr'räs), 527,
511, 526

Sonnets, Milton, 124; Wordsworth,
209; Mrs. Browning, 280; Long-
fellow, 428; Lowell, 450

Sonnets from the Portuguese, 279, 272
Southern Literary Messenger, The, 407
Southey (south'ĭ or suth'ĩ), Robert,
215, 202

Sovereignty and Goodness of God, The,

Spanish group, Irving's works, 379,

Spanish Student, The, 431
Sparrow, allegory of the, 18
Specimens of English Dramatic Poetry,
IOI, 251

Spectator, The, 163, 159, 161
Spenser, Edmund, 66; life, 66; works,
69; The Faery Queen, 71; minor
poems, 75; estimate of, 75
Spenserian (spěn sẽ ri ăn) stanza, the,

Spider, allegory of the, 472

[blocks in formation]

Stirrup Cup, The, 464

Stockton, Frank R., 515, 516

Stoddard, Richard H., 499, 537

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 499, 421, 500
Sublimity of style, 127, 128

Suckling, John, 137, 139

Summary View, A, Jefferson, 364
Sunnyside, house, 378; group of
Irving's works, 379

Sunrise, Lanier, 463

Surrey, Henry Howard, earl of, 63
Suspiria de Profundis (sus pir'i ä dā
prō fun'dis), 255
Swallow Barn, 374

"Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so
bright," 138

Swift, Jonathan, 154; life, 154; works,
155; estimate of, 157. 161, 191
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 285,
178, 222

[blocks in formation]

Telling the Bees, 441, 444

Tempest, The, 90, 95, 96

Temple, William, 154, 158

Temple, The, 138

Tennessee's Partner, 514
Tenney, Tabitha, 366

Tennyson, Alfred, 261; life, 262;
works, 264; estimate of, 269. 223,
271, 428

Tent on the Beach, The, 442
Tenth Muse, the, 349

Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, 117
Terminus, 478

Thackeray, William Makepeace, 298;
life, 299; works, 300; estimate
of, 303; compared with Dickens,
298, 302. 146, 161, 287, 294, 332,

Thanatopsis (than ǎ top'sis), 388, 389.
Thaxter, Celia, 531

"The current sweeps the old world,"

"The year's at the spring," 277
"There are no colors in the fairest
sky," 141

Thespis, 79

"This royal throne of kings, this
scepter'd isle," 60
Thomas, Edith M., 531
Thompson, Maurice, 524, 532
Thoreau (thōrō), Henry D., 502, 532,

"Thou mother with thy equal brood,"

474, 5II
Three Bears, The, 216

Threnody (threno di), Emerson, 481,

Throstle (thros'l), The, 265

Thyrsis (ther'sis), 123

Tiger Lilies, 466

Timber, 98, 107, 108

Timrod, Henry, 498, 459

Timur (te'moor), or Timour, or Tam-
erlane, or Tamburlaine, 86
Tintern Abbey (tin ́tern ǎb ́ē), 208
"'Tis Britain's care to watch o'er
Europe's Fate," 146

"'T is sweet to hear," 219
Titan literature (tỉ tăn), 226

Titus Andronicus (tī'tus ăn dron'ĭ kus
or ăn drõ nkus), 84, 89, 95

"To see the world in a grain of sand,"

To Switzerland, 200, 207

Tom Jones, 195

Tom Sawyer, 520

Tories, English, 145, 155; American,
355, 358

Torrey, Bradford, 532

Tour on the Prairies, A, 383
Tractate on Education, 117
Tragedy, meaning of, 95
Transcendentalism (tran sen den'tal-
ism), 420, 212

Travels, Carver, 364; Livingstone,
261; Mandeville, 1, 55, 103
Treasure Island, 315, 46, 411
Troilus (trō'i lus) and Cressida
(kres'i dä), Chaucer, 42; Shakes-
peare, 94, 95

Trollope (trol'up), Anthony, 313, 311
Trowbridge, John T., 512, 537
Trumbull, John, 359
Twelfth Night, 94, 95
Twice-Told Tales, 491

Two Years before the Mast, 500
Tyler, Moses Coit, 536
Typee (ti'pee), 500

Ulalume (ool a loom'), 409
Ulysses (ū lis'ēz), Tennyson, 263
Uncle Remus (rē ́mus), 521, 511
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 499, 421, 523
Unities, dramatic, 83
University wits, 84
Urn Burial, 140

Vanity Fair, 301, 300
Verne, Jules, 411
Vesper songs, 427


Vicar of Wakefield, The, 177
Victorian Age, The, 259: historical
outline, 259; poets, 261; novelists,
287; essayists and historians, 317;
summary, 336; selections for read-
ing, 336; bibliography, 337. See also
Browning, Carlyle, Dickens, etc.
Virginia Comedians, The, 501
Virginians, The, 299, 302
Virtue, George Herbert, 138
Vision of Piers Plowman, The. See

Vision of the Rood, The, 21

Vision of Sir Launfal, The. See Sir

Voices of Freedom, 438, 444
Voices of the Night, 425

Volpone (vol po'ne), or the Fox, 102
Voyages, Captain Cook, 147; Hakluyt,
103; Hawkesworth, 147

[blocks in formation]


later poems, 472; Lanier's criticism
of, 464. 328

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 434; life,
435; early works, 438; ballads and
idyls, 439; poems of faith and
nature, 442; characteristics of, 444;
compared with Lanier, 467. 351,421
"Who are you, dusky woman?" 472
"Whoe'er she be," 137

"Why so pale and wan, fond lover?"
Widsith (wēd'seth or wid'sith), 9, 14
Wieland (ve'länd), Brown, 367
Wife of Bath's Tale, The, 35, 37
Wigglesworth, Michael, 349
Wilde, Richard Henry, 373
Wilderness and Warpath, 374
Wilkins, Mary E., 515
Wilkinson, Eliza, 364

William Wilson, 405, 411, 412
Williams, John, 352

Willis, Nathaniel P., 372
Wilson, Alexander, 532
Wing and Wing, 400

Winter's Tale, The, 90, 95, 96

Winthrop, Theodore, 501

"With husky-haughty lips, O sea," 472

Woman's Reason, A, 518

Wonder Book, A, 490

Wonders of the Invisible World, 358

Wood, William, 351

Wood Notes, 475

Woodberry, George Edward, 531
Woolman, John, 365

Worde, Wynkyn (wôrd, wink ́in), de

Wordsworth, Dorothy, 204, 212

Wordsworth, William, 202; life, 203;
theory of poetry, 205; poems, 207;
Carlyle's criticism of, 329. 211, 212,
261, 350

World Soul, The, 480

Wreck of the Hesperus, The, 57
Wreck of Rivermouth, The, 439, 443
Wyatt, Thomas, 63

Wyclif (wik ́lif), John, 50, 106
Wynkyn de Worde. See Worde
Wyrd (weerd), or Weird, or Fate, 10,
12, 310

Yemassee (yěm a sẽ), The, 372, 373
Year's Life, A, 448

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